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The National Marine Sanctuary Program Moving America: Ensuring Safe Marine Transportation in Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary George Galasso NOAA.

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Presentation on theme: "The National Marine Sanctuary Program Moving America: Ensuring Safe Marine Transportation in Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary George Galasso NOAA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Marine Sanctuary Program Moving America: Ensuring Safe Marine Transportation in Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary George Galasso NOAA Olympic Coast National NMS Port Angeles, WA

2 Ensure that the transportation of commodities through the sanctuaries Ensure that the transportation of commodities through the sanctuaries remains compatible with the protection of sanctuary resources! The Challenge

3 Presentation Overview Marine Transportation in National Marine Sanctuaries –Authority –Confluence of shipping lanes and sanctuaries Olympic Coast Example Future Efforts Ensuring Safe Marine Transportation

4 National Marine Sanctuary Act provides authority for conservation and management of sanctuaries, and activities affecting them facilitate to the extent compatible with the primary objective of resource protection, all uses of sanctuary resources not prohibited by other authorities Ensuring Safe Marine Transportation

5 Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Protection Act of 1990 Created an Area to be Avoided (ATBA) Ensuring Safe Marine Transportation

6 National Marine Sanctuary Program Amendments Act of 1992 Required NOAA and the Coast Guard to report to Congress on the necessity of regulating vessel traffic in the Monterey Bay NMS Ensuring Safe Marine Transportation


8 3,300 miles 2 of diverse habitats high biological productivity 29 species marine mammals large seabird colonies cultural and historic resources protected status of coastline and islands valuable commercial fisheries U&A tribal fishing areas Pacific Rim Trade Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary

9 Major Marine Safety Initiatives Area to be Avoided (ATBA) designation Neah Bay Rescue Tug North Puget Sound Long-term Oil Spill Risk Management Panel Port Access Route Study (PARS) ATBA & Traffic Lanes reconfigured

10 Entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca


12 TSS and ATBA Prior to December 2002 TSS and ATBA Current Configuration lanes moved 10 nm offshore inbound lane moved to North sea room between ATBA and traffic lanes ATBA applies to more vessels Entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca

13 Area to be Avoided (ATBA) 1994-2002 –ATBA applied to tank vessels Effective 12/2002 –ATBA applies to tank vessels –ATBA applied to all vessels over 1600 GT

14 OCNMS ATBA Goals Education/Outreach Monitoring OCNMS Vessel Traffic Monitoring



17 Automated Information System (AIS) Carriage requirements Development of a national infrastructure- USCG NMSP efforts USCG - National Data Buoy Center Future Efforts

18 Vessel traffic monitoring Law enforcement Evaluate wildlife and shipping interactions Evaluate user conflicts NMS Uses of AIS Data Fishing vessel density Tug/Barge density

19 Summary Authority and responsibility Advances in technology Monitoring improves safety Partnerships are vital Ensuring Safe Marine Transportation

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