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ACHPER NSW Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Days 2011 Groups in Context Cultural Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "ACHPER NSW Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Days 2011 Groups in Context Cultural Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACHPER NSW Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Days 2011 Groups in Context Cultural Groups

2 Definition of the Group An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is one who: is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent ; and identifies him/herself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander ; and is accepted as such by the indigenous community where he/she lives. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

3 S – Security and Safety H – Health E – Education H – Housing A – Access to Services S – Sense of Identity S – Self Esteem E – Employment F – Financial Support Specific needs of the group H – Health E – Education E – Employment

4 Equity & Inequality What is the difference between these two terms ?

5 Equity IssueWhy is this an issue? Life Expectancy The life expectancy for indigenous Australians is approximately 20 years less than the general population. During 1996-2001, life expectancy was 59.4yrs for indigenous males and 64.8yrs for indigenous females. Access to quality health care The rates of hospitalisation are much higher among indigenous people than for the rest of the population in every age group. Low birth weight, stillbirths and neonatal deaths are nearly twice as common among births to indigenous mothers. Education about health conditions and lifestyle diseases The major causes of deaths among indigenous people are cardiovascular disease, injury, respiratory disease, cancers and endocrine diseases. Health Needs and Equity Issues

6 Equity IssueWhy is this an issue? School environmentThe environment of conventional schools, with their emphasis on ‘sit, chalk, talk’ can be difficult for indigenous students to cope with and offer limited opportunities for experiencing traditional language and customs. High School completion ratesIndigenous Australians are much less likely to complete high school than other Australians and are less likely to pursue post-school qualifications. Substandard housing, inadequate facilities for homework and study and low teacher expectations can greatly hinder indigenous peoples achievements. Poor performance at school can lower self esteem and contribute to leaving school at an early age Opportunity for educational leadership. A lack of indigenous educational role models due to lower numbers of university graduates. Education Needs and Equity Issues

7 Equity IssueWhy is this an issue? Workplace DiscriminationAboriginal people have been denied workplace opportunities because of discrimination and government policy. It was only in the late 1960s that Aboriginal people became entitled to receive equal wages. Unemployment ratesToday the unemployment rate for indigenous Australians is about three times the national average. Skill level and access to education and training The indigenous labour force has lower levels of skills. Nearly a quarter of all indigenous jobs were for labourers and other unskilled employment. Indigenous persons lack educational and vocational qualifications and many live in rural and remote areas with few job opportunities. Employment Needs and Equity Issues

8 HSC Question Outline TWO government policies that aim to address health inequities faced by ONE group that you have studied (6 marks)

9 Medicare Anti Discrimination Act (1977) Government Policies and Regulations There are a number of government policies and regulations that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

10 HSC Question For ONE group that you have studied, describe the equity issues faced and propose management strategies to address these. (8 marks) What would get you the 8 marks for this question ?

11 Management Strategies to reduce Inequalities The government and non government organisations attempt to put in place several strategies to reduce inequalities for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NeedEquity issue to be addressedManagement strategy and how it addresses this need and/or inequity EducationUniversity attendance and completion rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Non-Indigenous people were more than four times as likely to have a Bachelor Degree or above (21% compared with 5%) Non-Indigenous people are twice as likely to have an Advanced Diploma or Diploma (9% compared with 4%). HREOC 2007 University Scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples These scholarships can offer financial assistance, accommodation or employment at completion of a degree. This encourages individuals within this group to attend regularly and remain in education until they have completed their degree.

12 References Weihen, L. (2005) Community and Family Studies Teacher CD Rom, Useful Sources Weihen, L. (2005) Community and Family Studies Teacher CD Rom, * Hastings, S (-) Community and Family Studies, Preliminary Resources – Books 1, 2, 3; HSC Resources Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Titan Education, Sydney * Harrison, J. (2002) Excel Senior High School: Community and Family Studies, Pascal Press, NSW

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