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ADCP Measurement Problems Denmark Strait Overflow Longranger 75 kHz 2007 - ongoing Broadband 75 kHz Quartermaster 150 kHz.

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Presentation on theme: "ADCP Measurement Problems Denmark Strait Overflow Longranger 75 kHz 2007 - ongoing Broadband 75 kHz Quartermaster 150 kHz."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADCP Measurement Problems Denmark Strait Overflow Longranger 75 kHz 2007 - ongoing Broadband 75 kHz Quartermaster 150 kHz

2 The Problem Fast decrease of velocity not physical According to Boundary Layer theory decrease should be more near to the ground Vertical Velocity Profile of Overflow Plume

3 Hypothesis Beams have sidelobes (known) Sidelobes at 70° are of importance When instrument is tilted (strong currents), sidelobes touch ground Reflection at ground disturbs measurement

4 Test instrument has 4 beams available 3 beams needed to calculate velocity instrument tilts to one side removing the beam that points towards the ground from solution could improve velocity profile?

5 Denmark Strait Mixing Array June 24, 4-11pm, 7hJuni 18, 9am-4pm, 7hJune 14, 8am-3pm, 7h Removing a beam from solution 3 different flow situations a cb

6 Conclusion Removing a beam from the solution has always the same effect within one measurement period: increase or decrease In vicinity of ground effect is stronger Does it improve the vertical profile? Not much.

7 New Hypothesis Low backscatter intensity in clear overflow water Backscatter intensity too low to be measured accurately

8 Backscatter Intensity Vs Water Speed a c b Backscatter intensity: 60-180 counts Water speed: 0-0.8 m/s a)Low backscatter below plume maximum b)Backscatter not lower below plume maximum c)High backscatter 200 m above ground Connection between low velocity profile and backscatter intensity not consistent.

9 Conclusion Backscatter intensity could still be a reason More help from RDI would be needed to understand the causes of the problem Overlap between Longranger and Broadband in 2012-2013 measurement period at Faroe Bank Channel Any suggestions?

10 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013), under grant agreement n.308299 NACLIM

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