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Published byAngel Hensley Modified over 10 years ago
2 nd SC meeting, Rome, 19-20 January, 2014 EMODNET Lot No. 4 - Chemistry Black Sea Luminiţa Buga NIMRD, Romania Azov Sea Marmara Sea
GroupExamples Pesticidides and biocidesDDT, HCB AntifoulantsTBT, TPT Pharmaceuticalsoxytetracycline Heavy metalsmercury, cadmium, lead Hydrocarbonsanthracene, fluoroanthene Radionuclides 137 Cs, 239 Pu Fertilisersnitrogen (DIN, TN), phosphorus (DIP, TP) Organic matter (e.g. from sewers or mariculture)total carbon (TOC) Chlorophyll Silicates Partial pressures of dissolved gasesoxygen, carbon dioxide Plasticspolyethelyne, polypropylene 25 Acidity (from pH, pCO2, Total Inorganic Carbon, alkalinity) pH The Chemistry portal should deliver data and metadata for the following chemical groups, providing data in the most appropriate matrix (water column, in sediments, in biota).
Action: M1 - M6: gathering data sets following the inventory, converting these to ODV format (using NEMO software), compiling metadata in CDI format (using MIKADO software), populating the CDI service (in cooperation with MARIS), getting connected in case not yet done (configuring the Download Manager software in cooperation with MARIS) following the priority list: start with observation data sets from 1999 to present with oxygen, fertilisers/nutrients, chlorophyll-a, silicates and acidity in the water column; then follow up by observation data sets with heavy metals, hydrocarbon, pesticides, and antifulants, first in sediment and biota (Mytilus sp); then later for the water column and other biota species. The aim is to have at least the first priority done in the first 6 months to allow for the QA/QC and production of the first data products between M6 and M12. The data gathering and CDI population will continue during the project (all participants).
Bulgaria: IO-BAS (From SDN/EMONET CDI interface; all SDN Licence) Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column117 Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column117 Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column104 Silicate concentration parameters in the water column64 Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column63 Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column51 Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column46
Turkey: IMS METU -Preparation of observation data with oxygen, fertilizers/nutrients, chlorophyll-a, silicates and acidity in the water column from 1999 to present: 588 oceanographic stations with required parameters were carried out by IMS METU in Black Sea in that period. -The CDI files were prepared for all stations. At present, 73 CDIs are already included in SeaDataNet, while others are ready for submission. -The data are now undergoing quality control, which is planned to be completed at the first half of Feb 2014. Upon completing QC the ODV files will be generated and submitted to regional coordinator presumably by Feb 16, 2014 Total statio ns DOWH2S NO3-N+ NO2-N NH4PO4Si Active Chl PhaeoTotal ChlpH 58843420558232936858257734496370175
Turkey: IU-IMSM Preparation od CDIs/ODVs will start after 24 January and all data will be available for EMODNET Heavy metalsPb, Cu, Fe, Mn, Cd3 StationsBlack Sea and Black Sea exit of Istanbul Strait 1998-2000, 2005-2006 (Seasonal) Heavy metalsPb, Cu, Fe, Mn, Cd2 StationsSea of Marmara exit of Istanbul Strait 1998-2000, 2005-2006 (Seasonal) Organic matterPOC, TOC3 StationsBlack Sea and Black Sea exit of Istanbul Strait 1998-2000, 2005-2006 (Seasonal) Organic matterPOC, TOC2 StationsSea of Marmara exit of Istanbul Strait 1998-2000, 2005-2006 (Seasonal) Hydrochemical and hydrology temperature, salinity, O2, TSS 3 StationsBlack Sea and Black Sea exit of Istanbul Strait 1998-2000, 2005-2006 (Seasonal) Hydrochemical and hydrology temperature, salinity, O2, TSS 2 StationsSea of Marmara exit of Istanbul Strait 1998-2000, 2005-2006 (Seasonal)
Georgia: Number of CDI/ODV files provided by TSU/GAMMA from 1999: ParametersNumber of CDI/ODV files 1 Dissolved oxygen content in water column (+pH, Turbidity, TSS, salinity, EC) 330 2Fertilizers/nutrients79 3Chlorophyll-a5 4Heavy metals content in water column159 5Heavy metals content in sediments424 6Hydrocarbons in water column121 7Hydrocarbons content in sediments174 8Water column parameters (pH, Turbidity, TSS, salinity, EC)309 TOTAL1602 About 240 new CDI ODV files will be delivered during the year 2014.
Ukraine: UkrSCES ( Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea ) 1. Water column 1999-2003 DDT, DDE, DDD, PHB, Deldrine, Aldrine, Endrine, b-Hexachlorocyclohexane (b-HCH), Heptachlor 2. Water column 1991-2003 Phenanthrene,Anthracene,Chrysene,Fluorene,Fluoranthene,Pyrene,Perylene,Naphthalene, Acenaphthene,Pristane,Octadecene,Chrysene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(ghi)perylene. 3. Water column 2000-2003 temperature, salinity, O2, CO, SO4. Already in EMODNET (1999 +2000): Dissolved oxygen parameters316 Phosphate concentration parameters186 Nitrite concentration parameters176 Nitrate concentration parameters125 Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations106 Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration106
Ukraine: UHI-MB 1. Processed data prepared before for the UBSS project (2003 – 2010): 2. The work is continued toward time limits expantion (to 1992 and 2012), pollutant groups addition and also bottom sediment data inclusion. Continuous Ukrainian monitoring program (Dnieper-Bug estuary + Ilyichevsk + Odessa + Yalta + Kerch Strait) NH4, NO2, NO3, NO2+NO3, PO4, TP, [µg/l] 2506 Silicate [µg/l] 2501 Oxygen, hydrogen sulphide [ml/l] Oxygen = 3539, HSUL = 1133 Total alkalinity [mmol/l], pH ALKY = 2505, pH = 3509 Research project SC1 of GEF/BSERP, timeseries (Kiliya delta of Danube, Vilkovo + Dniester delta, Mayaki Dniester liman outlet, Zatoka) NH4, NO2, NO3, NO2+NO3, PO4, TP, [µg/l]158 Silicate [µg/l]158 Oxygen52 pH100 Research project SC1 of GEF/BSERP (Dnieper liman outlet, Ochakov + Kerch Strait) 2003-2004PHOS =282, TPHS = 195, NTRI = 190, NTRA = 229, AMON = 154, NTOT = 300 2003-2004298 2003-2004Oxygen = 309 2003-2004PHOS = 300, TPHS = 301, NTRI = 300, NTRA = 300, AMON = 301, NTOT = 299 2003-2004301 2003-2004Oxygen = 301, HSUL = 32 2003-2004ALKY = 301, pH = 300
Ukraine: IBSS 1. Mercury concentration in the Black Sea mussels over the period from 1987 to 2011, total amount of the data available are 138 (fig 1, 2) Fig. 2. Location of the sampling sites in different Sevastopol bays where the mercury concentration in mussels was determined by IBSS in 1987-2011 Fig. 1. Number of IBSS own data on concentration of mercury in the Black Sea mussels over the period 1987-2011
Ukraine: IBSS Fig. 3. Overall map of the sampling sites in the Black Sea where the mercury concentration in mussels was determined by IBSS in 1987-2011 Fig. 4. Map of the Black Sea locations where PCBs and DDT concentrations were measured by IBSS in surficial sediments in 2007-2011
Ukraine: MHI Sent the ODVs file till 2010 (most of them before 1999) - Chemistry water column: 1724 (fertilizers, Silicates, alkalinity, PH, etc) - Sediment: 75 Heavy metals - Radionuclides: 1200 Ukraine: YugNIRO (Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography ) NO any information received YET!! But data in SDN till 1996
Russia: SIO-RAS 1. CDI data were provided up to 2011, other will be provided start with observation data sets from 1999 to present with oxygen, fertilizers/nutrients, chlorophyll-a, silicates and acidity in the water column; 2. In addition also heavy metals will be provided Water column Fertilisers PO4-P, TP, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N, TN SIO RAS, Southern branch SIO RAS ~7800 stations Eastern coast of Black Sea 1989-2008 Monitoring program Water column Organic matter BOD5, oxydizability (Mn), organic P, organic N SIO RAS, Southern branch SIO RAS ~200 stations Eastern coast of Black Sea 2006-2008 Monitoring program Water column Some of the classes O2, H2S, pH, Total alkalinity, Si SIO RAS, Southern branch SIO RAS ~7800 stations Eastern coast of Black Sea 1999-2008 Monitoring program Water column Hydrocarbons including oil pollution SIO RAS, Southern branch SIO RAS 183 stations Eastern coast of Black Sea 2006-2008 Water column Contaminants Detergents, Fenols, Suspended solids, TPHs SIO RAS, Southern branch SIO RAS 183 stations Eastern coast of Black Sea 2006-2008 Monitoring program Sediment Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) SIO RAS, Southern branch SIO RAS 58 stationsBlack Sea2007, 2008 SedimentHeavy metals 12 parameters, including Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni SIO RAS, Southern branch SIO RAS 58 stationsBlack Sea2007, 2008
Russia: RIHMI-WDC - oceanographic data ODV format: 401 cruises, 15366 oceanographic stations (Black and Azov Seas) - NO new data after 1996 - CDIs files: working with MARIS for check these CDIs. Fig 1 – Number stations by year for period 1957-1996 (Black and Azov Seas) Fig 2 – Data coverage
Russia: SOI - Sent 921 ODV files (1996 (??? Maybe 1999) – 2011) -Chemistry: Nutrients, Silicates Oxygen, Organic Carbon, Alkalinity -T, S
Romania: NIMRD Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column738 Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column738 Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column738 Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column738 Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column738 Silicate concentration parameters in the water column738 Total metal concentrations in water bodies456 Inorganic chemical composition of sediment or rocks337 Pesticide concentrations in water bodies267 Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column239 Pesticide concentrations in sediment233
Greece: HCMR Group DataPeriodAreaStations Water column SPMSep 2002, Sep 2004Danube estuary54 Sediment MetalsSep 2002Danube estuary9 Water column NutrientsOct 2007Danube estuary28 Water column ChlorophyllOct 2007Danube estuary28 SPM Bottle data of Suspended Particulate Matter in the water from two cruises in Danube estuary 30 stations in September 2002 and 24 stations in September 2004 No CDI yet Metals Metals in sediment 9 stations in Danube estuary in September 2002, 1 to 3 cores in each station Concentrations of metals in core slices of different thickness No CDI yet Nutrients and Chlorophyll Nutrients and Chlorophyll data in the water column from 28 stations during SESAME cruise in October 2007 in Black Sea No CDI yet
Germany: UNI-Bremen PANGAEA has about 350 datasets containing chemical oceanography from the Black Sea - started to generate ODV
Present situation
Present situation (1999 -2013) Data sets per partners
Present situation 1996 - 2013 Data sets per years Seems to be data series started in the respective years
Present situation (1999 -2013) activities done: Contact with BS partners Received short reports No answer from: NEA (Georgia), IO-BAS (Bulgaria), YugNIRO (Ukraine) Received ODV/CDI files from some partners Downloaded Nutrients ODVs from SDN for 1999 – 2013 period ODV files analyses started Contacted MHI (Alexey ) Contacted MHI (Alexey Khaliulin) - received some ODVs from Emodnet 1; - received some ODVs from Emodnet 1; - next: the PARADOX files will be transferred to NIMRD - next: the PARADOX files will be transferred to NIMRD
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