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Unit 3 Swimming across Borders. Acknowledgement This power point presentation is part of the collaborative work of fifteen ELI / KAU female English language.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Swimming across Borders. Acknowledgement This power point presentation is part of the collaborative work of fifteen ELI / KAU female English language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Swimming across Borders

2 Acknowledgement This power point presentation is part of the collaborative work of fifteen ELI / KAU female English language instructors. The project comprises the PowerPoint presentations which are presented to the students, the worksheets uploaded on the contributors websites and the revision units. The names of the teachers who collaborated in the project are as follows according to alphabetical order as per first name:

3 Acknowledgement (cont..) 1.Ms. Amany Abuliel 2.Dr. Amal Shousha 3.Ms. Dahlia Yuosri 4.Ms. Fatima Atteya 5.Ms. Gehan Ismail 6.Ms. Hanan Orabi 7.Ms. Heba Tantawy 8.Ms. Ingie Zakaria 9.Ms. Jehan Jahin 10.Ms. Marwa El Deeb 11.Ms. Nahed Moussa 12.Ms. Ragia Magdeldin 13.Ms. Sherine Eldeeb 14.Ms. Zainab Hefnawy

4 Main idea of the Unit Look at the picture, answer the following questions: Who is the person in the uniform? Who are all the people around him? What are they doing? Why?

5 Main idea of the Unit This unit explores the characteristics, abilities, and achievements of athletes.

6 New Vocabulary Athletes (n.) : Someone who has sports abilities A hero (n.): a man who is admired for doing something extremely brave (heroine) Admire (v.): to respect and like someone because he/she has done something that you think is good. League (n.): professional baseball Plane Crash: plane accident Tolerate (v.): not have problems with Talent (n.): be naturally good at something

7 More New Vocabulary Broke the record: was better than the best ever Outstanding (adj.): better than excellent Border (n.): line separating two countries Achievements (n.): things that you do successfully Challenge (n.): something that is interesting because it is difficult

8 More New Vocabulary Autobiography (n.): a book in which someone writes about his own life. Biography (n.): a book that tells what has happened in someone’s life written by someone else. Vita/ vitae (n.): a list of the most important events in a person’s life with the dates of these events. Marathon (n.): a 26-mile 385 yards (42.2k) race. Cross- Country: distance race across land, instead of on roads. Championship (n.):a competition to find which player, team etc is the best in a particular sport. Ambassador(n.): representative of one’s country

9 Reading One: Swimming to open Borders PP. 41- 44 It is the story of Lynne Cox, a long – distance swimmer who has not only broken records, but who also swims to focus attention on and to lessen political tensions among countries.

10 Reading Passage p. 42 Swimming To Open Up Borders


12 Reading for Main Ideas Match the sentence beginnings on the left with those on the right a. because she wants to encourage peace. 1. Lynne Cox breaks a lot of records b. because she is very fast and can tolerate cold water. 2. Lynne Cox can swim in very cold water c. because she has an extra layer of fat around her organs. 3. Lynne Cox swims between countries

13 Answer Key 1.b 2.c 3.a

14 Reading for Details 1. Put the sentences in order by time; 1 for what happened first, 2 what happened second …etc. …… Lynne breaks the English Channel record. …… Lynne swims off the coast of Southern California. …… Lynne swims across the Bering Strait. …… Lynne swims between Argentina and Chile. …… Lynne swims around the Cape of Good Hope.

15 Answer Key The order is as follows: 2 1 4 5 3

16 2.Complete the sentences with the number in the following list: 10 30 12 3 2.7 38 5 1.Lynne Cox started to swim when she was …… years old. 2.She swam …… miles across the Bering Strait. 3.The water in the Bering Strait was as cold as ….. degrees Fahrenheit. 4.Lynne swam the English Channel in less than …… hours. 5.When Lynne was swimming around the Cape of Good Hope, a …. foot shark came too close. 6.When she was swimming near Sweden, she had to watch out for …… foot- long jellyfish. 7.Most people would die after about ….. minutes in very cold water.

17 Answer Key 1.5 2.2.7 3.38 4.10 5.12 6.3 7.30

18 Reading Two The Athlete’s Life P.45- 46 It presents the professional achievements of three well- known athletes, Pele, Grete Waitz, and George Foreman, in Vitae form. A vita is a list of the most important events in a person’s life with the dates of these events.

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