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ESONET LIDO - Demo Mission: the East Sicily node The Laboratori Nazionali del Sud–INFN (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics) has set up two cabled deep.

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Presentation on theme: "ESONET LIDO - Demo Mission: the East Sicily node The Laboratori Nazionali del Sud–INFN (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics) has set up two cabled deep."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESONET LIDO - Demo Mission: the East Sicily node The Laboratori Nazionali del Sud–INFN (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics) has set up two cabled deep sea infrastructures offshore East Sicily (off Catania harbour -2100 m and off Capo Passero -3500 m). The first one, off-shore Catania, operated in collaboration with INGV (Italian Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology), is aimed at technological R&D and multidisciplinary science and it the place of deployment of LIDO-DM East Sicily. Two LIDO seafloor stations will be installed in Test Site North cable termination (TSN) and in the Test Site South termination (TSS). The TSN hosts a geophysical-oceanographic- bio-acoustic GEOSTAR-type observatory while the TSS observatory host a seafloor module for the detection of mammals. The joint system including the two observatories is capable to track mammal passage in the Messina Strait. LNS Test Site Laboratory at the port of Catania LNS-INFN Catania Internet Radio Link Junction Box Test Site South 5 km The Catania Test Site 2100 m depth 20 km Test Site North 5 km INGV SHORE STATION New power supply unit, with status parameter monitoring Observatory control PC operating through a dedicated LAN providing direct access to SN1 payload through bi-directional serial communication Interfacing with other PCs inside the Lab through another LAN Connected to GPS antenna and providing timing synchronisation (ntp server) to PCs in the Lab Data back-up through hard disk mirroring (RAID1) LIDO SN-1 data acquisition flow INGV and ISMAR activities D. Embriaco, G. Marinaro, G. Giovanetti, S. Monna, A. De Santis, E. Qamili, M. Decaro, F. Frugoni, N. Lo Bue, P. Favali, L. Beranzoli, F. Chierici, L. Pignagnoli and N. Zitellini The Catania Site is operational since 2005, when the deep-sea multi- parameter station SN1 (Submarine Network 1), equipped with geophysical and environmental sensors and the NEMO-O DE (Neutrino Mediterranean Observatory – Ocean Noise Detection Experiment), equipped with 4 broadband hydrophones, were deployed. Both stations operated in real-time mode for two years. SN1 and O DE were recovered in 2008 in view of LIDO. LIDO DM in East Sicily consists in the installation of two stations, located in Catania TSN and TSS, at a relative distance of about 5 km. The whole system will be connected and powered from shore, and synchronised with GPS. Sensors data sampling is performed underwater and data are transmitted via optical fibres. This will also permit real-time data acquisition, analysis and distribution on-shore. Dedicated computing and networking infrastructure for data acquisition, storage and distribution through the internet has been also created. SN1- recovery Sensors in the LIDO Catania Test Site North Station Environmental monitoring: CTD, 3-Component single point current meter, turbidity meter, ADCP; Geohazard: low frequency hydrophone, accelerometer, gravity meter, vector and scalar magnetometers, seismometer, absolute and differential pressure gauges; Bioacoustics: tetrahedral array of 4 hydrophones (45 kHz bandwidth, 24 bit /96 kHz sampling) (in red added sensors to the previous installation) The TSN station 2 m An upgraded version of an innovative Tsunameter developed for GEOSTAR observatory in the NEAREST EC project and specifically designed to operate in generation areas, was installed on board of SN1 and adapted to the electro-optical cable connection. The Tsunameter includes a bottom pressure recorder, a 3-component broad-band seismometer and an accelerometers. The data acquired by these sensors are processed in real time, using a innovative tsunami detection algorithm, able to detect tsunami pressure signals as small as few millimetres. The tsunami detection procedure is based either on pressure events either on seismic events. INFN activities SMID hydrophone + preamplifier moulded in deep sea cable (Seacon) INFN and INGV jointly operate the PEGASO Cougar Seaeye ROV capable of deep-sea operations at 4000 m wd. The ROV will be used to deploy LIDO. INGV GPS clock transmission Data parsing/distribution Main storage off-line nalysis Database INFN-LNSINFN Shore Laboratory hydrophone data acquistion GPS time stamping Data transmission to shore - fixed latency - known optical walk GPS receiver On-line analyis Temporary Storage GRID ? INFN has carried out a intense work of R&D and prototyping to set up novel underwater stations for sound monitoring to be also used in the field of bio-acoustics. Within the LIDO activities INFN has first recovered the NEMO-OnDE experiment after 3 years of deployment at 2100 mwd and performed end-of-the-mission analysis. The system was found still perfectly working, demonstrating the reliability of the adopted technological solutions. INFN has also developed new large bandwith hydrophones in collaboration with SMID, capable to resist to very high pressure. The sensitivity of the hydrophones was measured at high pressure using a new calibration procedure developed at NURC. INFN has designed and built the refurbished version of the OnDE station to be used in LIDO. The combination of OnDE and SN1 aims to be an innovative multi- parameteric gophysics and biacoustic deep sea station. INFN has also developed a novel technology that permits synchronisation with GPS of underwater cabled stations allowing time- correlation between different sensors (acoustics, environmetal, geophisics) with resolution <1us. The system will be tested onboard LIDO for the first time. INFN has eventually set up the data acquisition and trasnmission system for bioacoustic data of LIDO. The system is capable to host multi-client connection for on-line data analysis and full data recording. CIBRA-Univ. Of Pavia will provide the Seapro software for on-line data visulaisaton and analysis. The software, updated to be fully compatible with LIDO data is a refererence for bioacoustic signal search and analyis Deep Sea Detetcors with large bandwith hydrophones (sampling 192 or 96 kHz, 24 bits) Hydrophone sensitivity calibrated at NURC Final integration at the INFN-LNS Shore Lab of Catania INFN-LNS, Via S. Sofia 62, I-95123, Catania, Italy: Giorgio Riccobene, Giovanni Barbagallo, Giorgio Cacopardo, Claudio Calì, Rosanna Cocimano, Rosa Coniglione, Michele Costa, Antonio D’Amico, Francesco Del Tevere, Carla Distefano,Francesco Ferrera, Valentina Giordano, Massimo Imbesi, Dario Lattuada, Emilio Migneco, Mario Musumeci, Angelo Orlando, Riccardo Papaleo, Paolo Piattelli, Guido Raia, Alberto Rovelli, Mario Sedita, Piera Sapienza, Fabrizio Speziale, Agata Trovato, Salvatore Viola; Università La Sapienza and INFN-Roma 1, P.le Aldo Moro 2, I-00185, Roma,Italy: Fabrizio Ameli, Maurizio Bonori, Antonio Capone, Rocco Masullo, Francesco Simeone. And the full NEMO INFN- Collaboration BEUTH HS contribution Organization and logistics for the deployment Deployment of the TSN-Station with MODUS (Mobile Docker for Underwater Sciences) – positioning in place and orientation MODUS is shown in the photo (SN1-recovery) on top of the bottom station Logging, documentation and interpretation of deployment operation Evaluation of the results for the scope of operational abilities The TSN station 2 m TECNOMARE activities F. Bruni, F. Furlan, F. Gasparoni, S. Virgilio SN-1 peculiarities SN-1 is the first European cabled seafloor observatory, maintaining the essential features of GEOSTAR-class observatory concept Standard interface for MODUS deployment and recovery vehicle Open frame, reconfigurable according to different mission requirements Standard interfaces available for scientific and technical payload All data referred to a common time reference Standard solution for seismometer management Most components (hardware, software, mechanics) designed according to a standardised approach Well proven operational procedures SN-1 technological upgrade Based on the LIDO Demo Mission requirements, SN-1 has been object of an extensive upgrade work Hybrid configuration (cabled and autonomous) replaced by a fully cabled configuration Dedicated frame (ROV operable) for magnetometers Upgraded data acquisition and mission control electronics Management of the additional scientific payload New telemetry featuring both Ethernet and RS-232 optical transmission New shore station Status parameters monitoring All sensors individually accessible Connection to external LAN for remote access and data dissemination Tsunameter

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