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Improving patient care through real-time electronic data capture with Digital Pen & Paper Urban Fröderberg Business Area Manager – Healthcare Anoto AB.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving patient care through real-time electronic data capture with Digital Pen & Paper Urban Fröderberg Business Area Manager – Healthcare Anoto AB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving patient care through real-time electronic data capture with Digital Pen & Paper Urban Fröderberg Business Area Manager – Healthcare Anoto AB Sweden Prague, Czech Republic September 21, 2010

2 Agenda Digital Pen & Paper technical overview Brief demo DP&P compared with other data capture methods 3 case reports from the healthcare sector –Helicopter rescue service (GE) –Midwives in Portsmouth (UK) –Anaesthetic Data Capture, Mönchengladbach (GE) Pros & Cons overview Conclusions Copyright © Anoto AB

3 Anoto technology – The basics The Anoto technology is based on two major components: The Anoto pattern The Anoto Digital Pen 5/12/2015 Copyright © Anoto AB

4 Anoto technology – The digital pen 5/12/2015Copyright © Anoto AB Pen captures 75 images per second Registers: - Location - Speed of writing - Pressure sensor - Inclination and rotation - Time of use Images are used for calculating the current coordinates Each coordinate is labelled with a time stamp Pen can store up to 400 forms Data is transferred via Bluetooth or USB Battery Memory Camera Ink Cartridge and force sensor Bluetooth transceiver/USB Processor

5 Anoto technology – The global pattern 5/12/2015Copyright © Anoto AB Which corresponds to 6.7 x 10 20 possible combinations… …and would cover Europe and Asia



8 Analysis of current technologies and devices for mobile data capture Ronaldt Boldt & Jörg Raasch University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Germany

9 Capturing time by age group Age:Seconds:

10 Error rates by device category

11 Effects of computer training Seconds:

12 The use of DP&P in healthcare, three case reports Helicopter rescue service in Germany Midwives in Portsmouth, UK Anaesthetic data capture, Mönchengladbach, GE

13 ADAC helicopter rescue service in Germany Background –ADACs 45 rescue helicopters conduct over 45.000 missions / year and the need for accurate information is crucial Problem/need –Rescue operations must be documented thoroughly, e.g. location, time and patient data

14 ADAC helicopter rescue service in Germany Solution –A digital emergency doctors log form, a digital pen and a verification software incl. handwriting recognition Advantage –4 – 5 times faster and error-free data entry –Paper hard copy following patient Next step –The “dotforms solution” to be rolled out at all 33 ADAC rescue centers / 45 rescue helicopters

15 Midwives in Portsmouth, UK Background –Home care of patients is often provided by nurses and midwives –Activities and notes were recorded on paper forms Problem/need –Midwives manually filled out an 80 pages maternity visit form –Data was re-entered back at hospital (mistyped, overlooked) –Maternity Notes form stayed with the mother to be, should be brought to hospital for birth (forgotten, lost) Solution –Digital Pen, Maternity Notes form (with Anoto dot pattern) and BlackBerry smartphone (Bluetooth connected)

16 Midwives in Portsmouth, UK Advantage –Ability to: pull out previous records to check history, use GPS for directions, message with other midwives and recive alerts Results –Private patient data far more secure –Administration time cut in half, from 98 to 48 minutes / care episode –Annual savings of £220.000 –More time with expected mothers Next steps –Deployed to 130 midwives (done) –Community Nursing and Accident & Emergency departments next

17 Anaesthetic Data Capture, Mönchengladbach, GE Background –During an operation anaesthetic-related data needs to be documented quickly and accurately Problem/need –The information used to be collected manually with ballpoint pen and paper and then entered manually into computer back end systems for further processing Improvement requirement –An option that enabled handwritten documentation to be entered straight into the hospital computer system

18 Midwives in Portsmouth, UK ”We have freed up time to care equivalent to five full time midwives”, the solution will ”pay for itself and begin generating savings in the first year, in second and third year it’s all savings.” Richard Sargent, PHT

19 Anaesthetic Data Capture, Mönchengladbach, GE Solution –A solution built on Digital Pen & Paper technology that allows the documentation process to remain unchanged –Paper original stays with the patient Advantage –As soon as the anaesthetic log is filled in the data is available in hospital computer system

20 Healthcare Case reports

21 Pros High quality capture Immediately transfers data into system Easy to use – same as normal pen and paper! Traceability: what paper–what pen–what time Rugged and stable technology Inexpensive Not intimidating, not disruptive

22 Cons Needs electricity (charging) Requires well-defined print output control Ink can not be erased Requires PC or mobile phone for data transfer Limited feedback Not an open standard

23 Conclusions Provides fast and accurate data capture Saves time and money Helps provide better care All cases can be found on web site: Contact:

24 Questions

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