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A New Way of Saving Lives Presented by Patent pending ( Inventor Richard Gaillard, Swiss national, 1946 ) Speaking languages : French, German, English,

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Presentation on theme: "A New Way of Saving Lives Presented by Patent pending ( Inventor Richard Gaillard, Swiss national, 1946 ) Speaking languages : French, German, English,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Way of Saving Lives Presented by Patent pending ( Inventor Richard Gaillard, Swiss national, 1946 ) Speaking languages : French, German, English, Italian Swiss patent N° 01697/14 pending International patent PCT request pending Dubai - Leysin - November 2014 English version

2 Flight assistance for helicopters without vision  The top and permanent priority of the invented devices resides in the implementation and management of secured flight systems by bad weather conditions as fog and snowfall (except icing accretion problem).  Each year, more than 100 accidents of helicopters cause the death of more than 300 people. In the USA, for example, 50 people on average die each year by helicopters accidents.  In Switzerland, since 1994 (20 years) 60 people died by helicopters accidents.  The 2/3 of these accidents were caused because of bad weather conditions (snow, fog, storm), by collisions with cables (High voltage, Cable car, phone-lines), take off & landing (summits of trees, buildings close to landing areas) and finally by collisions between two helicopters.  The flight assistance’ devices will be able to make it possible to avoid at least more than 80% of the 2/3 of the cases of accidents whose causes are mentioned in the previous paragraph.  The financial consequences of these accidents are of second importance. Only the human lives and the family consequences due to their deaths which they generate are to be taken into great account.  It is also necessary to consider dramatic statistics which never could be established, that of the people deceased or seriously injured following a heart disease, stroke (CVA), other serious disease and by accidents, road in particular, which could not be transported in university or specialized hospitals because of the bad weather conditions which did not make it possible the helicopters to fly. The fact that helicopters cannot fly by snow or fog periods prevented the Swiss air rescue Guard from helping approximately 600 people per year (more than 50’000 around the World). Currently, to fly by IFR is possible only in very limited portions of the Swiss national territory (5% only of the ski resorts). The flight by IFR decreases the payload in respect of the regulations relating to the fuel supplement to be embarked.  These devices can be implemented by programs of priorities and over a spread out period.


















20 Flight assistance for helicopters without vision  There are more than 60 thousand civil helicopters in activity  A little more than 15% these helicopters are used for medical missions and other urgent services  Ten thousand helicopters could be thus equipped with the invented devices  In Switzerland, a hundred landing strips (heliports - hospitals), 1'500 km of medical ways in plain, 800 km in valleys, 1'000 man-made obstacles, especially these created by cables should be equipped with GPS beacons (90% doubles and 10% simple), for overall costs of 40 million Swiss francs approximately. In Switzerland also, the annual average costs of helicopters’ accidents rise with more than 10 million Swiss francs (human consequences - families and helicopters)  The regulations of IFR flight, in particular relating to the fuel supplement to be embarked, would force certain air rescue companies to acquire new more powerful helicopters. The IFR flight is more than 50 % expensive as the VFR flight, today. Partners concerned  Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation  Air rescue companies  Company of creation, integration, management and maintenance of avionic systems and processes, including in particular all the computer programs and the devices of transmission- reception of hertzian signals (Terrestrial and space )  Company of creation, management and maintenance of navigation systems, standard GPS motor vehicles, adapted to the flight of helicopters (small tourism planes possibly)  Company - production of transponders RFID  Manufacturers of helicopters  Production and installation companies of masts and other supports of beacons  Winter sports resorts and isolated towns and villages


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