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Goddard Space Flight Center 1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Wallops Flight Facility A View of Wallops Bill Wrobel Director, Wallops Flight Facility.

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Presentation on theme: "Goddard Space Flight Center 1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Wallops Flight Facility A View of Wallops Bill Wrobel Director, Wallops Flight Facility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goddard Space Flight Center 1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Wallops Flight Facility A View of Wallops Bill Wrobel Director, Wallops Flight Facility October 3, 2012

2 Wallops Flight Facility Snapshot Facility: >6000 acres on VA’s Eastern Shore Established in 1945 Assets: >$1.2B Mission: Provide capabilities & services to enable science, technology, and education from space Suborbital & small orbital “research carriers” Mission operations (Research Range, orbital tracking) Technology development Earth science research Educational flight projects Economic Impact: NASA Budget: ~$218M (FY12) NASA Workforce: 270 Civil Servants, ~800 contractors Tenant Workforce: ~600 personnel National Impact: ~$400M annually, >3100 jobs 2

3 Wallops Mission 3

4 Sounding Rocket Program 20 missions using 8 different vehicle configurations conducted from 4 launch sites during FY12 – 25 missions scheduled for FY13 4

5 Recent Sounding Rocket Mission Highlights ATREX – Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment – 5 rockets launched on 80 second intervals – Study of upper atmosphere jet stream IRVE 3 – Inflatable Reentry Vehicle Experiment – Technology demonstration of deployed inflatable decelerator for atmospheric entry 5

6 Balloon Program 9 successful missions conducted from 3 launch sites during FY12 – Includes test flight of SF-490 balloon film – Includes test flight of Wallops Arc Second Pointer 6

7 New Wallops Aircraft 7 C-23 Sherpa – supporting airborne science UH-1H Helicopter – providing Launch Range surveillance & clearance – 3-year loan from LaRC T-34 Mentor – providing chase plane support for Global Hawks C-130 Hercules (coming soon) – To provide logistics & possibly science missions

8 Hurricane & Severe Storm Sentinel (HS-3) Global Hawk UAS flown from WFF during September to conduct hurricane studies – 1 st of 3-year program Wallops Global Hawk Operations Center under construction at WFF for future campaigns 8

9 ER-2 Operations At Wallops DFRC’s ER-2 at WFF in September to support Minimum Anticipated Biological Effect Level (MABEL) Included flights over eastern & mid-western U.S. Instruments included GSFC’s CATS & CPL 9

10 ISS CREAM WFF managing an SMD- sponsored ISS experiment – U of MD’s Cosmic Ray Energetics & Mass (CREAM) Will launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 – Payload readiness date: 9/2014 10 CREAM Interface Location on JEM EF (EFU2) JEM EF CREAM Instrument Structure

11 Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) WFF supporting an OCT- sponsored program to demonstrate planetary reentry using inflatable structures Test article dropped from balloon, and accelerated using rocket – 4 flights from Hawaii in 2014-5 11

12 Highlights of Wallops Education in 2012 12 Wallops Rocket Academy for Teachers and Students (WRATS) Wallops Balloon Experience for Education (WBEE) RockOn! HASP FIRST Robotics University, Community College and High School Internships HS3 Workshop Take a Child to Work SEEC 9/19/12

13 Major Research Range Activities Operationally Responsive Space-3 (ORS-3) – Minotaur I launch for Operationally Responsive Space Office – Launch date in between July- October 2013 Lunar Atmosphere & Dust Experiment Explorer (LADEE) – Lunar orbiting spacecraft launched on Minotaur V in Aug. 2013 – Instruments managed by GSFC 13

14 Antares Preparations continue for initial flights of Antares from WFF to resupply cargo to the ISS – Orbital Sciences began vehicle development at WFF in Spring 2011 – Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS) turned over the new launch complex to Orbital last week Schedule – Fueling testing planned during October – Hot Fire Test expected in November – 1 st launch possible before end of December 14

15 Pad 0A Redevelopment 15 Before After

16 Antares Processing in the Horizontal Integration Facility (HIF) 16

17 Antares Rollout and Transporter Erector Launcher Operations 17

18 Cygnus Processing in H-100/Payload Processing Facility 18

19 Recent Beach Replenishment 19

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