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32 Years of Caring for Children What is KPTI? Thirty-two years ago an idea to develop a sustained program for the care of injured children was imagined.

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2 32 Years of Caring for Children What is KPTI?

3 Thirty-two years ago an idea to develop a sustained program for the care of injured children was imagined by a group of visionary Kiwanians from Maine led by Hap Gerrish. The Institute provides care for critically injured children, research to find better ways to treat and prevent injuries, and education about pediatric trauma. This became a reality with the establishment of the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute at the Floating Hospital for Children in Boston.

4 A Brief History of KPTI In 1981 The New England District of Kiwanis and Tufts Medical Center joined together to provide the first comprehensive program for the care of injured children. KPTI became the model for trauma programs throughout the US and the world and has remained committed to this goal.

5 A Brief History of KPTI Part of the KPTI mission was to help establish helicopter transport of patients from around New England. The first helicopter-transported patient (a 14 year old boy injured in an explosion) was air lifted to the Floating Hospital in 1985. Kiwanis clubs around New England helped establish landing pads at Tufts Medical Center and in their own communities.

6 What does the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute do? KPTI is a combined effort of the New England District of Kiwanis and Tufts Medical Center to improve the lives of children through: 1.The treatment of pediatric trauma patients and their families 2.Research concerned with clinical and scientific aspects of pediatric trauma 3.Injury prevention education and outreach efforts

7 Education for first responders (EMTs), nurses and doctors about the specialized care that pediatric trauma patients require. Physicians, nurses, technicians and staff provide medical care for patients. KPTI also provides supportive resources for patients and families such as overnight amenities, blankets, Keyclubby bears, toys, hospital dolls, safety information, and other services and materials to make a child’s hospital stay less stressful. Patient Care Support

8 One of our patients, Alex, 15 years old, was admitted in May 2012. He was crossing the street, was struck by a car and suffered a severe head injury. KPTI provided the medical and supportive care needed for him and his family to recover fully from this devastating injury. Patient Care Support

9 Pediatric Trauma Research Clinical How are CT scans being used in the ED? Is this the best practice? Basic Science Is there a way to re-grow or repair injured nerve cells?

10 Injury Prevention Programs are developed by KPTI and distributed to children and families in the community by Kiwanis Clubs throughout New England and Bermuda. The goal: Educate everyone about safe practices and behavior so that fewer children die or are seriously injured.

11 Injury Prevention Programs 6 prevention programs that target families with children ages birth through 15 years.* 1.Early Childhood Injury Prevention (ECIP) 2.Bicycle Safety – Classroom instruction – “I’M SAFE” 3.Bicycle Safety – Rodeo 4.Seat belt safety – B.E.L.T.S. 5.Anti-Bullying 6.Concussions *Based on injuries seen in the Emergency Department

12 KPTI: A Unique Institution First Pediatric Trauma Institute in the world to incorporate specialized pediatric trauma care, trauma research and injury prevention outreach. A model for Trauma Centers throughout the country. Largest and most comprehensive outreach initiative among Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Programs in the country.

13 What are people saying about KPTI? American College of Surgeons: One of the strengths of the trauma program at the Floating Hospital for Children is “the relationship of Floating Hospital and the Kiwanis organization and their commitment to caring for injured children. In addition [is] the superior and far reaching injury prevention programs and public education programs that have been fostered from this relationship.” Re-verification site visit report 2008 and 2011

14 Director: Walter J. Chwals, MD Chief of Pediatric Surgery Pediatric Trauma Nurse Coordinator: Leslie Rideout, FNP, PhD Injury Prevention: Vicky Guerina, MFA KPTI STAFF

15 Circle K and Key Club

16 How can my club participate? By using the safety programs and materials provided by KPTI at no additional cost to your club. By supporting the Kiwanis Foundation of New England which provides the funding that keeps our patient support and research active and allows us to provide safety outreach programs for your clubs. Contact us at 617-636-6381 or….

17 For more information visit our website: Kennett High School Key Club


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