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Dolly Ramos G.  Reasons for concentring on learners’ Errors More evident/ how much ss have learn t(stage development) Useful for teachers & researcher.

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Presentation on theme: "Dolly Ramos G.  Reasons for concentring on learners’ Errors More evident/ how much ss have learn t(stage development) Useful for teachers & researcher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dolly Ramos G

2  Reasons for concentring on learners’ Errors More evident/ how much ss have learn t(stage development) Useful for teachers & researcher Learners discover errors (strategies)

3 Second Language Acquisition 3 Random performance slip caused by fatigue, excitement, etc. Readily self-corrected Mistake:. Systematic deviation by learners who have not yet mastered the rules. More difficult to correct. Indication of learner’s attempt to figure out the L2 system Error:

4 based on cross-linguistic comparisons (early stages) Transfer Selinker (1980s) Interlingual based on language being learned (more advance stages) overgeneralization Intralangual Teacher/classroom/ material (induced errors, false concepts, misleading explanation) Untutored (sociolinguistic) Context of Learning

5  Researcher and teachers begun to undesrtand that L2 learning is:  Creative process / constructive system/ conscoiusly testing hypothesis / make sense of the TLg Thru sources of knowledge (to provide order to ss Lg system) Target Lg Lg in general Life/ people Native Lg universe Communicative Functions

6 Compares languages to determine potential errors and identify what needs to be learned and what does not. A priori or strong view: will predict learning outcomes A posterior or weak view: will help explain learning outcomes, especially errors. Contrastive analysis 1950s, Robert Lado, Selinker and Gass (1980s)

7  Productive errors are those which occur in the language learner's utterances.  Receptive or interpretive errors are those which result in the listener's misunderstanding of the speaker's intentions.

8 GLOBAL ERROR LOCAL ERROR  is one which involves "the overall structure of a sentence"  is one which affects "a particular element." Richards, et al. (1985:123) An error can vary in magnitude It can cover a phoneme, a morpheme, a word, a phrase, a sentence, or even a paragraph

9  omission of some required element  addition of some unnecessary or incorrect element  selection of an incorrect element  misordering of elements.

10  Tarea para cada habilidad y sub-habilidad dar un ejemplo claro de errores que comúnmente los compañeros cometen con base en:.  Habilidades  Speaking, listening, reading,writing  Sub-habilidades  Grammar, pronuntiation, lexis

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