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Bell Ringer Begin the crossword puzzle – you will finish it for the Closing activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Begin the crossword puzzle – you will finish it for the Closing activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Begin the crossword puzzle – you will finish it for the Closing activity.

2 NEXT TIME/SOON: Complete Crossword Puzzle We will… You will be able to… Explore Renaissance artists and their art. Today in class… LanguageSocial Studies Define Patron, Vernacular. Use vocabulary in a crossword puzzle. Describe a piece of Renaissance art using vocabulary words. Identify key people of the Renaissance and their contributions. Analyze examples of Renaissance art.

3 Person: Johannes Gutenberg Work: Invented the Printing Press Other Information: Gutenberg Bible finished in 1455 (first full sized book printed with movable type). What does the printing press remind you of in OUR world?

4 Vocabulary Vernacular – one’s native language What is your vernacular? How do you think people felt when they could read the Bible in their own language?

5 Person: Leonardo da Vinci Works: Mona Lisa, Last Supper, Virtruvian Man Other Information: __________________ ____________ Modern Day Renaissance Man

6 da Vinci’ s “The Last Supper”

7 Person: Desiderius Erasmus Work: Praise of Folly Other Information: Humanist “Doctors…in that line of business the more ignorant, rash, and brainless he is, the more he is esteemed.” “The mind of man is far more attracted by what is fictitious, than by what is true…consider sermons in churches…if something serious is being spoken, all are asleep nodding their heads appearing thoroughly bored. But if the bawler (speaker) begins to relate some old yarn (story)...everyone sits up and drinks it in (listens) eagerly.”

8 Person: Thomas More Work: Utopia Other Information: Humanist

9 Person: Machiavelli Work: The Prince

10 “Before all else, be armed.” “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” “It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver.”

11 Person: Medici Family Work: Merchant family who supported artists & purchased a lot of art

12 Vocabulary Patron = Rich person who pays artists, architects, musicians, or writers to produce works of art Can you think of a modern day patron of the arts?

13 Person: Michelangelo Works: Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Sculpture of David, and St. Peter’s Basilica Other Information: Painter, Sculptor, Architect

14 Person: Raphael Work: School of Athens

15 Person: Shakespeare Works: Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet Other Information: Playwright and Poet from England Based on “Taming of the Shrew”

16 Renaissance Art Lifelike: –Looked realistic –Artists studied the body Perspective: –Had depth –3D Emotion: –Showed how the artist felt Secular –Non-religious, worldly –Renaissance art was sometimes religious and sometimes secular

17 Renaissance Museum Directions: Take a tour of our “museum” and analyze each piece of Renaissance Art. Write “YES” in every characteristic that is present in the piece of art. When you are done, answer the reflection question in your Journal. Describe one of the pieces of art you analyzed in 25 words or more. Use the word bank for ideas.

18 Closing Complete the Crossword puzzle. Turn it in as you leave. If you do not finish, it is HW and due the beginning of next block.

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