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Achieving Creditable Menus and Receipts. Menu and Production Records.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Creditable Menus and Receipts. Menu and Production Records."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Creditable Menus and Receipts

2 Menu and Production Records

3 Menus  The food program is moving in a new direction. The USDA and the state of Kentucky are reevaluating the CACFP and aligning with the Code of Federal Regulations and The Healthy, Hunger- Free Kids Act of 2010.  CACFP’s main interest is to make certain the children are being fed good healthy food.  The accountability has shifted to accurate menus and receipts.

4 A Documented Menu Will Include:  SPECIFIC LANGUAGE is required on the menus. Fresh, frozen or canned.  Dated menus must be posted in the center for the parents and staff to see.  Menus must be planned and posted each week. Cycle menus are recommended.

5 A Documented Menu Will Include:  A menu template is available on the CACFP website. You can download the template onto your computer so you can plan your menus.  Substitutions should be noted on the menu at the start of the day.

6  The menus will be required in your monthly folder in place of the menu and production records.  The infant menu and production will stay the same as it is currently. Infant menus will be placed in the monthly folder as well.  If extra food items are served, you may place them on the menu along with the required components.

7  Menu

8 Components of Daily Meals  Will have the same food components required as in previous years.  Breakfast- Milk, Fruit/ Juice, and Bread/Grains. Must serve 3 components.  Lunch or Supper- Milk, Meat/ Meat Alternative, Fruit/ Vegetable (2), Bread/Grains. Must serve 5 components.  AM or PM Snack- Milk, Meat/ Meat Alternative, Fruit/ Vegetable/ Juice, Bread/ Grains. Must serve 2 components.

9 Milk  Milk served to persons two years of age and older must be low-fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) milk.  Meals served to participants two years of age and older that include reduced –fat (2%) or whole milk are not reimbursable and must be disallowed.  Children 1-2 years old State Agency RECOMMENDS whole milk

10 Let's Take A Closer Look!

11 Receipts A Closer Look……

12 Good Receipt

13 Examples of Inappropriate Receipts  2 corn dogs @3.99 7.98  Nail Polish 2.69 2.69  Bic Lighter 1.29 1.29  10 Gal Whole Milk @2.29 22.90  Men’s Socks 6.996.99  Toilet Tissue 10.9710.97  Paper Towels 6.976.97  Cover Girl Foundation 5.965.96  10 Strawberries @ 1.2912.90  10 Multi Grain Cheerios@ 3.5935.90  10 Doz Eggs @1.5915.90  Marlboro 5.00 5.00  Total 137.50 Personal items on food receipt.

14 RECEIPTS  The menus will be supported by the receipts of food purchases.  Receipts must be dated and have the store name included  Receipts must show type of payment. Cash, Check, Credit or Debit.

15 Disallowances  Meal may be disallowed if food is not reflected on the receipts.  No menus or menus with incomplete or missing components will result in a disallowance of the meal.  Milk requirements must match the age groups being served.  Meals will be disallowed for missing enrollment forms.

16 What about the Food Buying Guide?

17 The Grand Finale  Meal Compliance will be determined by menus and receipts.  Detailed menus must reflect meal patterns and components (specific details).  Five and seven day menus are located on the CACFP website for your accessibility.  The infant and posted menus will be filed in monthly folders.  Receipts will serve as supporting documentation of the menus.

18 Please Post Questions on Parking Lot We wish you a successful year!!!!

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