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Jesus went to the desert to prepare himself for the work God had planned for him. He was tempted by the devil several times. Jesus was there for 40 days.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus went to the desert to prepare himself for the work God had planned for him. He was tempted by the devil several times. Jesus was there for 40 days."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jesus went to the desert to prepare himself for the work God had planned for him. He was tempted by the devil several times. Jesus was there for 40 days. Lent is a time for us to clean out heart and prepare for Jesus’ coming back into our lives.

3 Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. It is a time to fast, give to the poor, and pray. Lent last about 40 days.

4 We receive ashes on our forehead to remind us of our sins.

5 Jesus washed his disciple’s feet to show them they need to serve others.

6 Jesus enters Jerusalem and the people are happy to see him. They are waving palm and placing their cloaks on the ground for him to walk. Unfortunately things will change.

7 Holy week begins on Palm Sunday. It is a time for Christians to remember what Jesus did for us.

8 The disciples had their “first holy communion” during the last supper. Jesus wanted them to carry on his work after he was gone.

9 Jesus turned the bread and wine into his body and blood. We celebrate this at every mass.

10 Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss. The kiss signals to the soldiers which person is Jesus. Judas helped the high priest for 30 silver coins. After Judas did this he felt terrible and no longer wanted the money.

11 Jesus died on the cross for us. He died so our sins would be forgiven.

12 A crown of thorns was placed on Jesus’ head. He was nailed to the cross and left to die.

13 Peter said 3 times he did not know Jesus. After each time he said this the rooster crowed..

14 Jesus rose from the dead. We celebrate Jesus’ death for our sins. This means we can be forgiven and live with him in heaven. We will have a new life with him after our death.


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