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Il Doni Tondo Through God’s Eye. Michelangelo’s Doni Tondo c.1503.

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Presentation on theme: "Il Doni Tondo Through God’s Eye. Michelangelo’s Doni Tondo c.1503."— Presentation transcript:

1 Il Doni Tondo Through God’s Eye

2 Michelangelo’s Doni Tondo c.1503

3 Sefirotic Tree: The Ten Emanations of God Keter Hokhmah Binah GevurahHesed Tiferet Hod Netsah Yesod Shekhinah

4 Sefirotic Tree as template for the Doni Tondo

5 Sefirotic Tree: The Ten Emanations of God Keter Binah GevurahHesed Tiferet Hod Netsah Yesod Shekhinah Ein-Sof= Knowable God Keter Hokhmah Binah GevurahHesed Tiferet Hod Netsah Yesod Shekhinah Wisdom Understanding Power Love Splendor Eternity Beauty Foundation Kingdom

6 Traditional Reading of Central Figures = Holy Family (Mary, Christ and Joseph) Steinberg’s Identification of Central Figures = God, Mary and Christ

7 Sistine Chapel Ceiling “Creation of the Sun and the Moon”

8 Ein-Sof= Knowable God Binah Hokhmah Sefirotic Tree: The Ten Emanations of God Keter Bina h Gevur ah Hesed Tiferet Hod Netsah Yesod Shekhinah Ein-Sof= Knowable God Keter Hokhmah Bina h Gevur ah Hesed Tiferet Hod Netsah Yesod Shekhinah Wisdom Understanding Power Love Splendor Eternity Beauty Foundation Kingdom

9 Giovanni Bellini Madonna and Child c.1468

10 Leonardo’s Last Supper c.1495 in the refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan


12 = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9

13 God MaryChrist Ein-Sof BinahHokhmah


15 Keter Binah GevurahHesed Tiferet Hod Netsah Yesod Shekhinah Ein-Sof= Knowable God Keter Hokhmah Binah GevurahHesed Tiferet Hod Netsah Yesod Shekhinah WisdomUnderstanding Power red, judgment, rigor and the left arm Love right arm Splendor prophecy and the left leg Eternity right leg Beauty compassion, harmony, green and king Foundation Kingdom

16 Keter Binah GevurahHesed Tiferet Hod Netsah Yesod Shekhinah Ein-Sof= Knowable God Keter Hokhmah Binah GevurahHesed Tiferet Hod Netsah Yesod Shekhinah WisdomUnderstanding Power red, judgment, rigor and the left arm Love right arm Splendor prophecy and the left leg Eternity right leg Beauty compassion, harmony, green and king Foundation Kingdom

17 Foundation Covenant or phallus

18 Kingdom Apple orchard and rainbow

19 Carlo da Camerino The Madonna of Humility of 1400

20 Kingdom Apple orchard and rainbow

21 Doni Tondo as a representation of God’s Eye Girding Wall Representing the five Hebrew letters (Aleph-Lammed-Hay- Yod-Mem) of the name of God “Elohim”

22 Tetragrammaton Is the numerical equivalent or gematria of the name of God (in English pronounced YHWY), which equals 72 “Elohim” (aleph-lammed-hey- yod-mem) is the Hebrew word for God and is connected to the tetragrammaton through association and through numerical factors. To confirm that the carved tondi represent the Hebrew letters of “Elohim” one must take their setting, a circle or 360 degrees and divide by five (tondi/letters), which equal 72. 360/5= 72

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