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Catalyst (Left Page) – 10.22.2008 Draw a mixture of both elements and compounds which have the following: - Three molecules with three atoms per particle.

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Presentation on theme: "Catalyst (Left Page) – 10.22.2008 Draw a mixture of both elements and compounds which have the following: - Three molecules with three atoms per particle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyst (Left Page) – 10.22.2008 Draw a mixture of both elements and compounds which have the following: - Three molecules with three atoms per particle - Two compounds with two atoms per particle.

2 Objective SWBAT identify and label the basic structure of an atom

3 Atomic Structure 10.22.2008

4 Atomic Structure Atom = “indivisible” from Ancient Greek philosopher Democritus Atoms are the smallest particles of matter that have their own identity

5 Atomic Structure 10.22.2008 Atom Definition - Smallest particles w/ own identity

6 Atomic Structure Atoms are made of smaller pieces called subatomic particles. Sub = below/under Atomic = of the atom

7 Atomic Structure 10.22.2008 Atom Definition -Smallest particles w/ own identity -Atoms made of subatomic particles

8 Protons :: subatomic particles Located in the center / nucleus of atom Have a positive (+) charge Abbreviated as p +

9 Atomic Structure 10.22.2008 Atom Definition Subatomic Particles -Smallest particles w/ own identity -Atoms made of subatomic particles -Protons (p + ): located in nucleus & have positive charge

10 Neutrons :: subatomic particles Located in the center / nucleus of atom Have a neutral (0) charge Abbreviated as n 0

11 Atomic Structure 10.22.2008 Atom Definition Subatomic Particles -Smallest particles w/ own identity -Atoms made of subatomic particles -Protons (p + ): located in nucleus & have positive charge -Neutrons (n 0 ): located in the nucleus & have neutral/zero charge

12 Electrons :: subatomic particles Located in the outer electron cloud Constantly moving Have a negative (-) charge Abbreviated as e -

13 Atomic Structure 10.22.2008 Atom Definition Subatomic Particles -Smallest particles w/ own identity -Atoms made of subatomic particles -Protons (p + ): located in nucleus & have positive charge -Neutrons (n 0 ): located in the nucleus & have neutral/zero charge -Electrons (e-): located in outer electron cloud, constantly moving, & have negative charge

14 Bohr Model Basic model of an atom with all subatomic particles (1p +, 1n 0, 1e - )

15 Atomic Structure 10.22.2008 Bohr Model



18 Processing (Left Page) Draw and LABEL an atomic model for each of the following descriptions: 1. 3 protons, 3 neutrons, and 3 electrons. 2. 5p +, 5n 0, 6e - 3. 4n 0, 5p +, 5e -

19 Summary Take a few minutes to make a summary of today’s notes. When done, work on your HW Packet!

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