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1-1 Notes – Cells & Life Chapter 1, Lesson 1.

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1 1-1 Notes – Cells & Life Chapter 1, Lesson 1

2 Microscopes Most cells can only be seen with a microscope.

3 Microscopes

4 Microscopes Early microscopes include the light microscope, which uses light and has one or more lenses that enlarges an image of something.

5 Microscopes Modern microscopes include electron microscopes, which can enlarge images 100,000 times or more.

6 Microscopes Fly Foot

7 Microscopes Spider

8 Microscopes Pollen Grains

9 Microscopes Moth Head

10 Microscopes Flea

11 Microscopes Ant

12 Cell Theory Says three things: All organisms are made of cells.

13 Cell Theory Says three things: All organisms are made of cells.
The cell is the smallest unit of life.

14 Cell Theory Says three things: All organisms are made of cells.
The cell is the smallest unit of life. All new cells come from pre-existing cells.

15 Characteristics of Life
All organisms have common characteristics such as: organization

16 Characteristics of Life
All organisms have common characteristics such as: organization responses

17 Characteristics of Life
All organisms have common characteristics such as: organization responses growth and development

18 Characteristics of Life
All organisms have common characteristics such as: organization responses growth and development reproduction

19 Characteristics of Life
All organisms have common characteristics such as: organization responses growth and development reproduction maintain homeostasis

20 Characteristics of Life
All organisms have common characteristics such as: organization responses growth and development reproduction maintain homeostasis use energy

21 Characteristics of Life
Organization means that all living things are organized with structures that each have their own function.

22 Characteristics of Life
Responses means that all living things are able to respond to changes in their environment.

23 Characteristics of Life
Growth and Development means that all living things grow and develop throughout their life time.

24 Characteristics of Life
Reproduction means that all living things came from another living thing, and can produce their own offspring.

25 Characteristics of Life
Maintain Homeostasis means that all living things can keep their internal conditions within certain limits.

26 Characteristics of Life
Use Energy means that all living things need energy to carry out their daily processes.

27 Chemistry of a Cell The molecules in living things are made from these elements (SPONCH): sulfur potassium oxygen nitrogen carbon hydrogen


29 Chemistry of a Cell 96% of all living things is made up of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon (HONC).

30 Chemistry of a Cell Living organisms obtain these elements from their environments.

31 Water The main ingredient Makes up 2/3 (66%) of our body mass
Inside cells and surrounds cells Allows the transport of substances in the blood.

32 Water Water molecules have negative and positive ends that attract each other.

33 Basic Substances in Cells
Macromolecules are LARGE molecules. They are long chains of smaller units called monomers.

34 Basic Substances in Cells
The 4 kinds of macromolecules: Proteins Nucleic acids Lipids Carbohydrates

35 Proteins Folded chains or groups of folded chains of monomers called amino acids

36 Nucleic Acids Long chains of monomers called nucleotides.
Two kinds: DNA and RNA

37 Lipids Do not dissolve in water
The main kinds are: fats, phospholipids, steroids, and waxes

38 Carbohydrates Made of one or more monomers called sugar molecules
Store energy Make up the structural parts of cells

39 Where do new cells come from? A the food we eat B our parents
1.1 Cells and Life Where do new cells come from? A the food we eat B our parents C preexisting cells D carbohydrates

40 Which is a characteristic of organisms? A birth B death C respiration
1.1 Cells and Life Which is a characteristic of organisms? A birth B death C respiration D organization

41 How much of our body mass is water? A 90% B 75% C 66% D 30%
1.1 Cells and Life How much of our body mass is water? A 90% B 75% C 66% D 30%

42 Which is not a macromolecule found in cells?
A water B lipids C proteins D carbohydrates

43 What is DNA? A a protein B a nucleic acid C a lipid D a carbohydrate

44 Life and Cells 11:50


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