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Map Labeling Basic of Feature Labeling. What’s the difference?

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Presentation on theme: "Map Labeling Basic of Feature Labeling. What’s the difference?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Map Labeling Basic of Feature Labeling

2 What’s the difference?

3 Using Text in ArcGIS Convert to Annotation Label Maps Annotate Maps Hardcopy Maps Digital Maps

4 Adding Labels to Your Map The goal of any map is to communicate information in the clearest possible fashion. Adding labels is one way to accomplish this task, but simply placing labels anywhere on a map doesn't necessarily help people understand the information presented. For example, it may not be obvious which feature a label belongs to, labels for different features may overlap, and, in some situations, labels for some features may even be omitted. ArcMap provides multiple ways to control how and where labels display in relation to point, line, and polygon features. In this topic, you will learn advanced methods for modifying label properties and for creating and placing dynamic labels.

5 Dynamic Labels which features in the layer are labeled the field, or fields, in the attribute table that will be used for labeling font settings such as size, color, and style placement of labels relative to the features the scale at which labels will be visible are based on an attribute and display using ArcMap's default settings. If you want to change the appearance, placement, or visibility of the labels, you need to change the layer's label properties, which determine how the labels draw. Label properties you can set include:

6 Labeling a Feature Label features one at a time Label features that don’t exist in the database Data view

7 The Dreaded Highway Symbol



10 Auto Labeling Features are labeled automatically based upon a user defined field

11 Label Toolbar Open label class management dialogs Manage visibility of labels in map Quality placement for Maplex for ArcGIS (you need Maplex Extension) Central location for labeling needs Moved labeling-related dialogs to toolbar Label weight Feature weight

12 Label Manager Central location for label classes Easy access to common parameters

13 Positioning labels Points Relative position to feature Preference priority Lines Position relative to line Follow curve of line Orient to page or line Polygons Best position

14 Label Priority ArcMap uses label priority ranking to determine the order in which labels will be placed on the map. Labels with a higher priority will generally be placed first. Labels with lower priority that conflict with higher priority labels may be placed at alternate positions or dropped from the map.

15 Label & Feature Weights Setting label weights and feature weights establishes a ranking system for labels when there is a conflict with other labels or features on the map. The general rule with weights is that a feature cannot be overlapped by a label with an equal or lower weight.

16 Map Scale Set a scale range for labels so that they don't display until the map scale reaches a larger scale. 1:100,000,0001:20,000,000

17 Map Scale

18 Reference Scale By default, as you zoom in and out on a map, the size of labels does not change. The point size is maintained as you zoom so that labels appear to be the same size relative to your screen. If you want the label text to scale with the map, you can set a reference scale. Setting a reference scale fixes the size of the labels relative to the other features in the map at a specific scale. When you set a reference scale, the labels will remain at their current size in map units. After you set the reference scale, the text appears larger when you zoom in and smaller as you zoom out.

19 Set the Reference Scale The reference scale is a property of the data frame, so labels for all layers are set to the same reference scale.

20 Label Classes Every layer starts with a single label class named "Default", which is symbolized with default symbology. New label classes can be added to the layer. You select the features that you want to group together in each label class by building a Structured Query Language (SQL) expression.

21 Label Classes - Creating NOTE: If you convert layers with multiple label classes, each label class becomes an annotation class in the annotation feature class.

22 The Maplex Extension Maplex for ArcGIS is an automated high- quality cartographic text placement and labeling extension for ArcGIS Desktop. Maplex for ArcGIS greatly reduces map production time and enhances cartographic quality.

23 Maplex for ArcGIS Better polygon placement styles Straight Boundary Improved user experience for stacking labels Justification controlled by user New dialog to set up label abbreviations Reduce font size to place more labels

24 Maplex Placement Properties

25 Introducing Maplex Maplex – extension that helps with label customization for higher quality maps and reduced manual label editing time Maplex – extension that helps with label customization for higher quality maps and reduced manual label editing time Standard Label Engine Maplex Label Engine

26 Maplex Placement Properties POINTS

27 Maplex Placement Properties LINES

28 Maplex Placement Properties POLYGONS

29 Additional Maplex Placement Properties Reduce font size to place more labels Steps down one interval and tries to place the label again Interval used to reach smallest font size Smallest font size allowed


31 Thank You For Your Attention

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