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Malaysia: Colonial Era / The Era of Emergency / Malayan Union

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1 Malaysia: Colonial Era / The Era of Emergency / Malayan Union
Malaysian Studies Chapter 1: Malaysia: Colonial Era / The Era of Emergency / Malayan Union

2 Colonization 5 different countries, 446 years
Changes our people – socially, culturally & economically All the changes gave us the courage and will to rule our own country, once again

3 Colonization Portuguese Dutch British Siam Japanese

4 Colonization PORTUGESE Malacca,1511-1641 130 years
Opposed by Malays in Malacca & Acheh Traces – language (pro, anti-, mono-, poli-, auto-, supra) and dance

5 Colonization DUTCH Malacca, 1641-1824 183 years
Traces – none (focused on Indonesia) Opposed by Malays and Bugis

6 Colonization BRITISH Malay Peninsula, 1824-1942, 1945-1957 130 years
Hugely influenced the people’s way of life (political, social, economic) Opposed by everyone

7 Traces – Buddhist religion and art
Colonization SIAM States north of the Malay Peninsula – Perlis, Kedah & Kelantan, 88 years Traces – Buddhist religion and art

8 Colonization JAPANESE Entire country, 1942-1945 3½ years
Greatly influenced the people esp. in relations between races Opposed by the whole country

9 Important Events Acquisition of Penang Island 11 August 1786
Francis Light & Sultan Abdullah Agreement Kedah will be protected by British from Siam Penang Island given to British Result First British colonized state in Peninsula Malaysia

10 Important Events Acquisition of Singapore 6 February 1819
Stamford Raffles Exploiting the misunderstanding between Chief Military Officer Abd Rahman (Singapore) & Sultan Abdul Rahman (Riau) Result Another state colonized by the British

11 Important Events Anglo-Dutch Treaty, 1824 17 March 1824
British & Dutch End rivalry between the two in the East Result Malay Archipelago split into 2 Reign of the Johor-Riau Empire ended Shows that the destiny of this country was determined by foreign forces

12 Important Events Before After

13 The Era of Emergency Malayan Communist Party (MCP) Starts in 1920s
MCP’s objectives Overthrow British Establish Communist Republic of Malaya

14 Communism crept via Kuomintang Party
The Era of Emergency Communism crept via Kuomintang Party Underground movement , MCP worked with the British to fight Japan through Malay People’s Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA)

15 The Era of Emergency Japanese army surrendered in 1945
Opportunity seized by MCP to take over Malaya They managed to do so for 14 days The British returns on September 1945 The fight begins!

16 The Era of Emergency MCP formed the Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) a.k.a the Three Stars The three stars represents the 3 main races in Malaya – Malays, Chinese and Indians

17 The Era of Emergency MCP also set up Min Yuen, a supply & public spy unit Supplies – food and medical supplies, important information Feared by the people – known to be very aggressive and brutal

18 The Era of Emergency How did we end it?
Declaration of Emergency and Emergency Laws The Briggs Plan Military measures Psychological Warfare The Baling Negotiation, 1955

19 The Era of Emergency Impact of Emergency
In 12 years ( ), many lives were lost: MCP – 9,581, Civilians – 2,461, Security Force – 1,851 Injured – 1383, Missing – 807 *Numbers are the official recorded numbers* Properties destroyed, crippled economy Widened social gap among people Worsened racial issue

20 This is one of the main reasons the British granted our independence
The Era of Emergency Lessons When we work together, we can overcome any difficulties and problems, peacefully This is one of the main reasons the British granted our independence We should not fight among ourselves when we’re fighting for the same reason

21 Latar Belakang Malayan Union
Selepas tamatnya Perang Dunia Kedua, British Kembali semula ke Tanah Melayu. MATLAMAT Menubuhkan sebuah negara bangsa. Usaha terancang pihak British untuk menghapuskan budaya bangsa Melayu yang diwarisi sejak turun temurun.

22 The Malayan Union Started as replacement for the military rule
10th October 1945 – Malayan Union bill presented to the British Parliament To rule all states of the Peninsular as one Protect British’s economic interest in Malaya Cut down administrative costs 1 April 1946 – officially inaugurated

23 The Malayan Union Key components in the Malayan Union
Made up of all states in Malaya - Singapore British Governor assisted by Executive Council & Legislative Council Malay Sultans powers & sovereignty are gone “Jus Soli” (Sesiapa yang dilahirkan di Tanah Melayu dan Singapura berhak mendapat kewarganegaraan Malayan Union) Equal rights to all – voting rights & entry to government service

24 The Malayan Union Opposition to the Malayan Union
Easy granting of citizenship to non-Malays Erosion of Malay Sultan’s powers & sovereignty Sir Harold MacMichael Former British officers such as Frank Swettenham, R.O. Winstedt, George Maxwell and Cecil Clementi Smith oppose the Malayan Union

25 Orang Melayu menentang MU
Mempertikai kan cara Sir Harold Mac Michael mendapatkan persetujuan daripada Raja-Raja Melayu Sir Harold Mac Michael tidak memberikan masa kepada Raja-Raja Melayu untuk berunding seperti yang dilakukan kepada Sultan Perak Raja- Raja Melayu bersetuju dengan Malayan Union berdasarkan dasar setia kawan kepada British Sir Harold Mac Michael mengancam

26 The Failure of The Malayan Union
Strong opposition from the Malays No strong support from the non-Malays Wrong timing Wrong introduction / execution Opposition from former British officers The Malayan Union dissolved in July 1946

27 Conclusion Malaysia was colonized for 446 long years
We were easily colonized because we didn’t improve ourselves to adapt to the new world The Emergency Era gave us many important lessons on living in a unique country The Malayan Union taught to be alert to changes around us

28 Conclusion Apart from that, it also teaches us to be loyal to our Rulers and country A comprehensive plan is needed to accommodate all of the people in our unique country

29 To be continued…

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