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AP World History Pod #4 Mediterranean Democracy Legend of Rome.

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1 AP World History Pod #4 Mediterranean Democracy Legend of Rome

2 Class Discussion Questions McKay – “The Land and the Sea”, pp. 124 McKay – “The Etruscans and Rome”, pp. 124-127 McKay – “The Roman Conquest of Italy”, pp. 127-129 McKay – “Social Conflict In Rome”, pp. 130-131

3 1. How did the geography of Italy impact the development of civilization on the peninsula? The Italian peninsula divided the Mediterranean into two basins The Italian peninsula is protected in the north by the Apennine Mountains These mountains run the length of the peninsula and force the Italians (Romans) to use the western coast focusing attention on the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and northern Africa The soil is generally fertile and able to support a large population While a mountainous nation the mountains did not prevent political unity as in Greece The Tiber River became the location for Rome providing the city with a constant source of water Rome was built on seven hills

4 2. What contributions did the Etruscans make to the development of the region? Built a society based around trade with the eastern Mediterranean Rich mineral resources were traded for luxury goods Developed cities that resembled the Greek polis These cities were linked through a loose league giving them increased strength

5 3. What is the Legend of Rome? Romulus and Remus were the sons of a mortal and the god Mars They were abandoned along the Tiber River and raised by a she-wolf (prostitute) Romulus built his city on the Palatine Hill while Remus built on the Aventine Jealous of his brothers, Remus jumped over Romulus’ unfinished wall Romulus killed his brother in revenge and vowed “so will die whoever else shall leap over my walls”

6 4. Describe the development of Rome from 753 B.C. to 509 B.C. Rome adopted many Etruscan customs Copied the alphabet of the Etruscans which was copied from the Greeks and later passed on to medieval Europe The Etruscans brought Rome into contact with the Mediterranean world Rome began to grow The forum was transformed from a cemetery to a public meeting place similar to the agora in Greece

7 5. Why is 509 B.C. an important year in the history of Rome? What important decision was made at this time? 509 B.C. – expelled the Eturscan king, Tarquin the Proud 509 B.C. – The Republic was formed Never again would tyranny be allowed to take root (warning to Julius Caesar)

8 6. What were the key stages of Roman conquest and unification of the Italian peninsula? 390 B.C. – a set back was experienced as the Celts (Gaul) sacked the city of Rome 390-290 B.C. – the Romans focused on rebuilding the city – the Romans and Italians began to form a bond based on religious cults, mythology, and drama The Romans shared political power and citizenship with those they conquered Roads allowed for communication

9 7. What were the terms of Roman citizenship? Romans had full citizenship civitas sine suffragio – citizenship without the franchise or right to vote was often granted to allies These people had all the rights of a Roman citizen but could not vote or hold office They paid Roman taxes and served in the military but had control of their own local affairs

10 8. How did the Roman conquest and colonization differ from that of the Greeks? Rome was superior to Greece in that it shared the riches of conquest with the conquered By extending Roman citizenship to the conquered, it strengthened the state through increased wealth and man power

11 1. What was the ius civile? Civil Laws Regulated the lives of citizens, consisted of statutes, customs, and forms of procedure Roman Assembly added to the law The law was designed to protect the property, lives, and reputations of citizens It punished and corrected wrongs

12 2. What was the ius naturale? Natural Laws A universal law that could be used in all societies Based on the ideas of the stoic school of philosophy

13 3. What was the ius gentium? Law of the Peoples Applied to Roman and foreign alike Laid the foundation for a universal law

14 4. What was the Struggle of the Order? This was the conflict between the Plebians and the Patricians of Rome who were battling for power and control over the Roman legal system The Patricians held a monopoly on the legal system and had to give in to the demands of the Plebians who threatened to withhold military service and agricultural labor

15 5. What reforms were instituted in the Struggle of the Order? Plebians and Patricians could marry Plebians could elect their own officials called Tribunes Tribunes protected the Plebians from abuses in power by the Patrician magistrates (VETO) Tribunes brought Plebian grievances before the Senate Used these reforms as a way to gain equality under the law Twelve Tables were published removing the Patrician monopoly on the law Licinian-Sextian Rogations (laws) ensured that one of the two Consuls must be a Plebian Lex Hortensia – the laws of the Plebian Assembly were binding on all Plebians and Patricians

16 6. What were the Twelve Tables? Laws which covered civil and criminal matters Recorded for all to see and placed in the forum This broke the monopoly the patricians had on knowledge and understanding of the law

17 7. What was the historical significance of the Struggle of the Order? Plebians gained increased political power and social status A new nobility of plebians and patricians was created Aristocratic rule was actually increased Rome was stronger and more unified All Roman citizens were equal under the law

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