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Now that we have learned about the Byzantine Empire…we are going to travel down from Constantin ople….

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2 Now that we have learned about the Byzantine Empire…we are going to travel down from Constantin ople….

3 Past Asia Minor Asia Minor

4 To Arabia!

5 Geography and Life in Arabia

6 Standard 7.2.1 Describe the geography and climate of the Arabian Peninsula. Discuss the impact of surrounding bodies of water and of nomadic and settled lifestyles. Objective: To learn that the geography and location of the Arabian Peninsula have greatly influenced the lifestyles of those who live there.

7 Where is the Arabian Peninsula?

8 What is a “crossroads location”? People travel through it to get to other areas Arabian Peninsula is a crossroads location because it is in between which three continents? –Europe –Asia –Africa

9 This is a Desert right? Yes… BUT NO!!! These are in America. The Middle East has different types…

10 Desert Climate Arabia is one of the hottest, driest places in the world! Can plants survive here? Can animals? How does the desert climate impact life there?

11 Middle East Deserts… So, what do you use to travel across this?

12 I WISH…BUT NO!!!!!!

13 Camels = The Baja trucks of the desert back then AND today Their feet are perfect for dry and sandy conditions Their hump stores water

14 Yes…BUT NO!!!!!!!!

15 I mean this type of Caravan!!! Caravan = Group of camels to travel/trade with.

16 What is an Oasis?? Yes….BUT NO!!!!

17 -They were resting points for desert traders -- Many major Middle East cities developed on or near an Oasis Oasis = Small area in a desert that has springs or wells


19 Yes….But NO!!!!!

20 - One of the driest places in the world - No plants can grow

21 Think of a wall of sand hitting you at 50 mph!

22 Physical Features Mostly sandy deserts and sand dunes Water exists mainly in oases scattered across the deserts

23 How does the desert climate impact life in Arabia? 2 main ways of life – what are they? –Sedentary or settled –Nomadic or constantly moving

24 Sedentary or settled way of life People settled around oases & trade routes Towns developed Souks were markets where people gathered to buy, sell and trade

25 Sedentary life Modern-day souk or bazaar

26 Nomadic life Lived in tents and raised animals Why animals? –Food source = milk and meat –Skins –Could travel vs. plants

27 Nomadic life Modern-day desert nomads

28 Now that you have read and reviewed the geography and environmental system of the Arabian Peninsula… …answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Write down the questions!! Good luck!

29 3.1:Check for understanding… 1.Why was the Arabian Peninsula known as a “crossroads” location?

30 Check for understanding… 1.Why was the Arabian Peninsula known as a “crossroads” location?

31 Not done yet… 2. What are two things you can find in the Arabian Peninsula?

32 Not done yet… 2. What are two things you can find in the Arabian Peninsula?

33 Almost done… 3. What is this a picture of? Why were these important?

34 Almost done… 3. What is this a picture of? Why were these important?

35 One more to go… What are two ways the people living on the Arabian Peninsula were able to make a living?

36 One more to go… What are two ways the people living on the Arabian Peninsula were able to make a living?

37 Now draw this graphic organizer on your paper. oasisdesert climate lifestyle benefits drawbacks

38 How can you connect the geographic regions & the lifestyles of the people who live there? oasisdesert wet, fertile soilclimatehot and dry lifestyle benefits drawbacks

39 Lifestyle? oasisdesert wet, fertile soilclimatehot and dry sedentarylifestylenomadic benefits drawbacks

40 Benefits? oasisdesert wet, fertile soilclimatehot and dry sedentarylifestylenomadic settled life, trade, towns benefitsmember of a tribe / traditional lifestyle drawbacks

41 Drawbacks? oasisdesert wet, fertile soilclimatehot and dry sedentarylifestylenomadic settled life, trade, towns benefitsmember of a tribe / traditional lifestyle open to attackdrawbacksdangerous lifestyle

42 How did you do??? Ok, so now for the fun part!

43 Activity for today! Intro: In what ways did townspeople & nomads rely on each other? Townspeople traded for nomads’ herds and animals products. Nomads also needed supplies such as blankets, clothing, and cooking supplies from townspeople.

44 What are these?

45 Magazine Covers On Microsoft Word or Publisher create a magazine cover for an imaginary magazine that would have appealed to both the nomads and townspeople of early Arabia. Criteria: Needs a title Article titles need to appeal to both types of people Needs questions (Sneak peak into what the articles will be about) Creativeness, Neatness and accuracy count!!!

46 RAFT: Letter/Postcard R ole= Nomadic herder or townsperson A udience= relative or friend F ormat= Letter or postcard T opic= You are living in Arabia. Write a letter/postcard describing your life in that challenging environment and describe your lifestyle with details from the lesson.

47 Don’t forget… The main features of the Arabian Peninsula are –deserts and oases. There are two main lifestyles of Arabia – –nomadic and sedentary.

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