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Physical Geography of Southwest Asia

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1 Physical Geography of Southwest Asia

2 The colored areas make up the Arabian Peninsula
Separated from Africa by the Red Sea and the rest of Asia by the Persian Gulf The colored areas make up the Arabian Peninsula

3 Suez Canal Goods from Asia flow from this canal to ports in Europe and North Africa Suez Canal website

4 Plains and Highlands Much of the Arabian Peninsula is covered by plains and highlands Causes dry, sandy and windy conditions Wadis- riverbeds that remain dry for most of the year except during rainy season

5 Climate Southwest Asia is extremely arid
Most areas receive less than 18 inches of rain per year Covered with rough, dry terrain that varies from huge tracts of sand dunes to great salt flats

6 Deserts The most famous desert in this region is the Rub al-Khali
Know as the “Empty Quarter” The size of Texas and located on the Arabian Peninsula Locally called “place where no one comes out”

7 Scarcity Water is the most scarce resource in the region.
It’s availability determines where people live, their economic activities, even their diet and health.

8 2 Most Important Rivers Tigris and Euphrates
Supported several ancient river valley civilizations in an area called the fertile crescent Flow parallel to each other for hundreds of miles before joining at Shatt al Arab

9 Why would people rather live here?

10 Abundant Resources Oil
One-half of the world’s oil reserves are found in Southwest Asia, along the coast of the Persian Gulf

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