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Test Slant Well Construction Cost Estimate 1 Slant Test Well - Drilling & Installation$2,300,000 Material Advance Purchase - Pump, Column, Casing, Screen$700,000.

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1 Test Slant Well Construction Cost Estimate 1 Slant Test Well - Drilling & Installation$2,300,000 Material Advance Purchase - Pump, Column, Casing, Screen$700,000 Subtotal$3,000,000 Monitoring Wells$700,000 Civil Work$700,000 Total$4,400,000

2 Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project Anticipated Schedule 2 Cemex Slant Well Permitting 20182017201620152014 Draft EIR Release CPUC EIR & CPCN Approval Pipelines, Terminal Reservoirs, BPS Construction J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J 60% Design 09-2014 90% Plant Design 12-2015 Final Design 02-2016 Full Start-up June 2018 GWR Decision 11-2015 30% Design 06-2014 Value Eng. 7/7-11 Desal Plant Construction Desal Plant Design/Permitting NTP Start Construction 02-2016 Pipelines, Terminal Reservoirs, BPS Design, Permitting & Contracts Q3-2014 Coastal Commission MPWSP EIR Approval Coastal Commission Approval 10-2014 Updated July 15, 2014 Slant Wells Phase 1 Slant Wells Phase 2 Slant Wells Phase 3 (if needed) Basis of Design Report 06-2014 Q1-2015 Note: The schedule is based on the information and assumptions available at time of update and is accurate to +/- 6 months. Snowy Plover Nesting Season No Construction Activity Snowy Plover Nesting Season No Construction Activity Snowy Plover Nesting Season No Construction Activity City of Marina Approval 08-2014 SWRCB Current Deadline Jan. 2017 ! Construction

3 Contracts Executed JuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec CEMEX Test Well 3Updated July 15, 2014Note: The schedule is based on the information and assumptions available at time of update and is accurate to +/- 6 months. Finalize Report 6/18- 6/27 7/10 8/5 8/20 1 st & 2 nd Regular Council Mtgs 1st PC Mtg Commission Staff Report CCC Meeting 10/8-10 Test Well RFP Preparation RFP Approved & sent to bidders RFP/bids received, selected and awarded Order Long Lead Items (pump and others as req’d) CEQA NEPA Finalize Report 6/18- 6/20 Public Review 6/23-7/26 Prepare Draft FONSI 7/26-8/10 Construction MBNMS Review of FONSI 8/10-8/30 Final FONSI 9/1 – 9/15 Appr. 9/15 – 10/1 Agreements & Land MRWPCA Test Well Agreement & Approval April-August PG&E Application & Meter Construction (Nov to March 1) CEMEX Easement 8/26 Spec. Mtg Submittal approvals and pre-con activity

4 JuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprJuneJulyAugSeptOctNov CPUC EIR/CDP 4 Updated July 15, 2014 Note: The schedule is based on the information and assumptions available at time of update and is accurate to +/- 6 months. CDP – Coastal Commission LCP - Marina Agreements & Land Neponset Easement for Desal Plant 2015 Draft EIR ReleaseCPUC EIR & CPCN Approval Q3-2014 Q1-2015 CPUC EIR CDP Prepared CCC NOI Rec CDP App Filed Approved EIR sent to CCC CCC CDP Approved Coastal Commission Review CCC Staff Report Prepared Marina LCP Prepared Marina LCP Review Marina LCP App Filed Marina LCP Draft Report Marina LCP Review Marina LCP Approval Seaside Terminal Reservoir TAMC Pipeline Easements

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