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Newport South Beach Peninsula Refinement Plan. Newport South Beach Peninsula Located on the south side of the mouth of the Yaquina Bay and the crossing.

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Presentation on theme: "Newport South Beach Peninsula Refinement Plan. Newport South Beach Peninsula Located on the south side of the mouth of the Yaquina Bay and the crossing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newport South Beach Peninsula Refinement Plan

2 Newport South Beach Peninsula Located on the south side of the mouth of the Yaquina Bay and the crossing of US101. Home to Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon Coast Aquarium, NOAA fleet and the South Beach Marina.

3 Siting of a new NOAA facility prompted Newport to apply for Quick Response funds in 2009. DLCD staff managed the project. ODOT staff participated in the development of the plan. The Project Team worked with Port of Newport and other local stakeholders to prepare a Transportation Refinement Plan for the South Beach District. Refinement Plan Initiation

4 The Process The design team developed and refined circulation, street scape, parking and way- finding concepts. Through a four day design Charrette stakeholders and the public worked with the design team to identify capital improvement projects consistent with the vision for the peninsula. An Urban Renewal District was created to carry out the planned improvements.

5 The Vision Address local stakeholders and the general public’s needs. Identify multi-modal improvements that improve the overall access, safety and efficiency of the peninsula. Improve the aesthetics of the peninsula’s transportation system. December 2009 Charrette

6 Opportunities and Constraints Opportunities for development of vacant land and redevelopment of other parcels exist within this area. Since the time of the study, OMSI has been working with the City to develop one of the vacant parcels and is slated to open a Youth Science Camp in 2016. The Yaquina Bay Bridge is recognized as a constraint. This iconic McCullough bridge has two lanes, little to no shoulder and narrow sidewalks.

7 Outcomes Intersection and Vehicular Access improvements were identified Parking and circulation improvements along the marina were identified. Bicycle and Pedestrian improvements were identified. Five Newport Loop transit stops along the peninsula were consolidated to one strategic location adjacent to the new NOAA facility.

8 “[D]ue to limited State transportation funding for bridge improvement or replacement, the capacity of the Yaquina Bay Bridge is expected to continue to be the major constraint in the operation of the transportation system south of the bridge.” 2012 Newport TSP Update Because of this, the City and ODOT worked together to identify a transportation system and management strategy that will support future growth in South Beach which includes alternative mobility standards for US 101 and strategic improvements to both the state highway and the local roadway system which includes pedestrian and bicycle system enhancements. 2012 TSP Update

9 2015-2018 STIP Process The Refinement Plan and TSP update had outlined the necessary improvements. Newport had accumulated a substantial match for the project using Urban Renewal funds. There were already agreements in place between ODOT and Newport to help guide the scoping exercise.

10 Moving Ahead The three C’s – Communication, Coordination and Collaboration are the key. Plan ahead. Refine as needed and complete the plan then seek capital improvement funds. Having the agreements already in place made for a strong project proposal. Project Initiation is underway and there is a very clear, defined and agreed upon scope of work. Construction is slated for 2016 on the local system and 2017 on the state system.

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