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 The new nation was immediately invaded by armies from neighboring Arab states. Five Arab nations (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq) attacked.

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3  The new nation was immediately invaded by armies from neighboring Arab states. Five Arab nations (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq) attacked Israel on May 15, 1948  Israel won the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and expanded its boundaries from the UN partition plan.

4  Since the establishment of Israel, the country has had an ongoing conflict with the Palestinians.  Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been displaced and are living in poor conditions.

5  The Palestine Liberation Organization is an organization which represents the Palestinian people.  Its most famous leader was Yasser Arafat.  This organization was founded in 1964.

6  In 1974, the PLO was recognized by the United Nations as the representative of the Palestinian people.  The PLO has also fought militarily against Israeli occupation of its land  It has been involved in numerous terrorist acts against Israeli citizens.

7 1967 War: The Six Day War  Fearing attack by Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Jordan, Israel launched a preemptive strike  Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights.

8  Iraq, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan attacked Israel.  Israelis were celebrating Yom Kippur and had not anticipated an attack.  After several weeks, a cease fire was reached.

9  The first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab state  Israel agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt  After the treaty, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was shot i

10 In 1993, the PLO and Israel signed a peace agreement to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The agreement included the following:  Withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

11  an Arabic word which literally means "shaking off,“  In English:  Resistance  Uprising  rebellion

12  The Israeli government recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians  The PLO recognized the right of the state of Israel to exist  The PLO also renounced terrorism, violence and its desire for the destruction of Israel.

13  In 1987, Palestinians became frustrated with their living conditions and lack of progress.  Intifada was a protest of Israel's brutal killings, torture, and unfair treatment.

14  Often Palestinians fought the Israelis with low tech weapons like rocks, but over time, they gained access to guns and other explosives.  By 1993-  1,162 Palestinians and 160 Israelis had died.

15  Israel made several offers for peace  Yasser Arafat rejected.  Palestinians refused to sign any agreement

16  The second Intifada has been far bloodier than the first. Death tolls are at 4,000.  Israel believes that Yasser Arafat was not a true partner for peace. Evidences suggest that he has been involved in terrorist activity.  Palestinians have grown frustrated by brutal Jewish occupation.

17  1. Jews believe that Israel is their promised land  A. True B. False  2. Israel is in the middle of Africa  A. True B. False  3. Most Palestinians speak  A. Hebrew B. Arabic

18  4. Israel is surrounded by  A. 5 Arab countries B. 24 Arab countries  5. Israel became independent state in  A. 1948 B. 1944  6. Immediately after becoming an independent state, Israel was attacked by  A. Four African countries B. Five Arab countries

19  7. After the Holocaust, Jews were ignored by the world community  A. True B. False  8. Yasser Arafat was the leader of  A. OPEC B. PLO  9. Since 1948, Jews and Arabs are living peacefully in the Middle East.  A. False B. True

20  10. United States has made serious efforts to bring peace between Israel and Palestine  A. False B. True  11. Do you believe that Arabs and Jews could live peacefully if Israel was not created? Explain  12. Were US peace making efforts necessary? Why?

21  13. Yasser Arafat was the leader of  A. United Nations B. Palestinian Liberation Organization  14. Oslo Accord was to create peace between Israel and Palestine  A. True B. False

22  15. Camp David Accord was to punish both Palestinians and Israelis  A. True B. False  16. Intifada in Arabic means  A. Shaking off B. friendship

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