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Angela Williams Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Angela Williams Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angela Williams Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

2  Language use  Fusion of musical style, language, message, images  Music as social action/social commentary  Comparative look at revolution/freedom songs

3  Flows of protest/socially conscious music  Connections from “home” countries/cultures and how they show up abroad

4  In what ways are artists and listeners using music to shape/create social, cultural, identity?  How is this extending or redefining local norms?


6 Wikimedia Commons




10  Balkan Beat Box – new Europeans? Israeli? American?  Egyptian revolution songs  Syrian

11  Lyrics  Language, language style  Meaning, voice  Images  Videos  Professional/semi?  Fan-created  Online profiles

12  What is the context – real or imagined?  Who is participating or being represented? (gender, ethnic, linguistic backgrounds)  What is the purpose of the song and its dissemination?  What does the music teach us about: citizenship, belonging, civil rights?

13  Founded in 2004, New York  Israeli immigrants: Tamir Muscat (via Romania); Ori Kaplan (klezmer clarinet); Tomer Yousefklezmer clarinet A “global peacekeeping mission you can dance to.” SPIN magazine

14  Mix of Balkan, Middle Eastern, hip hop, electronica, punk, and other styles  “War Again” “War Again”

15  Ramy Essam  “Laugh, Oh Revolution” “Laugh, Oh Revolution”  “Leave” “Leave” Traditional “I’m sitting in the square”

16 Music videos You Tube “Long Live Egypt” (Tahya Masr) “Long Live Egypt” (Tahya Masr) “Voice of Freedom” (Sout al-horeya) “Voice of Freedom” (Sout al-horeya) “How?” (Izzay?) “How?” (Izzay?) Aida El- Ayoubi – Ya, Midan

17  “I Love You, My Country” “I Love You, My Country”

18  “Yalla irhal ya Bashar” ("Get Out Bashar") quickly became the most famous protest song. “Yalla irhal ya Bashar” ("Get Out Bashar")  The singer, Hamwee Ibrahim Qashoosh, was captured and killed in July, 2011.

19  Omar Offendum (Syrian-American artists) Omar Offendum  Ali al-Deek (Alawite singer) “Good morning, Syria”“Good morning, Syria”  Al-Monitor article Al-Monitor article

20  “Map” out the lives of the members of one of the groups in Google Earth.

21  Crossing the Bridge (Turkey)  Slingshot Hip Hop (Palestine)  I Love Hip Hop in Morocco  No One Knows about Persian Cats (Iran)  Channels of Rage (Israel)

22 

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