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Facilitating Trade on the Silk Road Economic Belt through the TIR System Shanghai, 17 th June 2014 Cédric Oelhafen – Project Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating Trade on the Silk Road Economic Belt through the TIR System Shanghai, 17 th June 2014 Cédric Oelhafen – Project Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating Trade on the Silk Road Economic Belt through the TIR System Shanghai, 17 th June 2014 Cédric Oelhafen – Project Director

2 2 This is the IRU Uphold the interests of bus, coach, taxi and truck operators to ensure economic growth and prosperity via the sustainable mobility of people and goods by road worldwide. Mission UN Mandate Managed by the IRU since 1949

3 3 This is the IRU

4 4 Evolution of IRU Membership 2014: 170 Members in 75 countries 1948: eight founder countries …and CRIPA: 27 Members + FESARTA in 38 countries

5 5 IRU Secretariat General 1948 – IRU founded in Geneva 1973 – IRU Permanent Delegation to the European Union in Brussels 1998 – IRU Permanent Delegation to Eurasia in Moscow 2005 – IRU Permanent Delegation to the Middle East and Region in Istanbul 2012 – IRU Secretariat for Africa in Geneva 2013 – IRU Permanent Delegation to the United Nations in New-York Next Steps – Office in China

6 6 Securing and facilitating trade and international road transport Transports Internationaux Routiers Managed by the IRU since 1949

7 7 What is the TIR System? A tried and tested, affordable facilitation instrument for international transport and trade Global Intermodal (road-rail, road-maritime) Secure Based on TIR Convention of 1975, signed by 68 contracting parties

8 8 Geographical Scope of the TIR Convention


10 10 The Six Pillars of the TIR System

11 11 Benefits of the TIR System Ensure the secure and sustainable development of international trade and road transport (controlled access, traceability) Gives access to 58 TIR operational countries Through mutual recognition of Customs Controls and the guarantee, transport costs, formalities and delays are reduced Secures and facilitates trade through the implementation of harmonised controls & documents

12 12  3 million TIR operations per year  Main users are Turkey, EU and CIS countries  New usage of TIR develops notably through intermodal transport  Geographic expansion of TIR to China, the Arab Peninsula, South America and Africa TIR Today

13 13 TIR 的扩展 2013 年 9 月 – 阿富汗对 TIR 开放 Since 2013 – Cooperation increased between China and IRU towards China’s accession to the TIR Convention 2014 年 4 月 – 阿联酋海关签署了担保协议 阿根廷、巴西、伊拉克、沙特阿拉伯和许多非洲国家纷纷表示了对 TIR 的 兴趣 2014 年 4 月 – 巴基斯坦确认即将加入 TIR

14 14  Strategy to revive the ancient Silk Road  Major investments in Western China  Need to find more effective alternatives to air / sea transport  Investments in road infrastructure in Eastern China and Kazakhstan  New routes under finalisation between Lianyungang and Northern Europe through Kazakhstan Current Developments in China

15 15 Common Vision: Revitalising the Silk Road China’s accession into TIR = potential to further develop maritime transport, road transport and international trade

16 16 The Lisbon-Vladivostok CaravanThe Beijing-Berlin-Brussels Caravan IRU-ECO Silk Road Truck Caravan Results of IRU Caravans Clearly in Favour of TIR Black Sea Highway Caravan

17 17 IRU New Eurasian Land Transport Initiative (NELTI) From September 2008 Monitoring over 200,000 border crossings 57% of transport time lost at border crossings 38% of transport costs due to unofficial levies

18 18 The TIR Convention provides for intermodal use of the TIR Carnet: TIR applies as long as one leg of the journey is carried out by road TIR guarantee covers road legs of itinerary, and is suspended on sea or rail legs Successful applications of TIR for intermodal transport include: RO/RO transports through ferry services mainly in Mediterranean Block trains (ECO region) TIR for Intermodal Transport

19 19 Potential for Intermodal TIR

20 20 Improved traffic flow in ports Customs procedures lighter with transit than with import/export Shorter overall transport Secure transit system and cost-efficient international guarantee TIR Guarantee covering whole load compartment, simplifying clearance Intermodal TIR benefits

21 21  Facilitate Intermodal traffic with TIR Improve sea-road interface in ports with help of terminal operators, Customs and port authorities Develop TIR in ports with active RO/RO lines Identify areas where TIR could provide further benefits Improve electronic data exchanges between stakeholders Share experiences and draft Intermodal TIR best practices  Prepare entry of China and Latin America into the TIR system Develop an efficient TIR intermodal procedure for containers that benefits all key stakeholders of the intermodal transport supply chain  Participate with stakeholders in joint studies, pilots and field visits The IRU TIR Intermodal Program

22 22 Faster and cheaper delivery of goods for the benefit of producers and consumer Improvement of efficiency and competitiveness Expansion of TIR System to China will have positive effect on international trade More efficient road transport between China and existing TIR countries (through Central Asia) Development of intermodal TIR to benefit wider group of trading partners with China and other stakeholders Opportunity for other Asian countries to increase their trade to existing TIR countries through China Conclusions

23 23 C ONTACT I NFORMATION T IR - IN - CHINA @ IRU. ORG +86-185 1085 2972


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