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Mainland Southeast Asia Chapter #29. I. Natural Environments  A. Landforms & Rivers  Landform Regions? (3)  Major Rivers? (4)  Tonle Sap?

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Presentation on theme: "Mainland Southeast Asia Chapter #29. I. Natural Environments  A. Landforms & Rivers  Landform Regions? (3)  Major Rivers? (4)  Tonle Sap?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mainland Southeast Asia Chapter #29

2 I. Natural Environments  A. Landforms & Rivers  Landform Regions? (3)  Major Rivers? (4)  Tonle Sap?

3 B. Climates, Plants, & Animals  Climates?  Climatic influence?  Wildlife diversity?  Arboreal?

4 C. Natural Resources  Resources?  Effects of deforestation?  Fossil fuels?  Other resources?

5 II. History & Culture  A. Colonialism & Independence  Europeans?  Motivation?  French Indochina? (3)  Independence?  Vietnam?  Domino Theory?

6 C. Vietnam War (1964 – ’75)  North vs. South Vietnam?  Hanoi & Saigon  Outcome?

7 D. Culture  Culture Groups? (5)  Burmans, Thais, Khmer, Lao, & Vietnamese  Language families? (3)  Sino-Tibetan  Tai  Austro-Asiatic  Dominant religion?  Theravada?  Most important food?

8 III. The Region Today  A. Economic & Political Development  Thailand?  “Asian Tigers”?  Communism?  Govt. of Thailand?  ASEAN?

9 B. Settlement & Cities  Occupation?  Most densely populated areas?  City contrasts?  Thailand’s capital?  Wat?  Saigon?  Vietnam’s capital?  Myanmar’s capital?  Cambodia’s capital?

10 C. Agriculture  Labor intensive ag?  Other crops? Illegal?  Bangkok  Klongs?

11 D. Issues & Challenges  Cambodia? (GENOCIDE)  Khmer Rouge (communist guerilla group)  Pol Pot (turned Cambodia to year zero)  Occupied country from 1975-1979  2 million killed (The Killing Fields)  Myanmar?  Vietnam & Laos?  Thailand?


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