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Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Commerce & Economic Development Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government Mr. Jeremy Godfrey Government Chief.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Commerce & Economic Development Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government Mr. Jeremy Godfrey Government Chief."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Commerce & Economic Development Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government Mr. Jeremy Godfrey Government Chief Information Officer, HKSARG 香港特别行政区政府资讯科技总监 葛辉先生 ( 二零一零年九月十四日 ) Power Panel Discussion II Shanghai – Hong Kong Collaboration & Opportunities 互动讨论 ( 二 ) – 沪港合作与发展机遇

2 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Commerce & Economic Development Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government Current Status of Software Industry in Mainland 内地软件产业现况  Huge market with rapid growth ( 市场庞大, 增长迅速 ) Year 2009 (2009 年 )  Revenue hit US$140 billion (951.3 billion yuan), up 25.6 percent year on year ( 收入為 9513 億元人民幣 )  Software export grew by 14% to US$18.5 billion (126 billion yuan) ( 軟件出口為 1260 億元人民幣 ) First seven months of 2010 (2010 年首 7 個月 )  Revenue : US$106 billion (723.1 billion yuan) (around 29% growth) ( 收入為 7231 億元人民幣 )  Software export : US$13.8 billion (94 billion yuan) (around 27% growth) ( 軟件出口為 940 億元人民幣 ) Source : MIIT  Market served by capable large Mainland software companies ( 具规 模的软件企业 )) 2

3 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Commerce & Economic Development Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government Trade Flow of Software 软件贸易流程 Mainland Global Markets Adaptation for global markets 配合国际市场 Adaptation for Mainland markets 配合内地市场 Software Development IT & BP Outsourcing 软件发展 Sales & Customer Service 销售及客户服务 Sales & Customer Service 销售及客户服务 Integration into domestic technology 地方技术整合 Customer Services 客户服务 Software Development 软件发展

4 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Commerce & Economic Development Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government Potential of Mainland in Global Software Industry 内地软件产业的潜力  Rapid growth both in demand and supply of software products and services ( 对软件产品和服务需求大增 )  Potential to become leading player in global software industry combining home-grown and international technology ( 内地有潜力成为全球软件产业的领导者, 结合本 地和国际技术, 服务国内外市场 ) 4

5 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Commerce & Economic Development Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government Hong Kong – Rich Experience in International Markets 香港在国际市场的丰富经验  Hong Kong can be a gateway between Mainland and the global business world ( 香港可作为內地與國際商業社會的门户 )  Understanding Mainland market and business culture  Rich experience in international trade and meeting needs of multinational companies and sophisticated consumers  Skilled professionals with bilingual capability  To facilitate internationalisation of software services & products and new technology of Mainland ( 香港协助内地进 军国际市场、及为内地从世界各地引入最新技术 ) 5

6 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Commerce & Economic Development Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government Mainland/Hong Kong Collaboration 内地 / 香港合作  Government’s supportive policy on IT cooperation ( 政府支持政策 )  CEPA liberalisation measures ( 开放措施 )  Framework Agreement on Hong Kong / Guangdong Co-operation ( 粤港合作框架协议 )  Joint delegation to IT events for promotion and exploring overseas markets ( 组织招商团到国外推广 )  Attracting multi-national enterprises to establish data centers in Hong Kong serving global customers including Mainland ( 吸引跨国企业来港开设数据中心 ) 6

7 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Commerce & Economic Development Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government Thank You 谢谢

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