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3rd QGM of HKIA on 16 September 2010 Jimmy C. F. Leung, Director of Planning Planning Department, HKSARG 1
Outline Background HK-SZ Cooperation Mechanisms
Major Planning Cooperation Initiatives Concluding Remarks 2
Background 3
Hong Kong – Mainland Cooperation
Private Sector – Market-led, Mainland policy-driven Public Sector – Issue or project–based Pre-1997 Private Sector – Market-led, coordinated Mainland/HK policy Public Sector – Comprehensive and coordinated cooperation Post-1997 4
Pre-1997 HK investments in the Mainland, especially industries Government level: infrastructure, customs cooperation, food and water supply Post-1997 HK - GD Cooperation Joint Conference Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation Coordination Mechanism Mainland/HKSAR Conference on the Coordination of Major Infrastructure Project The Joint Steering Committee of the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) HK- Shanghai Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference HK- Beijing Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference HK- Shenzhen Cooperation Conference 5
Regional Planning Studies Planning Study on the Coordinated Development of the Greater Pearl River Delta Townships Jointly commissioned by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Study Objective To formulate a regional development strategy for the Greater PRD City-region by taking a forward-looking perspective, under the “One Country, Two Systems” framework Cooperation from bilateral to trilateral 6
Regional Planning Studies Study on the Action Plan for the Bay Area of the Pearl River Estuary
Study Objective To enhance the livability of the Bay Area and living environment for the people of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Cooperation from trilateral to trilateral and multi-level (including cities in the PRD) 7
HK-SZ Cooperation Mechanisms
Hong Kong/Shenzhen Cooperation Conference
HK/SZ Cooperation Conference (Chief Secretary of HK, Mayor of SZ) 7 Cooperation Agreements on major infrastructure projects, environmental protection, town planning, service industry, tourism, innovation as well as medical and nursing services 9
Hong Kong/Shenzhen Cooperation Conference
Cooperation Agreements Cooperation Agreement on Recently Initiated Major Infrastructural Projects Agreement on Enhancing Cooperation on Town Planning between HK and SZ HK-SZ Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development HK-SZ Joint Planning Cooperation Meeting Task Force on Airport Cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen 10
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development
HK-SZ JTF on Boundary District Development (Secretary for Development of HK, Executive Vice-Mayor of SZ) Working Group on Environment, Planning and Works of the Loop Working Group on Mode of Development of the Loop Working Group on Implementation of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai BCP 11
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development
Development of the Lok Ma Chau Loop Principle of joint study and joint development To conduct a feasibility study Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Separate-location model and “people-oriented” design approach 12
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Planning Cooperation Meeting
Agreement on Enhancing Cooperation on Town Planning between HK and SZ HK-SZ Joint Planning Cooperation Meeting (Planning Department of HK and Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality) Enhance planning cooperation and exchange on strategic level Enhance exchange of information and sharing of work experiences among planning staff Regular meeting for every half year 13
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Planning Cooperation Meeting
Site Visits Briefing on Planning Work Progress Workshops for Technical Staff Exchange Programme for Planners 14
Major Planning Cooperation Initiatives
Cross-Boundary Transport Planning & Infrastructure
2017/4/15 Cross-Boundary Transport Planning & Infrastructure Railways 至廣州 To Guangzhou 至東莞 To Dongguan 至廣州、東莞 To Guangzhou,Dongguan 深惠城際軌道 Shenzhen-Huizhou RTS 廣深港客運專線 Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Passenger Rail Line 至廣州、東莞 To Guangzhou,Dongguan 深莞城際軌道 Shenzhen-Dongguan RTS 廣深鐵路 Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway 至惠州 To Huizhou 至福州、杭州 To Fuzhou,Hangzhou 穗莞深城際軌道 Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen RTS 深江城際軌道 Shenzhen-Jiangmen RTS 深圳 Shenzhen 至中山、江門 To Zhongshan,Jiangmen 杭福深客運專線 Hangzhou-Fuzhou-Shenzhen Passenger Rail Line 深圳寶安國際機場 Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport East Rail Line 東鐵 廣深港客運專線 Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Passenger Rail Line 香港 Hong Kong 港深西部快速軌道Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Express Line 圖例 Legend 城際軌道 / 區域鐵路 Rapid Transit System (RTS) / Regional Railway 城市軌道 Mass Transit Railway 港深行政區域界線 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Administrative Region Boundary 香港國際機場 Hong Kong Internation Airport The plan is for indicative purpose only
Cross-Boundary Transport Planning & Infrastructure
Expressways 至惠州 To Huizhou 至廣州 To Guangzhou 深惠高速 Shenzhen-Huizhou Expressway 東莞 DONGGUAN 至惠州、湖南 To Huizhou, Hunan 至汕頭、福建 To Shantou, Fujian 惠州 HUIZHOU 至東莞 To Dongguan 至廣州 To Guangzhou 梅觀高速 Meilin-Guanlan Expressway 至惠州 To Huizhou 廣深高速 Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway 深汕高速 Shenzhen-Shantou Expressway 東部過境通道 Eastern Corridor 深圳 SHENZHEN 廣深沿江高速 Guangzhou-Shenzhen Coastal Expressway 新連接道路 New Connecting Road 圖例 Legend 香港 HONGKONG 現有/規劃中公路口岸 Existing/Proposed Land Control Points 現有/規劃中高速公路 Existing/Proposed Expressway 港深行政區域界線 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Administrative Region Boundary 現有/規劃的口岸主向通道 Existing/Proposed Boundary Control Point Main Direction of Access 香港國際機場 Hong Kong Internation Airport 港珠澳大橋 Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge 至澳門、 珠海 To Macau, Zhuhai The plan is for indicative purpose only
Cross-Boundary Transport Planning & Infrastructure
Boundary Control Points Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link Shenzhen Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Sha Tau Kok Man Kam To Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Lo Wu Lok Ma Chau Shenzhen Bay Hong Kong Existing BCP Proposed BCP 18 The plan is for indicative purpose only
Lok Ma Chau Loop (about 87 ha)
Lok Mak Chau Loop Lok Ma Chau Loop (about 87 ha) For higher education uses, complemented by hi-tech R&D and cultural & creative industries The Planning and Engineering Study commenced in June 2009, and scheduled for completion in 2012 19
Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point
Joint Study Group on the Development of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai BCP (2006) HK-SZ Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development endorsed the recommendations of the Joint Study and agreed to construct the new BCP (2008) The new BCP is planned for operation not later than 2018 20
Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point
Integrated Passenger Terminal Building People-based design principle As convenient and comfortable as co-location mode Shortest distance between both HK and SZ sides Building to be erected over the SZ River Shenzhen Integrated Passenger Terminal Building Hong Kong 21 21
Qianhai Cooperation Area
Qianhai Cooperation Area (15km2) Hong Kong Shenzhen Shenzhen Bay Bridge Shenzhen Bay Port 22
Qianhai Cooperation Area
Conceptual planning of Qianhai Cooperation Area and part of Bao An Central District Detailed planning on the basis of the award-winning schemes to be carried out 規劃範圍 Site Area 23
Survey of Hong Kong People Living in Shenzhen
The first survey jointly commissioned by the Statistics Bureau of the Shenzhen Municipal Government and PlanD of HKSARG To analyse HK people taking up residence and acquiring properties in Shenzhen, and their socio-economic ties with HK 24
Cross-Boundary Travel Surveys
Since 1999, PlanD has been conducting cross-boundary travel surveys on a regular basis Assistance from Shenzhen in the field work for the 2009 Survey 25
Cross-boundary Travel Information Database
Held regular meetings among HK, SZ, Macao and Zhuhai authorities To build a common database on cross-boundary travel information and to provide a platform for sharing and exchange of information 26
Seminars Organised seminars on cross-boundary planning matters for participation of interested parties including HKIA members: Seminar on Regional Planning in the Greater Pearl River Delta Region (21 September 2009) Seminar on Town Planning in the Mainland (8 March 2010) 27
Concluding Remarks 28
Concluding Remarks Increasing planning cooperation and exchange between HK & SZ Adopting a regional perspective in cross-boundary transport infrastructure and land use planning More public engagement and greater partnership with professionals and academia Information available on Plan’s website: 29
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