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1 NAIOP April 2015 Tsawwassen First Nation Building a Better Future.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NAIOP April 2015 Tsawwassen First Nation Building a Better Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NAIOP April 2015 Tsawwassen First Nation Building a Better Future

2 2 TFN Treaty April 3, 2009 TFN ratified the first urban treaty in BC that provided our 450 Members with: ownership over 1,800 acres (724 hectares) of land in Lower Mainland charge of our economic and political destiny broad range of self-government jurisdiction over lands, resources, governance, social programming Includes municipal-like jurisdiction over land management and approval processes

3 3 Governance Structure TFN governed by our Legislative Assembly Chief, and Executive Council - oversees the daily affairs of the Nation Municipal-type elections every 3 years TFN Government manages typical municipal land development approval process established regulatory processes for zoning, subdivision, building permits, development permits, and off-site levies

4 4 Land Ownership Stable land ownership system through: BC Land Title Office – all lands registered in provincial titles office Tsawwassen Land Act & other laws – sets out stable, consistent set of rules Tsawwassen Lands include both: Tsawwassen Fee Simple Interests (TFSI) Tsawwassen Public Lands Lands available only on long term leases ensures land base remains under the control of the Tsawwassen people

5 5 Economic Development Corporation Established to develop TFN lands in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner and to facilitate business relationships Seeks partners to create developments that: generate short and long term land lease and legacy revenues build Member capacity by providing training and employment opportunities for TFN Members and their businesses Guided by experienced Board of Directors with a mandated majority of non- TFN Directors

6 6 Residential Lands TFN can develop as ‘best new seaside community in Canada’ master-planned community with a mix of uses - you can live, work, shop and play - in a highly desirable location up to 2800 new homes in the community (north and south of Hwy 17) approx. 6000 new residents new Village Centre with new elementary school Market has responded positively to Phase 1 (80 single family homes) of Aquilini’s Tsawwassen Shores community on 99-year leased land

7 7 Commercial Development Executed 99-year Lease Agreements with Member Benefits package with Ivanhoe Cambridge and Property Development Group Develop 185 acres as 1.8million sf mixed-use complex with retail, entertainment and office uses Potential to become one of BC’s signature shopping locations Target Opening Date - Spring 2016

8 8 Industrial Lands Land Uses (developable) Industrial 335 ac Commercial100 ac Residential325 ac Industrial Lands 330 acres adjacent to Deltaport with direct access to Deltaport Way, SFPR, and CN, CP, & BNSF railways To be developed as major logistics-based industrial park with 4M sf of light manufacturing, warehousing and distribution services

9 9 Industrial Lands Negotiated lease agreements with Member Benefits packages for 3 projects on 70 acres of the initial 100 acres we have serviced: 57 acres with Great West Life/HOOPP 11.4 acres with Port Metro Vancouver 1.5 acres with Chevron Canada All currently under development Currently marketing 23.5ac site Lease remaining 180ac over next 10 to 12 years

10 10 Economic Impacts (Deloitte) Buildout of entire TFN community (including these 4 current projects) expected to generate $3.76 billion in Construction Impacts (‘one time’) comprised of: $3.74 billion in construction spending of which $1.06 billion is construction employment income $20.4 million in first time Property Transfer Tax 21,360 person years of construction-related employment

11 11 Economic Impacts (Deloitte) Once construction is complete anticipate $548 million in annual economic activity generated from: 10,830 permanent retail and industrial jobs $484 million in annual employment income $36 million in operations spending (for commercial and retail facilities) $27.7 million in annual property taxes to TFN TFN will become a major employment centre in the Lower Mainland

12 12 Partnerships Established Joint Venture companies with Matcon Civil Contracting for site preparation and servicing, Wales McLelland for construction services, GardaWorld for security services Mandated to generate jobs and provide training for TFN Members and their businesses and build Member capacity To date JV’s have generated: Almost $18M in wages and contracts to TFN Members and their businesses and revenues to TFN Government Almost 50,000 hours of employment for TFN Members Our JV’s like our development partners help fulfill our financial & social mandates

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