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Chapter 17.3 (Pgs ): The Process of Speciation

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1 Chapter 17.3 (Pgs. 494-497): The Process of Speciation

2 Species A population or group of populations that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring The formation of new species is called speciation

3 Reproductive Isolation
Is when some members of a population stop breeding with other members Can be caused by physical, behavioral, or temporal barriers Can cause speciation

4 Geographic Isolation Occurs when a geographic barrier prevents contact and breeding between members of a population Geographic barriers can include: Bodies of water Mountain ranges Glaciers Forests Cities and roads Can create reproductive isolation When isolated groups come back into contact, they do not interbreed


6 Behavioral Isolation Occurs when behaviors change and prevent contact and breeding between members of a population Behavioral changes can include: Food choices Mating rituals Can create reproductive isolation

7 Temporal Isolation Occurs when members of a population mate at different times, which prevents contact Can create reproductive isolation

8 How Darwin’s Finches Evolved
Founders Arrive Birds fly or are blown 600 miles to Galapagos Geographic Isolation Birds are now separate from the mainland populations and other island populations Changes in Gene Pools Birds adapt to local environments, causing different beak sizes and other adaptations

9 How Darwin’s Finches Evolved
Behavioral Isolation Different mating behaviors prevent breeding with other island populations Competition Competing for food and other resources causes further adaptations


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