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Concept of Data Collection Vincent Scherrer Junior Adviser, System Development ENTSOG’s Transparency Workshop Brussels – 11 September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Concept of Data Collection Vincent Scherrer Junior Adviser, System Development ENTSOG’s Transparency Workshop Brussels – 11 September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concept of Data Collection Vincent Scherrer Junior Adviser, System Development ENTSOG’s Transparency Workshop Brussels – 11 September 2012

2 2 Main goals of the project Current Situation Expected PDWS improvements Conclusion

3 3

4 4 Improve scope and quality New Transparency Guidelines >Binding publication >More relevant points (distribution systems, storages, production facilities...) >More data (physical flows, auction requests...) More detailed ENTSOG deliverables >Demand breakdown (CCGT, final customers, industry) >More scenarios and cases >More accurate modelling Upcoming tasks >Cost-benefit analysis >Gas quality

5 5 Streamline the data collection processes Data collection among members >Automation >Web-based interfaces >Eliminated redundancy >Warning system ENTSOG internal data collection >Single repository of data >Versioning >User-friendly manual import mechanisms >More time for analysis and better deliverables

6 6 Availability and openness DataWarehouse Transparency Platform Transparency Platform Operational data Future projects Interruptions TYNDP data Auction results Information should be meaningful, exploitable, and consistent

7 7 Main goals of the project Current Situation Expected PDWS improvements Conclusion

8 8 Various data sources Transparency TYNDP Forecast data Infrastructure projects Other data Outlook&Review Historical data Outlook&Review Historical data System Development files and databases Transparency Platform/DB TSOs Promoters Third parties (GSE, GLE, …) Scattered environment, intensive treatment, insulated data

9 9 Complex aggregation procedures Balancing zones Relevant points System enhancem ents Demand Supply Technical capacities Flows (Re)Nominations Technical capacities Flows (Re)Nominations

10 10 Historical data analysis Detailed analysis of historical data and a comparison of multiple periods is a regular part of data processing

11 Understanding the data and changes to them is crucial >Different calculation assumptions ? >Uploaded at different points in time ? >Unmatched system enhancements ? 11 Data quality issues

12 12 Forecast vs Historical > Data questionnaire corrupted ? > Non-Standard Gross Calorific Value ? > What to do ?

13 13 Varying data from different data sources Spread ?

14 14 Main goals of the project Current Situation Expected PDWS improvements Conclusion

15 Manual data collection : Web-based 15

16 16 Automated imports : Monitoring Monitor the flow of messages >TSOs : direct access to the system, warning per mail ? >Detect an inform about odd values >Detect missing values >…

17 17 Data consistency and data views Quality control and good datawarehouse practices will enable us to look at the data from many different angles >Entry flows in a country ? >Exit flows out of a country ? >Aggregated EU-27 demand >For a particular relevant point, what infrastructure projects are planned ? >Analyze cross-border flows and loads >What are the most congested cross-border connections ? >What happened during the 2012 cold snap ? >Maximal and minimal demand over the last 52 weeks for each country ? At the EU level ? >What is the net demand per country on a daily basis ? >What are the planned infrastructure projects per country ? Per infrastructure type ?

18 18 Data consistency : Infrastructure projects Available as a Transparency Module >Different views but same data >Advanced search capabilities

19 19 Data consistency : Different time scales From day… To month… To year

20 20 Odd values Detect odd values with… >Fixed constraints >Comparison with the past >Check if missing >Comparison with previous versions of the same data Treat odd values with… >Quarantine dubious values >Each value has a state >Associate with workflows (manual or automatic)

21 21 Data availability Excel XML RSS Conform to best practices >Push and pull mechanisms >Most common formats >Flexible data sets >Quantitative and qualitative analysis

22 22 Export flexibility

23 23 Analysis

24 24 Aggregation LNG imports Hub-to-Hub

25 25 Main goals of the project Current Situation Expected PDWS improvements Conclusion

26 The new system will facilitate data collection and processing and should significantly improve ENTSOG’s ability to deliver reports such as TYNDP, Outlooks and reviews >Comprehensive quality control... >Drastically expanded analysis possibilities for ENTSOG, members, stakeholders, 3 rd parties… >Flexible data extracts and reports… >Better deliverables from ENTSOG... 26 Benefits Sound technical basis to face current and future Transparency Requirements

27 27 Do you have any questions ?

28 Thank You for Your Attention ENTSOG -- European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, B-1000 Brussels EML: WWW: Vincent Scherrer Junior Adviser

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