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1900-Present Developments in the 20 th Century. Consequences of Global Conflict *fall of Empires Europe ceased to dominate the global political order.

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Presentation on theme: "1900-Present Developments in the 20 th Century. Consequences of Global Conflict *fall of Empires Europe ceased to dominate the global political order."— Presentation transcript:

1 1900-Present Developments in the 20 th Century

2 Consequences of Global Conflict *fall of Empires Europe ceased to dominate the global political order by the end of the 20 th century Land based empires Qing (1911), Ottoman (1918), and Russian ( 1917) collapsed because of internal discontent, lack of technology, and military defeat.

3 Consequences of Global Conflict *World War I Imperialism, nationalism, alliances, and militarism lead to the war. The new technologies introduced during war made an impact – machine guns, airplanes, submarines, trench warfare, tanks, firebombing. RESULT: large #’s of deaths, lowered the value of humility. Full economic production and political power of nations were engaged in military victory.

4 Consequences of Global Conflict * Peace treaties and organizations after WWI League of Nations approved Treaty of Versailles, which is mostly an economic, political and military punishment to Germany. Increased Resentment of Germany toward the Allied Countries.

5 Consequences of Global Conflict *Communism Russia becomes worlds first Communist country after having to pull out of WWI because of civil wars going on at home. Communists sought to unite people across borders through Marxist ideology. Communists and socialist desired a redistribution of land from the wealthy and to the poor in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

6 Consequences of Global Conflict *World War II Germany’s government weakened after WWI allows for Hitler to take power. The Great Depression is also an added bonus to other counties governments failing allowing for Fascist dictatorships to take hold. ( Italy and Japan)

7 Consequences of Global Conflict *World War II As the war started with the German take over of Poland, it was apparent how the technology of WWI had been improved upon. Atom/Hydrogen Bomb – will cause a competition between the world powers. Will later lead to Nuclear Proliferation. Blitzkrieg- “Lightening War” was the way in which Germany attacked Poland and France with all guns blazing, tanks shooting, all planes in the air! “Shock and awe” was how how they gained territory so fast.

8 Consequences of Global Conflict *Holocaust and UN Holocaust and Anti- Semitism exposed after the War. World sympathy and push for Jewish homeland in Israel. Questions are raised as to who’s job it is to police human rights issues or genocides in other counties. United Nations replaces League of Nations. The UN had more military authority to stop aggression by nations, and to prosecute war crimes ( Nuremberg Trials)

9 Consequences of Global Conflict *Decolonization Anti-Imperialism movements dissolved empires & restructured states. Nationalist leaders like Gandhi in India and Ho Chi Minh in N. Vietnam challenged imperial rule. Regional, ethnic & religious movements challenged not just imperial rule, but the structure of post-colonial states. –Muhammad Ali Jinnah calls for indpendent, Muslim Pakistan ( 1940’s) –Major demographic and social changes accompanied post WWII politics. Population resettlement: Hindus move to India, Muslims to Pakistan. Jews move to Israel, Palestine pushed out.

10 Consequences of Global Conflict * Cold War U.S. and Soviet Union emerge as Superpowers and competition and paranoia begins. Cold War created new military alliances & resulted in proxy wars in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Organizations formed: NATO, Warsaw Pact. In the name of containment: Cuban Revolution, Cuban Missile Crisis, Korean and Vietnam wars.

11 Consequences of Global Conflict * Cold War Economic and social breakdown in the Soviet Union ended the Cold war by 1991. Many groups and individuals challenged the wars of the 20 th century. –No Nukes movements of the 1970 and 80’s –Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc set himself on fire to protest conflicts and opression in S. Vietnam –Student protestors in the U.S. during the Vietnam War.

12 Consequences of Global Conflict *reactions to protests Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr, promoted nonviolence as a way to bring about political change. Some groups opposed existing issues and promoted alternatives. –Lenin in Russian Revolution – communism as an alternative to fighting in WWI –Tiananmen Square protestors promoting democracy in China.

13 Consequences of Global Conflict * Violence with Violence Militaries and militarized states often responded to violence with more violence. –Dictators in Chile, Spain, & Uganda –Military build-up and arms trading Some movements used violence against civilians to achieve political aims -Al-Qaeda

14 Consequences of Global Conflict * Ethnic Violence First Genocide- 2 million Armenia Christians killed by Muslim Turks. World War I was provided the Turks the opportunity to solve their “Armenian problem”.Armenian Soldiers were disarmed and killed by work or firing squad. Armenian intellectuals killed first, followed by Armenian men. Armenian Elderly, Women and children were marched into the Syrian Desert to eliminate them. Fact: Ottoman Turks were allied with Germany during WWI. The next genocide will occur in Germany.

15 Consequences of Global Conflict * Ethnic Violence Holocaust of 1940’s ( 11-15 millions deaths of Jews, Gypsies, Polish, Slavs, African Germans, and others) Cambodian Genocide by Khmer Rouge (1.7 million educated and religious leaders and their family) Serbian “Ethnic Cleansing” of 1990 ( 8,000 Bosnian Muslims died) 1994 Rwandan ( Hutu) massacres of the Tutsi population. – 800,000 died in matter of weeks.

16 Human Rights and Aide Organizations Due to globalization human rights violations and the needs of citizens in the foreign countries becomes more evident, leading to the creation of several aide organizations to help. Red Cross – founded in England in 19 th century. Works with government agencies around the world. Amnesty international- raises awareness of the plight of political prisoners around the globe. World Health Organization – UN agency committed to combating infectious diseases. UNICEF – UN agency works for children’s rights and survival around the world.

17 Science and the Environment Geographic distance is eliminated with automobiles, airplanes, etc. Telephone, Radio/Tv broadcasts, Interest make global communication instantaneous. New physics changes peoples’ understanding of the world –Einstein’s theory of relativity –Quantum theory –“ Big bang” theory

18 Science and the Environment Green Revolution brought technology and food production together to feed the growing pop. –Genetically engineered crops & livestock –Pesticides & new fertilizers Petroleum and Nuclear Energy raised productivity & increased the production of material goods Medical innovations like antibiotics & heart transplants increased life spans of humans.

19 Science and the Environment More that ever before, humans fundamentally changed the environment and their relationship to it. Competition over resources Global warming as a result of pollutants & gases. Pollution threatens air & water Animal species become endangered or extinct at an unprecedented rate.

20 Science and the Environment Diseases impact human life in new and old ways –Tuberculosis & cholera persist in impoverished regions… just like in early industrial Europe –HIV/AIDS emerged in the late 1970’s –Ebola virus devastated areas of Africa in the 1990’s –Diabetes & Heart disease are linked with more sedentary lifestyles & improved tech/transport –Alzheimer’s is linked to longer life spans

21 Global Connections * Organizations International Olympic Committee – promote international understanding through sports World Bank and International Money Fund- banking principles and loan $ to developing nations. European Union – formed after WWII to help Europe rebuild. Created a common currency and helped increase trade between member countries. NAFTA – US response to EU. Trade agreement btwn US, Canada, and Mexico. OPEC- Organization of Arab oil exporting counties. Control petroleum prices.

22 Global Connections: * Global Companies As major corporations began to spread around the world they brought with them the culture of their home country. These companies also spread Democratic and free enterprise ideals. Exxon, McDonald's, General Motors, Coca Cola ( US companies spread around the world. ) Philips Electronics, and Shell Oil ( Based in Europe but spread around the world.) Sony Electronics, Toyota Motors, and Hyundai Motors ( Based in East Asia but spread around the world.)

23 Popular Culture As the world became more globally connected popular culture began to spread to. U.S. clothing styles and music like Elvis spread. The Beatles ( from Britain) were actually more popular in the rest of the world. Bollywood ( Indian form of Hollywood) gained popularity in the west. They produce more films than Hollywood. James Bond movies- simulated the fear the U.S. had for the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Video Games – as technology becomes more developed and affordable video games gain popularity.

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