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Unit 3 Concept 2.  Foreign Policy = the philosophy the U.S. uses when dealing with other countries around the world  Today we will discuss how and why.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Concept 2.  Foreign Policy = the philosophy the U.S. uses when dealing with other countries around the world  Today we will discuss how and why."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Concept 2

2  Foreign Policy = the philosophy the U.S. uses when dealing with other countries around the world  Today we will discuss how and why the U.S. moved from a policy of Isolation  Imperialism. Essentially not being involved with other countries to being heavily involved with them.

3  Isolation = to separate oneself; the U.S. would not involve itself in foreign issues  Why? Surrounded by water = easy to do Not really strong enough to handle a war with other countries Needed to work on forming our own country

4  Monroe Doctrine = The European Countries need to stay out of the Western Hemisphere.  Why? Afraid they would interfere with our trading with South America Afraid it would lead to war (U.S. was weak after the Civil War)

5  Imperialism = strong countries take over weak countries for their resources and markets  Why should the U.S. do it? Most Industrialized nation in the world - - Need new markets Show everyone in world we are no longer the baby country!!

6  Alaska (1876) – Buffer zone from Russians (afraid they would expand down to CA)  Hawaii – Needed a “rest stop” for trade with Asia  Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines Won during the Spanish American War

7  First 3 boxes = Causes of the War Tell what it is? How it caused the war?  Cuba and Philippines box Write 3 details about the fighting  Settlement Who got what?

8 1. Describe ONE thing that caused the Spanish American War. 2. What is Imperialism? 3. What did the U.S. get from winning the Sp.-Amer. War?

9  Big Stick Policy Created by Theodore Roosevelt “Speak softly and carry a big stick”  Using the Policy Panama Canal Roosevelt Corollary Venezuela Dominican Republic China Japan

10  Using your text (pp. 616-619) 1. Identify the Problem  What issue was this country dealing with? Describe it 2. How did Roosevelt Deal with the Issue  Big Stick? = Use force to get what they want  Speak Softly? = Find a diplomatic Solution  Diplomacy = negotiating to solve an issue without force

11  Panama Canal U.S. wants a Canal to move around the world faster. Columbia controls panama; would not allow a canal to be built Big Stick- U.S. gave weapons and naval support to Panama Revolution. Then Purchased the canal from Panama  Roosevelt Corollary South American Countries were not paying debts to Europe. Big Stick and speak softly -Corollary states that if countries in the W. Hemisphere misbehave the U.S. has the right to go in and fix it.

12  Venezuela Venezuela refused to pay debts to Great Britain. G.B. blocked ports, which was seen as a violation to the Monroe Doctrine Speak softly – U.S. lead arbitration to work out a deal to end the dispute  Dominican Republic Dominican Republic refused to pay debts other foreign countries. Big Stick – The U.S. stepped in and sent marines to collect taxes on customs and paid off the debts themselves

13  China Open Door European countries set up spheres of influence. Territory in China in which the European country controlled trade. These countries blocked imports from other countries like the U.S. Speak softly- the U.S. requested and received and “Open Door” policy. Allowing other countries to trade with China as they pleased  Japan Japan started a war with Russian and defeated them Speak Softly – The U.S. helped create the Treaty of Portsmouth, which led to peace between the two countries. Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize.

14 American Neutrality

15  Militarism – Building up of ones military  Alliances – two countries agreeing to support one another in times of war  Imperialism – take over another territory for resources  Nationalism – extreme pride in one’s country

16  Assassination of Archduke  Germany agrees to help Austria Hungary  A-H declares war on Serbia  France and Russia agree to support Serbia

17  Germany declares war on Serbia, Russia, and Fr.  Germany attacks France (goes through Belgium)  Great Britain declares war

18  Stay Neutral! Why? Make money Boost our economy Other side of the world America Divided (depending where they were from)

19  The Lusitania – Incident 1 1. Is this a Primary or Secondary Source? Explain. 2. Judging from the Picture what was the Lusitania? 3. What happened to the Lusitania? 4. How might this affect U.S. Neutrality?  Incident 2: Zimmerman Telegram Answer the Discussion Questions in complete sentences

20  President Wilson’s Address Read the excerpts from Wilson’s speech. Write your own secondary source about the speech – in the form of a Newspaper Article  Title  Who  What  Where  Why  When – April 2, 1917

21  Explain how primary and secondary sources compliment one another. (2-3 sentences) In other words why do we need both of them.

22  National Reserve Act  Pure Food and Drug Act  Recall  Building Safety  Child Labor Laws  Sherman Anti trust Act  Referendum  Direct Primary  Workers’ Compensation

23  1. Which country did the U.S. support the most?  2. How did U.S. citizens contribute to the War effort?  3. Did the U.S. change it’s foreign policy after WWI?


25  David Lloyd George – G.B.  Georges Clemenceau – France  Emanuele Orlando –Italy  Woodrow Wilson – U.S.

26  Why is the U.S. involved in the Peace Process?  U.S. goal = to insure no war like this will occur again (The war to end all wars). Did not want to punish the Central Powers.

27 1. There should be no secret alliances between countries 2. Freedom of the seas in peace and war 3. The reduction of trade barriers among nations 4. The general reduction of armaments 5. The adjustment of colonial claims in the interest of the inhabitants as well as of the colonial powers 6. The evacuation of Russian territory and a welcome for its government to the society of nations 7. The restoration of Belgian territories in Germany 8. The evacuation of all French territory, including Alsace-Lorraine 9. The readjustment of Italian boundaries along clearly recognizable lines of nationality 10. Independence for various national groups in Austria-Hungary 11. The restoration of the Balkan nations and free access to the sea for Serbia 12. Protection for minorities in Turkey and the free passage of the ships of all nations through the Dardanelles 13. Independence for Poland, including access to the sea 14. A league of nations to protect "mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small nations alike."

28  11 of the 14 points were included  Some Key additions Germany had to pay $56 million in Reparations Germany must reduce military Germany must admit guilt for the war Germany must give up all teritory  League of nations included

29  Does the treaty match up with our goals?  Do you agree with the actual Treaty? Should Germany be punished?

30  Russia = 9.1 million  Germany = 7.1 million  Austria-Hungary = 7.0 million  France = 6.1 million  Great Britain = 3.1 million  Italy = 2.1 million  U.S. = 323,000

31  Should the U.S. have a part in the peace process now?  Does President Wilson have a right to be upset that not all of his 14 points were included?  Should the U.S. sign the Treaty? Become a member of the League of Nations?

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