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Air Force Heritage Bowl 1 1 1 1 1 1.

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1 Air Force Heritage Bowl 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 Questions The Combined Bomber Campaign used around the clock operations by what two countries during which part of the day? US by day and British by night How many aircraft were either damaged or destroyed during the Combined Bomber Offensive? 198

3 Questions How did the United States rank among air powers at the beginning of WWI? Number 14 Who earned the title the “Ace of Aces” during WWI with 26 confirmed kills? Capt Eddie Rickenbacker Whose concepts did Brigadier General William “Billy” Mitchell study to formulate his ideas of air power? General Hugh Trenchard (Commander of the Royal Flying Corps’ unit in France) 3

4 Questions The Korean War saw the first introduction of the
____________ by both participants. Jet Fighter The MIG-15 was a more technologically superior A/C than the US F-86, however, _____ MIGs were lost compared to ______ F-86s 792 MIGs to 78 F-86s What was the driving force of the armistice ending the hostilities of the Korean War? Expanding the war beyond the Korean peninsula 3

5 Questions The campaign during the Vietnam War designed to destroy the North’s will to resist and force Hanoi to negotiate in good faith, plus primary A/C used? Linebacker II, B-52’s What campaign during the Vietnam War was an interdiction designed to stem the flow of men and supplies into South Vietnam? Rolling thunder What campaign during the Vietnam War targeted Vietnamese communication centers, road networks, railroads, bridges, military barracks and harbors? Linebacker I 3

6 Questions Who was the first human to step foot on the moon?
Neil Armstrong This space program tested man’s ability to survive in space: Mercury Program Which space program was a series of “two-man” space flights that tested our ability to work in space? Gemini program Which space program fulfilled President Kennedy’s challenge of putting a man on the moon? Apollo program 3

7 Questions How many phases of the air campaign were there for Desert Storm? Four The initial phase of the air campaign during Desert Storm was aimed at what type of targets? Strategic targets What was the second planned phase of the four-phased plan in Iraq designed to do? Suppress Iraqi air defenses in the KTO What was the third planned phase of the air campaign designed to do? Isolate and destroy Iraqi forces in the KTO 3

8 Questions What was the final phase of the campaign?
Provide support for the ground campaign What was the original name of the four-phase offensive campaign for Desert Storm, developed under General Norman Schwarzkopf? Instant Thunder 3

9 Bonus Questions How many combat capable aircraft did the Army Aviation Section have when the United States entered WWI? Who was the Chief of the Army Air Forces during WWII? Gen Henry “Hap” Arnold What was the name of the B-29 that dropped the first atomic bomb on “Hiroshima?” Enola Gay What was the name of the first atomic bomb dropped on “Nagasaki?” Fat Man What does the acronym ICBM stand for? Intercontinental Ballistic Missile 3

10 Questions???

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