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Chapter 23 Review World War One. Know all Vocabulary 1-13 M.A.I.N causes of WWI- –Militarism –Alliances –Imperialism –Nationalism.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 23 Review World War One. Know all Vocabulary 1-13 M.A.I.N causes of WWI- –Militarism –Alliances –Imperialism –Nationalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 23 Review World War One

2 Know all Vocabulary 1-13 M.A.I.N causes of WWI- –Militarism –Alliances –Imperialism –Nationalism

3 Short Term Cause of WWI The Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

4 Germany’s invasion of _____Belgium________ caused Great Britain to enter the war.

5 Allied Powers United States Great Britain France Russia Italy Greece

6 Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria

7 What was the Zimmerman Telegram and how did it effect the U.S.? A note sent from Germany to Mexico. It wanted Mexico to join the Central Powers and attack the United States. It also wanted Mexico to get Japan to attack the U.S. If Mexico kept the U.S. out of the war in Europe than when the war was over Mexico would get back Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. It was published in the U.S. newspapers and it made Americans mad and they wanted to join the war.

8 Who was the U.S. President during WWI? Woodrow Wilson

9 What new GERMAN weapon changed the course of the war? German U-Boat It changed the course of the war because Germany used it to sink the Lusitania and other American ships causing the U.S. to join the war. Which led to Germany losing the war.

10 What new weapon in general had great impact for both sides? The Airplane Because they used the airplane to track down enemy movement, and used in air fights. (Dogfights)

11 What did the Food Administration ask Americans to do during the war? Produce more and eat less Use leftovers, serve only what is needed Meatless Mondays Wheatless Tuesdays Porkless Thursdays. Needed to use the food to send to our soldiers fighting in Europe.

12 What did the National War Labor Board Do? Limited work day to 8 hours Pay overtime By assuring the businesses took care of their employees the employees would produce more war materials.

13 What did Wilson consider to be the most important part of his Fourteen Points Plan? The League of Nations It was NOT successful the way he planned it to work.

14 What countries signed the Treaty of Versailles? Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain The Big Four (U.S., Italy, France, and Great Britain) met in Versailles, France to come up with a treaty. President Wilson got mad when they would not include all 14 points of his plan and walked out.

15 What main country is missing from the signing of the Treaty of Versailles? The United States of America did not sign the Treaty of Versailles because we thought it was too harsh on Germany 2 years later the U.S. signed separate treaties with each of the Central Power countries.

16 What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? Germany would pay reparations to the Allies. Germany had to give up all weapons. Germany must give all overseas colonies and land in Europe. Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war.


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