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Teen Leadership Final Review A:B: Pretend Listening Diversity #1 Keeping activities in all areas of your life at the same level C:D: BalanceRenewal.

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Presentation on theme: "Teen Leadership Final Review A:B: Pretend Listening Diversity #1 Keeping activities in all areas of your life at the same level C:D: BalanceRenewal."— Presentation transcript:


2 Teen Leadership Final Review

3 A:B: Pretend Listening Diversity #1 Keeping activities in all areas of your life at the same level C:D: BalanceRenewal

4 C. Balance

5 A:B: Lose-LoseLose-Win #2 When you and another want to win at all costs C:D: Win-Lose Win-Win

6 A. Lose-Lose

7 A:B: Word listening Pretend listening #3 Not really listening, but making insightful comments C:D: Genuine listening Self-centered listening

8 B. Pretend Listening

9 A:B: Selective listening Pretend listening #4 Focusing only on part of the conversation that interests you C:D: Word ListeningSelf-centered listening

10 A. Selective listening

11 A:B: Dimension Renewal #5 Taking time for yourself to relax and enjoy life C:D: Comparing Balance

12 B. Renewal

13 A:B: Lose-LoseLose-Win #6 Setting low expectations and compromising your standards to please others C:D: Win-Win Win-Lose

14 B. Lose-Win

15 A:B: Selective listening Pretend listening #7 Listening from your own point of view C:D: Word listening Self-centered listening

16 D. Self-centered listening

17 A:B: Pretend listening Word listening #8 Focusing only on what the person is saying C:D: Genuine listening Comparing

18 B. Word listening

19 A:B: DimensionDiversity #9 An area of your life, such as what you do with your mind and body C:D: Courage zone Comfort zone

20 A. Dimension

21 A:B: Win-WinWin-Lose #10 Competitive attitude where one tries to get ahead at expense of another C:D: Lose-Lose Lose-Win

22 B. Win-Lose

23 A:B: Genuine listening Selective listening #11 Listening with your eyes, heart, and ears C:D: Pretend listening Word listening

24 A. Genuine Listening

25 A:B: Comparing Dimension #12 Showing a variety of differences among things or people C:D: DiversityContrasting

26 C. Diversity

27 A:B: Comparing Contrasting #13 Building your life based on how you measure to others C:D: Destiny Private victory

28 A. Comparing

29 A:B: Synergy Personal mission statement #14 Strength to say yes to your most important things C:D: Will-powerParadigm shift

30 C. Will-power

31 A:B: Synergy Competition #15 Working together to achieve more C:D: Character Effective

32 A. Synergy

33 A:B: Middle school students Procrastinator #16 One who postpones something that is supposed to be done C:D: Planner Self-centered listening

34 B. Procrastinator

35 A:B: SynergyCharacter #17 When we change the way we think about and see things C:D: Paradigm shiftSpacing out

36 C. Paradigm shift

37 A:B: NatureParadigm #18 The way we think about and see things C:D: Comfort zoneSelf-discovery

38 B. Paradigm

39 A:B: Personal Mission Statement Character #19 A personal credo or motto that states what your life is about C:D: WillpowerRole

40 A. Personal Mission Statement

41 A:B: Win-LoseSpacing Out C:D: EffectivePeer pressure #20 Caught up in your own thoughts instead of listening

42 B. Spacing Out

43 A:B: Sharpen the Saw Character C:D: Valuing diversity Self-discovery #21 Making good use of differences in personality, background, abilities, etc.

44 C. Valuing diversity

45 A:B: Win-WinWin-Lose C:D: Lose-LoseLose-Win #22 Belief that everyone can win and wishing success for others as well as for yourself

46 A. Win-Win

47 A:B: Sharpen the Saw Personal Mission Statement C:D: Competition Relationship Bank Account #23 A daily process of strengthening ourselves physically, mentally, spiritually and socially

48 A. Sharpen the Saw

49 A:B: Competition Comparing C:D: Urgent Relationship Bank Account #24 Creating a self-image relative to others or placing yourself above another

50 A. Competition

51 A:B: Personal Mission Effective C:D: Procrastination Character #25 Getting what you want over and over again

52 B. Effective

53 A:B: Will-PowerCharacter C:D: Diversity Relationship Bank Account #26 Qualities that a person possesses, such as integrity and maturity, is believed to be someone with high _______.

54 B. Character

55 A:B: Sharpen the Saw Personal Mission Statement C:D: Comfort Zone Self-discovery #27 Getting to know ourselves better

56 D. Self- discovery

57 A:B: Goal Personal Mission Statement C:D: Destiny Courage Zone #28 Something you are trying to accomplish

58 A. Goal

59 A:B: PrincipleComfort Zone C:D: Urgent Habits #29 Things we do consistently or on auto-pilot

60 D. Habits

61 A:B: GoalDestiny C:D: Important Private Victory #30 Pre-determined state or fate over which you do not have control

62 B. Destiny

63 A:B: PrinciplePeer Pressure C:D: Competition Pack mentality #31 The influence that people your age have on you to think and act like them

64 B. Peer Pressure

65 A:B: Personal discovery Private victory C:D: Principle Relationship Bank Account #32 Metaphor for the amount of trust in a relationship

66 D. Relationship Bank Account

67 A:B: DestinyCourage zone C:D: Inspiring Urgent #33 Something that moves you emotionally

68 C. Inspiring

69 A:B: Private VictoryPersonal Mission C:D: Effectiveness Goal #34 When someone learns self-mastery and self-discipline

70 A. Private Victory

71 A:B: GoalUrgent C:D: Quality Fundamental #35 An activity you or others feel requires immediate attention

72 B. Urgent

73 A:B: PrincipleDestiny C:D: Control Policy #36 General or fundamental truth or natural law

74 A. Principle

75 A:B: GoalieSelf-discovery C:D: Planner Procrastinator #37 Person who consciously looks ahead and plans with specific goals in mind

76 C. Planner

77 A:B: Courage ZoneComfort Zone C:D: Competition Relationships #38 Represents taking risks that make us feel uncomfortable

78 A. Courage Zone

79 A:B: DestinyVolatile C:D: Important Inspiring #39 An activity that you find valuable and that contributes to your mission, values and high-priority goals

80 C. Important

81 A:B: RoleBalance C:D: Competition Relationship Bank Account #40 Position you occupy in relation to another

82 A. Role

83 A:B: Refuge Personal Mission Statement C:D: Courage Zone Comfort Zone #41 Represents things that you are familiar with; makes you feel safe

84 D. Comfort Zone

85 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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