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NLB Curriculum - Nutrition Dialogue Gemalli de Leon Lake County Tribal Health.

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Presentation on theme: "NLB Curriculum - Nutrition Dialogue Gemalli de Leon Lake County Tribal Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 NLB Curriculum - Nutrition Dialogue Gemalli de Leon Lake County Tribal Health

2 Nutrition Classes Goals O Encourage participants to decrease intake of unhealthy fat and increase intake of fruit/vegetables, whole grains, legumes, MUFA and omega-3.

3 Why? O If they need to lose weight, we want them to lose 7% of their body weight. O Feel better and have more energy.

4 How do we help our patients lose weight? O Assessment Tools-InBody 520- O Non-invasive full body measurement. O Assists in proper obesity diagnosis. Measured muscle and fat values. O Determine if fat loss is being achieved. O Monitor change is pounds of muscle

5 How do we help our patients?

6 How do we help our patients lose weight? O Assessment Tools-Nutrition PRO O Extensive Database O Diet Analysis O Menu Analysis O Reports

7 How do we help our patients lose weight? O Visual aids O What are the medical complication of obesity?

8 1 To Lose 1 Pound O Burn 3,500 calories O Decrease kcals by 500-1000 kcal/day (average 500 kcals) - leads to 1 - 2 lbs/week loss

9 Why Diet is “More Effective” Than Exercise in Weight Loss?

10 How much time will take you to eat this apple pie?

11 How about this apples?

12 Refining escalates calories! 1 apple = 80 calories 1 piece of apple pie with trimmings = 480 calories



15 A baked potato = 120 calories Add sour cream & butter = 390 cal French fries = 450 calories Potato chips =1000 calories

16 How do we help our patients lose weight? O “Family Garden Club”

17 How do we help our patients lose weight?


19 O Cooking Class

20 How do we help our patients lose weight? O Video-

21 Objectives O At the end of the workshop participants will have shared and practiced new ways to teach healthy eating.

22 Dialogue Education O In pair, describe the best learning experience. O Name 1-2 factors that made it good experience. O Write them on Post-it Notes, one per Card. O We’ll hear these as we post them on our chart.

23 How Adults Learn: Six Core Principles (Malcom Knowles) O Respect- What do they already know about the topic? O Immediacy- “How soon can I use this?” O Relevance- Is it significant to them and their present lives?

24 How Adults Learn: Six Core Principles (Jane Vella) O Safety- Create group guidelines. O Engagement-Actively involved, doing what they are learning. O Inclusion-Get all voices of learners with open questions.

25 O Choose one of the adult learning principles and examine carefully how it looks, sounds or feels in practice. O Use a graphic organizer such as sun or wheel. O Write responses to the questions and the rays of the wheel or sun. O Post it to review and compare with others.

26 How adults learn: Six Core Principles O Respect- What is that tells or shows that learners feel respected in a learning event; enough to be open and willing to learn? O Immediacy: What is it that tells or shows the learner that the content of a learning event is taught in a way that is seen and felt as immediately useful?

27 How adults learn: Six Core Principles O Relevance: What is it that tells or shows that the learner sees and feels the relevance of the content? O Safety: What is it that tells or shows that a learning environment is safe enough for your leaners to be reasonable comfortable to learn?

28 How adults learn: Six Core Principles O Inclusion: What is that tells or shows that learners feel included in a learning session? O Engagement: What is it that tells or shows that learners are fully engaged with the content being taught?

29 Principle

30 Proactive Theory of Retention O 20% of what we hear O 40% of what we see and hear O 80% of what we hear, see & DO!

31 Dialogue Education O What is the purpose of the Learning Objective? O Work with a partner to develop a Learning Objective for a nutrition Session?

32 Dialogue Education O Setting Objectives: O What could they do that would tell them and the instructor that they have learned it? O Practiced four tips to make menu healthier.

33 Three Domains of Learning O Recall the good learning experience you described. Ask yourself: O How did that learning experience tap your Thinking, Feeling and Need to Do?

34 Dialogue Education O Three Domains of Learning O Cognitive-Affective- Psychomotor (CAP) Ideas- Feelings- Actions

35 Three Domain of Learning O Work in teams to analyze the how the Three Domains of Learning: Cognitive-Affective- Psychomotor (ideas-feelings-actions) show up in the nutrition class of the Native Lifestyle Balance

36 Group Activity 1. How much does the Nutrition Curriculum get people thinking? (very little) 1 2 3 4 5 (a lot)

37 Group Activity O Write down one or two examples of effective use of the cognitive domain- ideas O Write in one way it could include more Cognitive-Ideas?

38 Group Activity O How much does the Nutrition Curriculum tap into people’s feeling? (very little) 1 2 3 4 5 (a lot)

39 Group Activity O Write down one or two examples of effective use of the affective domain- Feelings. O Write in one way it could include more Affective-Feelings?

40 Group Activity O How much does the Nutrition Curriculum gets people doing what they are learning? (very little) 1 2 3 4 5 (a lot)

41 Group Activity O Write down one or two examples of effective use of the psychomotor domain- action O Write in one way it could include more Psychomotor-action content?

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