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The Wrath of Khan 愤怒. The Wrath of Khan This is an adventure game. You will be given choices and you have to decide which is the best. This is an adventure.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wrath of Khan 愤怒. The Wrath of Khan This is an adventure game. You will be given choices and you have to decide which is the best. This is an adventure."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wrath of Khan 愤怒

2 The Wrath of Khan This is an adventure game. You will be given choices and you have to decide which is the best. This is an adventure game. You will be given choices and you have to decide which is the best. Before you answer you need to talk with your classmates. Before you answer you need to talk with your classmates. Sometimes you might have to say the answers, sometimes you might have to write them down. Sometimes you might have to say the answers, sometimes you might have to write them down. You will get Leadership Points if you answer questions with correct grammar ( 语法 ), spelling, and pronunciation ( 发音 ). You will get Leadership Points if you answer questions with correct grammar ( 语法 ), spelling, and pronunciation ( 发音 ). For some choices we will roll dice to find out what happens For some choices we will roll dice to find out what happens

3 Khan’s Early Life This is a listening round This is a listening round I will tell you about Khan when he was growing up. You need to listen and then answer some questions. I will tell you about Khan when he was growing up. You need to listen and then answer some questions.

4 Read the listening (you printed it, right?)

5 Catching the Kids Khan thinks that the kids are in the desert. Khan thinks that the kids are in the desert. He wants to have his alien soldiers go to the desert. He wants to have his alien soldiers go to the desert. How many soldiers do you think he should send?: How many soldiers do you think he should send?: –5–5–5–5 –10 –More (How many?)

6 Catching the Kids If you sent 5 soldiers: If you sent 5 soldiers: –Wrong choice. The kids are just too quick. They get away once again. Khan loses 2 leadership points. If you sent 10 soldiers: If you sent 10 soldiers: –OK. The kids are fast, but not fast enough. One of the kids was captured, but which one?  Please roll: (1 Lu, 2 Kyle, 3 Susan, 4 John, 5 Nyomi, 6 Ros) If you sent ___ soldiers: If you sent ___ soldiers: –Good. Now we’re getting somewhere. The soldiers manage to capture 1-2 kids (Roll: 1-3 =1, 4-6 = 2)  Please roll: (1 Lu, 2 Kyle, 3 Susan, 4 John, 5 Nyomi, 6 Ros) –Unfortunately, all of those soldiers in the desert was just too much. Many old and beautiful cacti were damaged and the desert people are not happy.  Khan loses 1 leadership point.

7 Angry People Khan wants to capture the kids, but many people on Earth are now angry with the aliens. Khan wants to capture the kids, but many people on Earth are now angry with the aliens. –The people in Rome are angry because the city was destroyed –The people in the desert are angry because their camels won’t work with the aliens What should Khan do? What should Khan do? –Make the people in Rome happy –Make the people in the desert happy –The people are unhappy? Who cares! Get those kids!

8 Speaking Round In your groups you have to answer some questions. In your groups you have to answer some questions. Each person has to answer, and if you don’t make any grammar mistakes you get 1 leadership point Each person has to answer, and if you don’t make any grammar mistakes you get 1 leadership point –What are three things Khan can do to make the people happy? –What can Khan do to catch the kids?

9 Angry People If you tried to make the people in Rome happy: If you tried to make the people in Rome happy: –Nice try. Khan tries to make the people in Rome happy, but their city is ruined and they hate Khan. Lose 1-2 Leadership points. (Roll: 1,2,3 = 1 4,5,6 = 2) If you tried to make the people in the desert happy: If you tried to make the people in the desert happy: –Khan goes to the desert, but the camels just spit on him and the desert people are still angry. Lose 1-2 Leadership points. (Roll: 1,2,3 = 1 4,5,6 = 2) If you went after the kids: If you went after the kids: –Khan is not good at making people happy, but he can catch kids. –Please roll: (1 Lu, 2 Kyle, 3 Susan, 4 John, 5 Nyomi, 6 Ros)  If you catch a kid you get 1 leadership point, if you don’t you lose 2 leadership points

10 $ Money $ After Rome and the drill were destroyed the aliens are almost out of money After Rome and the drill were destroyed the aliens are almost out of money Ruling Earth and stealing its power were more expensive than the aliens had thought, and they really need money now Ruling Earth and stealing its power were more expensive than the aliens had thought, and they really need money now What should Khan do to get money? What should Khan do to get money? –Take it from the people –Take it from the soldiers –Sell a spaceship –Ask his boss

11 Writing Round What should Khan do to get money? What should Khan do to get money? –Take it from the people –Take it from the soldiers –Sell a spaceship –Ask your boss In your groups, decide what you want to do. Give reasons why it is the right choice and why the others are the wrong choices. In your groups, decide what you want to do. Give reasons why it is the right choice and why the others are the wrong choices. Everyone should write one sentence. Everyone should write one sentence.

12 $ Money $ If you take money from the people: If you take money from the people: –The people are poor and Khan gets very little money. –Lose 1 Leadership point. If you take money from the soldiers: If you take money from the soldiers: –The soldiers have lots of money, but you make them very angry. Lose 2 Leadership points. If you sell a spaceship: If you sell a spaceship: –You get lots of money from selling a spaceship, but do your alien bosses find out? (50% chance)  If your boss doesn’t find out you are OK  If your boss finds out you lose 3 leadership points If you ask your boss: If you ask your boss: –Your boss is very angry that you would even think to ask for more money! How dare you! –Lose 3 leadership points.

13 Poor Khan Khan tried and tried but he just couldn’t catch all the kids or get enough money Khan tried and tried but he just couldn’t catch all the kids or get enough money Khan’s alien bosses want to know why things on Earth are not going well Khan’s alien bosses want to know why things on Earth are not going well What should Khan do now? What should Khan do now?

14 Final Round Speaking and Writing Speaking and Writing Your groups will have a few minutes to decide what Khan should do. Your groups will have a few minutes to decide what Khan should do. You can write things down if you want, but each person will have to say at least one thing. You can write things down if you want, but each person will have to say at least one thing.

15 Poor Khan Which group has the best idea? Which group has the best idea? You don’t know? You can’t decide? You don’t know? You can’t decide? Roll the dice Roll the dice –1 or 2: group 1 –3 or 4: group 2 –5 or 6: group 3

16 Khan Thanks You For Coming!

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