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CRM –ETMS Buying guide Offline Online. Offline Interface Environment Cost.

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1 CRM –ETMS Buying guide Offline Online

2 Offline Interface Environment Cost

3 Interface Property Standard SynchronizationCustom synchronization Rich user interface55 Usability55 Interface response time55 Power of data analysis55 Load data at once*55 Device independent (Cross platform) 11 Standard synchronization - Synchronization provided by the database server like Sybase or other alike Custom synchronization - A custom built engine providing better response for CRMs - one REP should synchronize the data in less than one minute

4 Environment Property Standard synchronization* Custom synchronization* Rep Synchronization time / possibility to lose online data 14 Need High speed Internet35 Guaranteed speed required55 Security (considering HTTPS for WEB) 55 Reliability15 Require VPN (No = 5)55 Infrastructure Compatibility55 Scalability*25 Standard synchronization - Synchronization provided by the database server like Sybase or other alike Custom synchronization - A custom built engine providing better response for CRMs - one REP should synchronize the data in less than one minute Scalability - refers to the maximum number of users - a good number is from 500 users up, depending on the team, bigger is better in this case

5 Cost property Standard synchronization* Custom synchronization* Equipment cost55 Implementation cost (server included) 15 New development cost44 Maintenance cost33 Standard synchronization - Synchronization provided by the database server like Sybase or other alike Custom synchronization - A custom built engine to provide better response for CRMs - one REP should synchronize the data in less than one minute Cost - low is better

6 Evaluation total Offline Standard synchronization* Custom synchronization* 6682

7 Online WEB - CLOUD Rich Application (.NET, JAVA, Other)

8 Interface property Cross platform Platform specific (AJAX, Silverlight, Flash ) Rich user interface13 Usability12 Interface response time 22 Power of data analysis 13 Load data at once*11 Device independent (Cross platform) 52

9 Environment Cross platformPlatform specific (AJAX, Silverlight, Flash ) Rep Synchronization time / possibility to lose online data 33 Need High speed Internet55 Guaranteed speed required55 Security (considering HTTPS for WEB) 55 Reliability33 Require VPN (No = 5)55 Infrastructure Compatibility55 Scalability*55 Equipment cost44

10 Cost Cross platform Platform specific (AJAX, Silverlight, Flash ) Equipment cost44 Implementation cost (server included) 22 New development cost11 Maintenance cost33

11 Evaluation total Online – web cloud Cross platform Platform specific (AJAX, Silverlight, Flash) 5759

12 Rich Application (.NET, JAVA, Other) InterfaceDatabase Direct connection N – Tier design Custom engine WEB Services SOAPRESTful Rich user interface4444 Usability4444 Interface response time 1414 Power of data analysis 3555 Load data at once*5555 Device independent (Cross platform) 1111

13 Rich Application (.NET, JAVA, Other) EnvironmentDatabase Direct connection N – Tier design Custom engine WEB Services SOAPRESTful Rep Synchronization time / possibility to lose online data 5555 Need High speed Internet1555 Guaranteed speed required1555 Security (considering HTTPS for WEB) 0555 Reliability2555 Require VPN (No = 5)1355 Infrastructure Compatibility5355 Scalability*1555

14 Rich Application (.NET, JAVA, Other) CostDatabase Direct connection N – Tier design Custom engine WEB Services SOAPRESTful Equipment cost5555 Implementation cost (server included) 1435 New development cost 5535 Maintenance cost2535

15 Rich Application (.NET, JAVA, Other) Database Direct connection N – Tier design Custom engine WEB Services SOAPRESTful Evaluation Total47787483

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