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FAFSA 2015-2016. What is FAFSA?  Free Application for Federal Student Aid  Need-based aid that is based on income of parent and student the previous.

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Presentation on theme: "FAFSA 2015-2016. What is FAFSA?  Free Application for Federal Student Aid  Need-based aid that is based on income of parent and student the previous."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAFSA 2015-2016

2 What is FAFSA?  Free Application for Federal Student Aid  Need-based aid that is based on income of parent and student the previous year.  Four years of eligibility over an 8 year period.  Apply regardless of income!

3 Why FAFSA?  Federal Financial Aid (Pell Grant)  State Financial Aid  College/University Aid (work-study, loans)  Required for Twenty-first Century Scholars each year (even when not attending college)  Required to be considered for AHD, THD, or Core 40 state aid  HCCF give 5 bonus points for filing FAFSA

4 Twenty-first Century Scholars  Must have a 2.5 GPA to qualify  Must complete 30-60-90 in college  Must file a FAFSA each year whether in college or not or will lose scholarship  May defer up to one year…file FAFSA  No affirmation = No money  No FAFSA = No money

5 Step 1  You and your parent must have a PIN (personal identification number) that is used to sign your form online.   You may both get your PIN now.  Don’t lose it! You will use the same PIN each year you file.

6 Step 2  Apply online at  Application is available beginning January 1 st.  Indiana receipt date is March 10 th.  You will need 2014 tax information or use 2013 information to estimate.  If you estimate, you will need to put in updated 2014 information by May 15 th.

7 Avoid Errors!  Make sure your social security number is correct and matches your name on the form.  Make sure you and your parent use your PINs to sign your form.  Follow all directions carefully and answer all questions.  File early especially if applying for HCCF Scholarships.

8 What parent do I file with?  If your parents are divorced you use the one you live with the majority of the time.  If you have a step-parent, you MUST include their income information.  If your parents are married use both of their incomes.  You MUST use a biological parent’s information unless you are adopted or a ward of the court.  You cannot leave off your parent’s income even if you say “they will not help me pay for my education.”

9 Financial Aid/ Scholarship Night  January 15 th at NHHS in A233 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  You must attend with a parent to file.  You may get assistance with FAFSA –bring PINs and financial information OR  You may get assistance filling out your HCCF Scholarship application.

10 College Goal Sunday  February 22 nd from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  IU Southeast in New Albany  Crawford County High School  Take a parent, PINs and financial information to file it there  There is a help desk if you just want to ask a quick question

11 Student Aid Report (SAR)  You should receive a confirmation email within 72 hours of filing.  This will give you an estimated family contribution (EFC) amount.  This confirmation is what is to be uploaded into your HCCF Scholarship application.

12 What if I chose not to file?  Lose Twenty-first Century Scholars money  Lose aid associated with your diploma type  Lose HCCF 5 points  If something changes financially, your college financial aid office can help you easier if FAFSA is already filed.


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