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Adilene Ellis Rules -Part 1-. ring a smile and kind words. nly take what is yours. it quietly and wait your turn. hank everyone for good deeds. lways.

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Presentation on theme: "Adilene Ellis Rules -Part 1-. ring a smile and kind words. nly take what is yours. it quietly and wait your turn. hank everyone for good deeds. lways."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adilene Ellis Rules -Part 1-

2 ring a smile and kind words. nly take what is yours. it quietly and wait your turn. hank everyone for good deeds. lways keep your hands and feet to yourself. lose your lips when others are talking. e courteous.

3 Adilene Ellis Behavior Plan -Part 2-

4 Above and beyond!

5 Often there are those students who go above and beyond the duties of a student. Students that consistently behave well, are getting their work done, doing good deeds for others, and have good manners will get rewarded. The reward will consist of getting $20 school bucks and lunch with the teacher. This reward can be earned by multiple students and will be known as the Stars of the Month.

6 Wow!

7 Students will be in the wow category when they are working quietly as well as showing good manners. Students in this category will be staying on task, following directions with no assistance.

8 Having a good day!

9 In the beginning of the day students will start on having a good day. They are able to either move up for positive-exceptional behavior or move down for bad behavior. Students will know in advance and will be reminded of the consequences and rewards for their behavior and actions.

10 Warning

11 During the warning stage the teacher will explain the consequences if the behavior continues. If the behavior proceeds the student will not participate in recess and will be asked to write a behavior contract provided by the teacher. After writing the contract students will recite it back to their teacher and sign it in front of him/her. Behavior contract I will keep my hands and feet to myself. I will raise my hand when I would like to talk. I will walk quietly through the halls. I will use kind words. I will work hard and get along with others.

12 Lose recess

13 If students are consistently misbehaving there are going to be a few different consequences which involve the loss of recess. 1st time-lose recess 2nd time- lose recess & behavior contract 3rd time-lose recess & special privileges within the classroom 4th time- lose recess-call home 5th time- Lose recess- parent-teacher conference

14 Parent contact

15 Call parents Parent contact will be made when students are consistently misbehaving.

16 Parent-teacher conference

17 Parent-teacher meeting will be used as a last resort. Contact will be made prior to setting up this meeting and suggestions will be made by both parties in order to correct the child's behavior.

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