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Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security1 CSC 774 Advanced Network Security Preparation for In-class Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security1 CSC 774 Advanced Network Security Preparation for In-class Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security1 CSC 774 Advanced Network Security Preparation for In-class Presentations

2 Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security2 About the Presentation Will be graded. –10% of your final grade. Time –Each presenter has about 25 minutes. –20 minutes for the presentation. –5 minutes for questions and answers.

3 Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security3 About Grading Distribution of the presentation grade. –Total points for presentation: 100 points. –Distribution of the grade: Preparation: 20 points –Slides and at least a question about the paper In-class presentation: 60 points Answering questions on the discussion board: 20 points.

4 Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security4 Preparation Slides –You need to give me the final slides in ppt or pdf 72 hours before your presentation. This counts for 10 points for the preparation. You lose 3 points for each day’s delay. –You are encouraged to discuss your slides with me during my office hours. One question about the paper –Your question should reflect the key idea of the paper. –You should post your question on the discussion forum under your topic 72 hours before your presentation. This counts for 10 points for the preparation. You lose 3 points for each day’s delay.

5 Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security5 Slides Your slides should at least cover the following issues –Introduction Clarify what research problem the paper discusses –Brief overview of alternative techniques Clarify what are the techniques before the paper –Techniques introduced in the paper Clarify how the paper you present solve the problem. You should at least make the basic techniques clear. –Conclusions and possible future work

6 Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security6 Grading of Presentation Itself Clarity of the content (30 points) –Does the presenter discuss the basic techniques logically and clearly? –Introduction (5 points) –Related work (5 points) –Main techniques (20 points) Clarity of oral presentation (5 points) –Does the presenter speak clearly? Coverage (10 points) –Does the presenter cover the essential techniques in the paper? Future Work (5 points) –Does the presenter have a clear idea what could be done based on the results in the paper? Questions and Answers (10 points) –Does the presenter give satisfactory answers to audiences’ questions?

7 Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security7 Questions and Answers on Discussion Board You have to answer each question posted on the message board. For each question you do not answer, you lose 5 points. Results will be collected at the end of semester. –Only questions posted before 11/30/05 will be considered. –Will check on 12/02/05.

8 Computer Science Dr. Peng NingCSC 774 Adv. Net. Security8 Grading form is available on course website. You should check it when you prepare the presentation.

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