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Published bySharlene Briggs Modified over 9 years ago
Syllabus Overview and Practicum Tutorial ABSC 690 Community Health & Development Practicum
Preface The following tutorial has been composed for the purpose of orienting practicum students to the policies, expectations, and requirements of this course. It is in no way intended to replace the syllabus. Instead, it should emphasize the most salient aspects of the syllabus. Next
Course Materials and Resources The course syllabus, assigned readings, and weekly assignments can be found on the course’s Blackboard site. The ABSC 690 course textbook is the same as the one used in ABSC 310. For additional reference and support materials, go to the online Community Tool Box Next
TIME TO RECAP Where can students find the assigned readings for the course? A. The Community Tool Box Curriculum Modules B. The ABSC 690 Blackboard Site C. They will be sent via email D. None of the above Back
TIME TO RECAP Where can students find the assigned readings for the course? A. The Community Tool Box Curriculum Modules B. The ABSC 690 Blackboard Site C. They will be sent via email D. None of the above That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Where can students find the assigned readings for the course? A. The Community Tool Box Curriculum Modules B. The ABSC 690 Blackboard Site C. They will be sent via email D. None of the above Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
Course Objectives Enhance experience, critical reflection, and supported practice in addressing problems and goals that matter to communities Apply core competencies to promote community health and development in community-based settings Promote community-university partnerships through service- learning Support student professionalism and career development to enhance student marketability Next
Attendance/Absence Policy BackNext
Attendance Expectations Students are expected to: Be prompt and on time to both class and the community practicum site Attend in-class meetings and individual appointment times with the instructors Attend regularly scheduled practicum hours at the community partner site Adapt their personal and work schedules to fulfill their practicum commitment with the community-based organization being served BackNext
Absences at the Practicum Site Students must notify both the course instructors and the practicum site supervisor, in advance, for any absences at the practicum site No unexcused absences are permitted at the community partner site Students will be allowed only two excused absences (with prior notification) at the community partner site during the semester After the third absence, the student will receive an automatic 10% (letter grade) reduction for each subsequent absence at the community partner site BackNext
Absences at the Practicum Site (cont’d) All missed practicum hours due to an absence must be made up within five working days after returning If a schedule conflict is known in an advance, the practicum student may submit a written schedule change request to both the community site supervisor and the instructors All schedule adjustments must be requested in writing at least one week in advance to the practicum site supervisor and course GTA for approval Any unapproved schedule changes with the community partner site will be counted as absence BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Who must the student notify of practicum site absences? A. The practicum supervisor B. The course instructors C. No one D. Both A & B Back
TIME TO RECAP Who must the student notify of practicum site absences? A. The practicum supervisor B. The course instructors C. No one D. Both A & B That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Who must the student notify of practicum site absences? A. The practicum supervisor B. The course instructors C. No one D. Both A & B Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP How many excused practicum site absences are permitted? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. No limit Back
TIME TO RECAP How many excused practicum site absences are permitted? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. No limit That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP How many excused practicum site absences are permitted? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. No limit Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Which is true regarding practicum schedule adjustments? A. Requests must be submitted at least 1 week in advance B. Can be made at any time C. Requests must be submitted in writing D. Both A & C BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Which is true regarding practicum schedule adjustments? A. Requests must be submitted at least 1 week in advance B. Can be made at any time C. Requests must be submitted in writing D. Both A & C That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Which is true regarding practicum schedule adjustments? A. Requests must be submitted at least 1 week in advance B. Can be made at any time C. Requests must be submitted in writing D. Both A & C Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Missed practicum hours due to absence must be made up within how many days after the student’s return? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. One week BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Missed practicum hours due to absence must be made up within how many days after the student’s return? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. One week That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Missed practicum hours due to absence must be made up within how many days after the student’s return? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. One week Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
Absences from Class Students must notify course instructors (by email) in advance of any excused class absences No absences will be automatically excused-documentation must be provided by the next class meeting The third unexcused absence will result in an automatic reduction of 10% of total points (one letter grade) Four unexcused absences will result in an automatic grade of F for the practicum A student is considered absent if he/she arrives more than ten minutes late or leaves before the end of class, without prior instructor approval The student is responsible for monitoring their number of unexcused absences Back Next
Absences from Class (cont’d) Attendance on the last day of class (Wednesday, 5/2/12) is mandatory Failure to attend the last day of class will result in a 10% reduction of total points (one letter grade) The instructors may excuse absences on an individual basis for medical treatment or emergencies family death or other family crisis valid religious holiday representation of the university away from campus (e.g., member of traveling KU sport team) Documentation (e.g., funeral program, doctor’s note) is required for an absence to be excused BackNext
TIME TO RECAP True or False: Staying at home due to a headache or cold is an automatically excused absence. A. True B. False Back
TIME TO RECAP True or False: Staying at home due to a headache is an automatically excused absence. A. True B. False That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP True or False: Staying at home due to a headache is an automatically excused absence. A. True B. False Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP How many unexcused absences from class will result in a grade of F for the course? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. None of the above Back
TIME TO RECAP How many unexcused absences from class will result in a grade of F for the course? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. None of the above That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP How many unexcused absences from class will result in a grade of F for the course? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. None of the above Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP True or False: The GTA’s will be responsible for notifying students when they are on the verge of exceeding the max number of unexcused absences. A. True B. False Back
TIME TO RECAP True or False: The GTA’s will be responsible for notifying students when they are on the verge of exceeding the max number of unexcused absences. A. True B. False That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP True or False: The GTA’s will be responsible for notifying students when they are on the verge of exceeding the max number of unexcused absences. A. True B. False Back Sorry, that is incorrect. Next
Required Practicum Hours BackNext
Practicum Hours Students will be responsible for completing a minimum of 10 hours each week for a total of 120 hours Failure to complete the minimum required practicum hours (10 hours) each week will result in a loss of up to 10% of weekly points Students who fail to complete all practicum hours (minimum of 120 hours) within the semester will receive a grade of F for the course BackNext
Practicum Hours (cont’d) Hours should be made up within 5 working days for all excused absences, including university approved breaks (i.e. Spring Break) It is best to proactively negotiate a plan with the site supervisor for completing hours due to excused absences A grade of I (incomplete) may be assigned if extenuating circumstances prevent the student from making up missed practicum hours BackNext
Practicum Hours (cont’d) Students will be required to complete weekly timesheets on the Community Health and Development workstation Each week, students are responsible for printing the weekly timesheet and obtaining their supervisor’s signature Signed timesheet printouts are due in class each Wednesday BackNext
TIME TO RECAP How many practicum hours per week are students obligated to complete? A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 Back
TIME TO RECAP How many practicum hours per week are students required to complete? A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP How many practicum hours per week are students obligated to complete? A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP How many days are allotted to students to make up the previous week’s hours before a grade of F is assigned for the week? A. 3 working days B. 5 working days C. 1 week D. None of the above Back
TIME TO RECAP How many days are allotted to students to make up the previous week’s hours before a grade of F is assigned for the week? A. 3 working days B. 5 working days C. 1 week D. None of the above That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP How many days are allotted to students to make up the previous week’s hours before a grade of F is assigned for the week? A. 3 working days B. 5 working days C. 1 week D. None of the above Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP True or False: Students do not have to make up practicum hours for weeks that contain university-sanctioned breaks (e.g. Spring Break, Presidents Day, etc.) A. True B. False Back
TIME TO RECAP True or False: Students do not have to make up practicum hours for weeks that contain university-sanctioned breaks (e.g. Spring Break, Presidents Day, etc.) A. True B. False That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP True or False: Students do not have to make up practicum hours for weeks that contain university-sanctioned breaks (e.g. Spring Break, Presidents Day, etc.) A. True B. False Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following best describes the process for students’ submission of practicum timesheets? A. Print off the form from the workstation, write in the hours, submit in class. B. Enter hours into the workstation timesheet, print off, obtain supervisor signature, submit in class. C. Print off the form from the workstation, write in the hours, obtain supervisor signature, submit in class. D. None of the above Back
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following best describes the process for students’ submission of practicum timesheets? A. Print off the form from the workstation, write in the hours, submit in class. B. Enter hours into the timesheet, print off, obtain supervisor signature, submit in class. C. Print off the form from the workstation, write in the hours, obtain supervisor signature, submit in class. D. None of the above That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following best describes the process for students’ submission of practicum timesheets? A. Print off the form from the workstation, write in the hours, submit in class. B. Enter hours into the timesheet, print off, obtain supervisor signature, submit in class. C. Print off the form from the workstation, write in the hours, obtain supervisor signature, submit in class. D. None of the above Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
Course Expectations BackNext
Class Participation and Attendance Students are required to attend bi-weekly meetings with the course instructors to discuss the overall progress of the practicum Students are required to bring the following to each meeting for instructors to review and provided feedback: Updated practicum action plans Evidence of progress since the previous meeting Questions, concerns, and/or feedback regarding the practicum project Participation points will be deducted for: Lack of products for instructors to review No notable progress on the practicum outcome since previous meeting BackNext
Assignment Completion All assignments are due prior to class and should be submitted through Blackboard by 12:00 pm on the date indicated in the course calendar Major assignments (e.g. practicum outcome, practicum proposal, research paper) that are submitted late will be penalized at a rate of 20% (two letter grades) per day (including weekends) No major assignments can be made up more than three days after the due date Students who encounter a serious or documented barrier to completing an assignment (e.g. long illness verified by a physician’s note) must negotiate a contract for completion of the assignment with the instructors BackNext
Attire Students are expected to wear clothing appropriate for the practicum site and should dress in the same manner as the employees at the practicum site Students are expected to dress in professional attire for certain in- class events (such as mock-interviews and presentations), as well as interviews and presentations at the practicum site Class meetings in which professional attire is expected are indicated in the course calendar Failure to adhere to expectations for attire will result in point deductions for each event BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following best describes the purpose of the instructors’ meetings with students? A. Assess students’ practicum progress B. Review any practicum product developments and provide feedback C. Sign department forms (i.e. ARTS forms) D. Both A & B Back
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following best describes the purpose of the instructors’ individual meetings with students? A. Assess the student’s practicum progress B. Review any practicum product developments and provide feedback C. Provide student career advice D. Both A & B That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following best describes the purpose of the instructors’ individual meetings with students? A. Assess the student’s practicum progress B. Review any practicum product developments and provide feedback C. Provide student career advice D. Both A & B Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP True or False: A student that attends the meetings with the instructor and shows no notable progress on their practicum product (since the previous meeting) will lose participation points. A. True B. False Back
TIME TO RECAP True or False: A student that attends the individual meeting with the instructor and shows no notable progress on their practicum product (since the previous meeting) will lose participation points. A. True B. False That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP True or False: A student that attends the individual meeting with the instructor and shows no notable progress on their practicum product (since the previous meeting) will lose participation points. A. True B. False Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following most accurately describes the guidelines for students’ attire at the practicum site? A. Friday is always a day for casual wear B. Students should dress in a manner that is characteristic of the employees at the practicum site C. The choice of attire is up to the student’s discretion, as long as their supervisor approves D. Both B & C Back
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following most accurately describes the guidelines for students’ attire at the practicum site? A. Friday is always a day for casual wear B. Students should dress in a manner that is characteristic of the employees at the practicum site C. The choice of attire is up to the student’s discretion, as long as their supervisor approves D. Both B & C That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following most accurately describes the guidelines for students’ attire at the practicum site? A. Friday is always a day for casual wear B. Students should dress in a manner that is characteristic of the employees at the practicum site C. The choice of attire is up to the student’s discretion, as long as their supervisor approves D. Both B & C Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
Course Content and Requirements BackNext
Practicum Preparation and Negotiation The following assignments/activities will lay the groundwork for the student’s practicum work by setting expectations and building negotiation skills: Mock interview Project Proposal Paper MOA/ Win-Win Agreement Practicum Logic Model Practicum Action Plan (updated whenever project changes) BackNext
TIME TO RECAP How often must students update and submit their practicum action plans? A. Daily B. Weekly C. Whenever the project changes D. Once during the semester Back
TIME TO RECAP How often must students update and submit their practicum action plans? A. Daily B. Weekly C. Whenever the project changes D. Once during the semester That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP How often must students update and submit their practicum action plans? A. Daily B. Weekly C. Whenever the project changes D. Once during the semester Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
Practicum Evaluation Students will be evaluated by their practicum supervisors twice during the semester: Midterm Evaluation Final Evaluation At the supervisors’ discretion, evaluations will be shared with students Course instructors will provide the evaluations for supervisors to complete Students will also complete self-assessments of their practicum work Midterm Self-assessment Final Self-assessment BackNext
TIME TO RECAP How will students’ practicum performance be evaluated? A. Midterm and final evaluations by supervisors B. Exams and quizzes C. Both A & B D. None of the above Back
TIME TO RECAP How will students’ practicum performance be evaluated? A. Midterm and final evaluations by supervisors B. Exams and quizzes C. Both A & B D. None of the above That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP How will students’ practicum performance be evaluated? A. Midterm and final evaluations by supervisors B. Exams and quizzes C. Both A & B D. None of the above Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
Practicum Products Each student will be required to produce minimally one product from their practicum experience The product should be one that adds value to the practicum site (e.g. community needs assessment, program action plan, etc.) The product must be based around one of the 16 competency areas (excluding modules 6, 9, and 14) If the practicum outcome will not take a full semester to complete, the student must complete more than one product (e.g. community needs assessment plus a strategic action plan) BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following statements regarding the practicum product is false? A. It must add value to the practicum site B. It must be related to one of the 16 core competencies C. Only one product may be submitted D. None of the above Back
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following statements regarding the practicum product is false? A. It must add value to the practicum site B. It must be related to one of the 16 core competencies C. Only one product may be submitted D. None of the above That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following statements regarding the practicum product is false? A. It must add value to the practicum site B. It must be related to one of the 16 core competencies C. Only one product may be submitted D. None of the above Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
Project Proposal Paper This is a10-page paper that must be submitted to demonstrate evidence that the student has critically contemplated and researched the core competency area being supported Research paper should be written in APA format and include Introduction, Methods, Conclusion and Discussion sections The paper must be submitted to the KU Writing Center for review by 3/7/12 Each student is responsible for providing a 7-minute presentation on the research paper BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following statements regarding the Learning Product Summary Research Paper is true? A. It must be submitted to the KU Writing Center for review B. It must be followed by a 7-minute PowerPoint presentation C. Both A & B D. None of the above Back
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following statements regarding the Learning Product Summary Research Paper is true? A. It must be submitted to the KU Writing Center for review B. It must be followed by a 7-minute PowerPoint presentation C. Both A & B D. None of the above That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following statements regarding the Learning Product Summary Research Paper is true? A. It must be submitted to the KU Writing Center for review B. It must be followed by a 7-minute PowerPoint presentation C. Both A & B D. None of the above Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
Final Practicum Presentations Practicum students will develop and present a professional poster that presents info regarding the practicum site, practicum product, and importance of the competency area supported Poster presentations will be made on the course final exam date (5/8/2012). Practicum supervisors will be invited to attend the poster session BackNext
Professional Development Practicum students are required to maintain a professional electronic portfolio of work products submitted throughout the semester. It should contain the following: Resume Practicum Proposal Paper Practicum Logic Model Practicum Product(s) BackNext
Professional Development Students are required to develop a professional resume and submit to the UCC’s Resume Review Dropbox Students are required to attend two KU Career Center events One event must be a one-on-one resume development session Other event options include job interview workshops and career fairs Students are required to create, update, and maintain a LinkedIn (professional networking website) profile BackNext
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following items is not required to be maintained/submitted with the students’ professional portfolio? A. Practicum Proposal Paper B. Practicum Logic Model C. Practicum Action Plan D. None of the above Back
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following items is not required to be maintained/submitted with the students’ professional portfolio? A. Practicum Proposal Paper B. Practicum Logic Model C. Practicum Action Plan D. None of the above That’s Right! Next
TIME TO RECAP Which of the following items is not required to be maintained/submitted with the students’ professional portfolio? A. Practicum Proposal Paper B. Practicum Logic Model C. Practicum Action Plan D. None of the above Sorry, that is incorrect. BackNext
Extra Credit Opportunities Practicum students may take advantage of extra credit opportunities throughout the semester: Develop an online practicum experience “poster” Attend more than the required number of KU Career Center activities Additional opportunities as they become available BackNext
Congratulations! Thank you for completing this tutorial. We hope that you found it to be helpful. Please follow the link below to the ABSC 690 workstation. 20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx Please print out the document entitled “Student Signature Page”. Please sign and bring to class to receive credit for the assignment. Back
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