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WHITCHURCH ASSOCIATION Town Action Plan Team Whitchurch Town Centre Revitalisation Project Kick off Meeting Stewart Parrington/Tony Corbin Left mouse click.

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Presentation on theme: "WHITCHURCH ASSOCIATION Town Action Plan Team Whitchurch Town Centre Revitalisation Project Kick off Meeting Stewart Parrington/Tony Corbin Left mouse click."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHITCHURCH ASSOCIATION Town Action Plan Team Whitchurch Town Centre Revitalisation Project Kick off Meeting Stewart Parrington/Tony Corbin Left mouse click to move to next slide

2 Suggested Agenda Context Substance Aims Initial ideas Christmas 2005? Next Steps Left mouse click to move to next slide

3 Context Healthcheck respondents: –Town centre described as ‘drab’ (42.2%) – Detracts from Town’s ‘image’ – 61.4% shopped in Whitchurch for ‘last minute items’ – 81.3% shopped out of Whitchurch (more choice) More Competition Empty units/closures The Internet Changing work/social patterns Declining event attendance levels Recent ‘informal’ dialogue Left mouse click to move to next slide

4 Town Centre Revitalisation Substance: Potentially long term (with your pro-active support here to stay not gone tomorrow!) Local Authority and LSP supported (in kind and potentially via grant aid…££££ e.g. CTI and POPPi) Focused upon business and community needs (e.g. responses via the Healthcheck) Locally driven ( Community Groups/Local Business) Supported and facilitated by WA Town Action Plan Team) Left mouse click to move to next slide

5 Town Centre Revitalisation Project Aims Improve visual appearance Bring ‘pride and vitality’ to the town Increase town centre ‘footfall’ Business in the Community ( more business/community group collaboration) Encourage loyalty (shopping locally for local produce from local shops is also kind to the environment!) Left mouse click to move to next slide

6 Town Centre Revitalisation Project Initial Ideas – What do you think? ‘Spend a Day in Whitchurch’ Tourism initiative (incl new local Heritage Centre) Built environment improvements (partly grant aid enabled) Publicity (education) – support your local shops..use or lose! (inc via Whitchurch Web) Traders Association (collaboration on events, issues, staffing, window displays, skills etc) Events – inc. Food & Drink festival, Street Market, Community Groups, Christmas initiatives Left mouse click to move to next slide

7 Town Centre Revitalisation Project Focus on Christmas Initiatives (Commencing 2005) –The ‘Whitchurch Christmas experience’ »Wide promotion under ‘one banner’ of existing community and Town Centre events? »Themed day or late night shopping event? »Help with Window Displays (prize for winner)? »Children’s ‘shop window competition’? »What else?? Name?? Left mouse click to move to next slide

8 Next Steps 1.Can we achieve a festive spirit and make Christmas 2005 in Whitchurch a very special experience for young and old? 2.Are you enthused by the overall initiative? 3.What next – working group? ( who/when/how) Left mouse click to move to end show

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