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 1,000  300,000  95%  3 estates  Catholic Clergy (1 st estate)  Nobility (2 nd estate)  Bourgeoisie/Peasant/Middle Class (3 rd estate)  1 st.

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Presentation on theme: " 1,000  300,000  95%  3 estates  Catholic Clergy (1 st estate)  Nobility (2 nd estate)  Bourgeoisie/Peasant/Middle Class (3 rd estate)  1 st."— Presentation transcript:


2  1,000  300,000  95%

3  3 estates  Catholic Clergy (1 st estate)  Nobility (2 nd estate)  Bourgeoisie/Peasant/Middle Class (3 rd estate)  1 st and 2 nd estate didn’t have to pay taxes!  Basically…still a feudal system!  Age of Enlightenment

4  France was almost bankrupt!  Helping colonists in American Revolution  Ruled by King Louie and Marie Antoinette

5  Discuss with a partner and come up with 3 reasons why the Revolution happened…  YD24 (half of video) YD24  Take notes on the causes and characteristics of the revolution (note guide provided)

6  They day the revolution started! July 14, 1789  Like our 4 th of July!  The storming of the Bastille  Rioters storm the Bastille fortress for weapons and gunpowder! revolution/videos/origins-of-the-french-revolution

7  Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen  Inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution! ▪ Freedoms/equal rights for all men ▪ No tax exemptions ▪ Nothing for women though..

8  Reign of Terror  The execution of over 40,000 people (enemies of the revolution)  Led by Maximilien Robespierre revolution/videos/coroners-report-guillotine

9  “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite” – Liberty, equality, fraternity.  The battle cry during the Revolution and national motto of France now!  French tricolor (flag)–origins: French Revolution

10  Napoleon Bonaparte  Nickname: Little Corporal or Little Corsican  Accomplishments: Helped end the Rev, Napoleonic Codes, invading most of Europe, crowning himself emperor..what?  Defeated: at Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington on rise-of- napoleon?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free =false

11 

12  nVpo (use for warm up) nVpo

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