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Battles of the American Civil War Brought to you by your Supreme Overlord.

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1 Battles of the American Civil War Brought to you by your Supreme Overlord

2 Robert E. Lee: Commanded the “Army of Northern Virginia” Was offered command of the Union Army but chose instead to fight for his home state of Virginia. Considered THE BEST general for either side. Before the war he was an instructor at West Point. Many of the other generals during the war had been his students. Ulysses S. Grant Willing to win the war at any cost. Eventually made commander of the main Union Army. (Army of the Potomac.) Criticized for his tactics because of extreme loss of life. Eventually elected President after the war. Known to have an affinity for overindulging in Alcohol. Thomas Jonathon “Stonewall” Jackson Led the Confederate Cavalry (horseback troops) for Lee. Extremely valuable for his skills in scouting and his superb battlefield intuition. Earned his nickname after holding ground at the First Battle of Manassas. Was killed by friendly fire during the Battle of Chancellorsville. “Do your Duty in all things. You can not do more, you should never wish to do less.” “The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on. “ “Always mystify, mislead and surprise the enemy if possible.” “War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.” William T. Sherman aka “General Jerkface” Ordered to bring “total war” to the South. His army rampaged through the South, destroying anything that could help the Confederacy. For Christmas 1863 he “gave” Lincoln the city of Savannah Ga.

3 Scott’s Great Snake In order to “choke” the Confederacy, Union Naval Commander Winfield Scott established the Anaconda Plan. The Anaconda plan created a “blockade” of all southern ports. This prevented the Confederacy from importing or exporting any goods. The Battle of Fort Sumter The first shots of the war occurred at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor S.C. Confederate Soldiers attacked Fort Sumter after Union Troops refused to give up the Fort. The Conflict escalated after Lincoln tried to send in Union reinforcments.

4 Battle of Manassas/Bull Run First major battle of the Civil War. Manassas Proved that the war would last longer than anticipated. Many battles have two names Union=Nearest body of water Confed= Nearest town The Battle of Antietam In a gamble to win the war, Lee invades the Union in 1862. His goal was to take Washington D.C. Antietam was the bloodiest single day of fighting in American history. Over 25,000 men were killed or wounded. The battle was a tie, but it is considered a Union victory because Lee had to retreat.

5 The Battle of Gettysburg The battle started by accident, after Confederates ran into Union Soldiers while searching for shoes in the town. The Union seized the opportunity to attack Lee before he was ready. The battle lasted 3 long days and is considered the “turning point” in the war. Following the B.o.G the Confederacy was severely weakened. A few months later, Lincoln would deliver his famous “Gettysburg Address,” a speech dedicating the battlefield as a cemetery for the men who had died there. Appomattox Courthouse Grant catches up to Lee as he was attempting to retreat further South. Grant forces Lee into an unfavorable position in which Lee’s only option was to surrender. Lee’s surrender to Grant at Appomattox would officially end the War.

6 Fort Fisher Large “L” shaped fort built at the mouth of the Cape Fear River. Earned the nickname the “Gibraltar of the South” because it was able to keep the port of Wilmington open until the very end of the war. Battle of Bentonville Hoping to bring NC back into the Union, Sherman stopped his policy of “total war” as he crossed into NC. Despite this, he clashed with Confederate General Joseph Johnston and his army near Goldsboro NC. B.o.B would be the bloodiest battle fought in NC with 4,243 men killed or wounded. Outer Banks The Confederate forces built several forts along the outer banks but lacked the soldiers to man them. The forts were soon either abandoned or captured by the union.

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