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Introduction to 3D Graphics Lecture 1: Illusions and the Fine Art of Approximation Anthony Steed University College London.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to 3D Graphics Lecture 1: Illusions and the Fine Art of Approximation Anthony Steed University College London."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to 3D Graphics Lecture 1: Illusions and the Fine Art of Approximation Anthony Steed University College London


3 Outline n About the Course n Anatomy of an Illusion –Environment –Light transport and interaction –Reception at the eye n The Painter’s Method –Ray-casting –Approximations

4 Outline n About the Course n Anatomy of an Illusion –Environment –Light transport and interaction –Reception at the eye n The Painter’s Method –Ray-casting –Approximations

5 Environment n A description of a space consisting of objects n Objects have description and state n Description consists of behaviour, geometry and appearance n Geometry must be described relative to a co- ordinate frame n State defines the object at a particular moment in time

6 Radiometry - How does light propagate in the real world? 700nm 400nm pure light spectral distribution white light

7 Life and Death of a Photon n Emission n Reflection n Absorption

8 Lighting is a Global Problem n That is, if you consider any point in the environment, it receives light from all around

9 Surfaces are Rarely Mirrors n Specular surface n Diffuse Surface  

10 Some Simplifying Assumptions n Wavelength independence –No fluorescence n Time invariance –No phosphorescence n Light transport in a vacuum –No participating media n Objects are isotropic –Reflectance characteristics are constant over the surface

11 Photometry - How do we see light?

12 Physiology of Eye Response n 6 million cones in the fovea –cones sense red green or blue light –colour perception region is very small n 120 million rods over the whole eye –peripheral vision –motion sensitive

13 Colour Response Cones n A = “Red” n B = “Green” n C = “Blue”

14 Assumption for Real-Time Graphics n Ignore “real” spectral distributions n Instead calculate at three wavelengths, Red, Green and Blue that monitors provide n Obviously this is a gross approximation –Really should find the spectrum for each point calculate the closest RGB value

15 RGB Colour Model WHITE MAGENTA (1,0,1) R ED (1,0,0) BLACK G REEN (0,1,0) CYAN (0,1,1) B LUE (0,0,1) YELLOW (1,1,0)

16 Colour Matching How much R,G,B do you need to make a particular “pure” colour?

17 Outline n About the Course n Anatomy of an Illusion –Environment –Light transport and interaction –Reception at the eye n The Painter’s Method –Ray-casting –Approximations

18 Painting Through a Window COP = Centre of Projection

19 Major Concepts of Graphics n n Separation of Scene Specification, Viewing and Rendering – –Scene is modelled independent of any view – –Views are unconstrained – –There are many possible rendering methods given a scene and a view

20 Major Concepts of Graphics n n View volume – –The extent of the pixels on the screen and the COP define a pyramid – –Clipping is the process of removing anything from the scene that is not the view volume

21 Major Concepts of Graphics n Aliasing –Pixels are square and only sample the actual light

22 Combating Aliasing n Send several rays through each pixel –Stochastic sample –Regular sample (full-screen anti-aliasing) n Stochastic sample is “correct” since it removes regularity n But only regular sample is easy with the rendering pipeline

23 Major Concepts of Graphics n Perspective Projection –Image size depends on distance COP

24 Major Concepts of Graphics n Lighting –Ray-casting is the simple part –Determining the colour of the pixel is hard for all the reasons described earlier –Theoretically we have to calculate all incoming light –In practice we will consider only local illumination - light received directly from light sources

25 Summary n Taken a brief look at the general problem of doing visual simulation n Reviewed the limits of human response n Given an over-view of the simulation process and the concepts of –Scene, view, rendering –Aliasing –Projection –Lighting

26 Future Work n To Develop –Mathematics of scene description –Geometric descriptions –Lighting models –Move from ray-cast to forward projection n Stages in the graphics pipeline

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