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Famous Artists Students will choose a famous artist from the following list. Students who choose the same artist will be placed in a group together to.

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Presentation on theme: "Famous Artists Students will choose a famous artist from the following list. Students who choose the same artist will be placed in a group together to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Famous Artists Students will choose a famous artist from the following list. Students who choose the same artist will be placed in a group together to create a presentation about the artist.

2 Artist Choices Painters Leonardo Da VinciGiuseppe ArcimboldoLeonardo Da VinciGiuseppe Arcimboldo John James AudubonGeorgia O’KeefeJohn James AudubonGeorgia O’Keefe Salvador DaliSalvador Dali Modern ArtistsSandy Skoglund Andy WarholPeit MondrianAndy WarholPeit Mondrian Dale ChihulyAndy GoldsworthyDale ChihulyAndy Goldsworthy Barbara KrugerM. C. EscherBarbara KrugerM. C. EscherPhotographers Ansel AdamsScott MutterAnsel AdamsScott Mutter Carl WarnerChuck CloseCarl WarnerChuck Close

3 Leonardo Da Vinci Renaissance Artist and inventor who lived in Europe during the 1500’sRenaissance Artist and inventor who lived in Europe during the 1500’s His artwork focused on realism and perspective.His artwork focused on realism and perspective. Most famous for painting the Mona Lisa, and The Last Supper.Most famous for painting the Mona Lisa, and The Last Supper.

4 Giuseppe Arcimboldo Italian painter who was born in 1527Italian painter who was born in 1527 He was the son of an artist and was commissioned to paint portraits of people and create stained glass windows.He was the son of an artist and was commissioned to paint portraits of people and create stained glass windows. Giuseppe is famous for his whimsical portraits of people using objects from nature to create faces.Giuseppe is famous for his whimsical portraits of people using objects from nature to create faces.

5 Carl Warner Carl Warner creates all of his art out of food. He makes a scene with only food objects and then photographs it and lists each ingredient alphabetically. He is a living artist from England

6 Salvador Dali American Surrealist Painter who used normal objects in unusual ways to play tricks with the mind. Art Museum in St. Petersburg dedicated to his paintings.

7 Andy Warhol New York City Artist who invented Pop Art. POP Art stands for popular images Andy Warhol took everyday items and created prints of them. He repeated his prints over and over in different colors. Andy Warhol was famous in the 1960’s for his loft in New York City where he created art, movies and had huge parties

8 Chuck Close American painter and photographer whose portriat work is in the style of photorealismAmerican painter and photographer whose portriat work is in the style of photorealism Chuck Close often works from photographic stills to create paintings of people that appear to be photographs. Close suffers from Prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness, in which he is unable to recognize faces. Prosopagnosia

9 M C Escher One of the worlds most famous graphic artists.One of the worlds most famous graphic artists. M C Escher worked mostly with printmaking and lithographyM C Escher worked mostly with printmaking and lithography In his graphic art, he portrayed mathematical relationships among shapes, figures and space. Additionally, he explored interlocking figures using black and white to enhance different dimensions.In his graphic art, he portrayed mathematical relationships among shapes, figures and space. Additionally, he explored interlocking figures using black and white to enhance different dimensions.

10 John James Audubon Famous American historical artist who scientifically documented nature of the North American Continent.Famous American historical artist who scientifically documented nature of the North American Continent. Audubon created drawings of over 500 species of birds in the early 1800’s before photography was invented. He then engraved his drawings on copper plates to create prints from them. Audubon created drawings of over 500 species of birds in the early 1800’s before photography was invented. He then engraved his drawings on copper plates to create prints from them. Audubon’s name can be seen all over the United States today as parks, towns, and many nature societies are named in his honor.Audubon’s name can be seen all over the United States today as parks, towns, and many nature societies are named in his honor.

11 Georgia O’Keefe American female artist of the twentieth century (1900’s) and is famous for her paintings of flowers and desert landscapes of the Southwestern US.American female artist of the twentieth century (1900’s) and is famous for her paintings of flowers and desert landscapes of the Southwestern US. Her work mainly focuses on color, texture, and is very beautifulHer work mainly focuses on color, texture, and is very beautiful

12 Dale Chuihuly Contemporary living American artist who works with glass to create colorful sculptures.Contemporary living American artist who works with glass to create colorful sculptures. Dale Chuihuly’s work can be seen in hotels, gardens and current museum exhibits.Dale Chuihuly’s work can be seen in hotels, gardens and current museum exhibits. Look around and you will see one! Look around and you will see one!

13 Andy Goldsworthy Installation artist who creates sculptures from only naturally found objects in nature. Andy Goldsworthy then photographs his work to preserve it.

14 Ansel Adams Pioneer of Photography who worked mainly in the American West documenting the first National Parks when the art form was new and difficult to work with. Famous for his detailed and flawless photography on glass plates that took hours to capture and print.

15 Scott Mutter Modern Photographic artist who uses multiple photographs together to create artwork that is surreal and unusual.Modern Photographic artist who uses multiple photographs together to create artwork that is surreal and unusual.

16 Sandy Skoglund Her artworks are characterized by an overwhelming amount of one object and bright, contrasting colors that create a strange and surprising juxtaposition. Skoglund creates surrealist images by building elaborate sets and furnishing them with carefully selected colored furniture and other objects. This process takes her months to complete and is then photographed with actors.surrealist

17 Barbara Kruger Modern American Artist who asks questions of the viewer with her art and makes powerful statements.Modern American Artist who asks questions of the viewer with her art and makes powerful statements. “ I work with pictures and words because they have the ability to determine who we are, and who we are not.”

18 Please choose an artist at this time Pick your 1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd choicePick your 1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd choice You will be assigned a group to work with next class.You will be assigned a group to work with next class.

19 Pablo Picasso Famous contemporary twentieth century artist who created the art movement of cubism which adds geometric lines and shapes into objects Picasso painted in Spain and is famous for his portraits

20 Frida Kahlo Mexican female painter who was married to a famous mural painter Diego Rivera Often painted strange self- portraits and cultural themes

21 Piet Mandrin Abstract artist who created works of artAbstract artist who created works of art using color, line and geometric shapes. Piet Mandrin worked in Paris and New York City in the early 1900’s. His work was revolutionary due to it’s simplistic perfection of geometric shapes and primary colors that are appealing to the human eye.

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